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Detailed interpretation of the three stages of SEO optimization, and how to optimize the website in the early, middle and late stages

ZTOL SEO Tutorial 2022-07-11 2 thousand and 200 zero

The website has a good ranking from the initial stage to the later stage, which requires the persistent efforts of webmasters. SEO optimization is not a simple thing. In addition to long-term persistence, it is also important to master the correct method. It is very important to adopt different methods in different periods of the website. Today, let's talk about the three stages of SEO optimization. Let's have a look~

First: Initial optimization of the website

In the early days when the website was just launched, this stage is the most difficult period for SEO, which is called the beginning of everything difficult. In this period, our important goal is to make the content in the website be captured and included by the search engine spiders to the greatest extent. Only when the amount of content is enough, can more users see it. Therefore, in the initial stage of the website, we should try our best to update the website content, while ensuring the quality and originality of the content.

What if it can be quickly included by Baidu? Here is a brief introduction.

1. Do not copy the collected content.

2. Don't be a headline party.

3. Add push code.

4. The website should be opened quickly.

second : Website Medium term optimization

When the website has a certain amount of content, it can also have a good ranking. At this time, we need to increase the website optimization efforts while stabilizing the website ranking, so as to improve the ranking. It is essential to strengthen the construction of the internal and external links of the website, the layout of keywords and the continuous updating of the content.

third : Website Post optimization

The late stage of a website means that the website is relatively mature and has a stable ranking. At this time, we must not relax. We must continue to optimize, or the ranking may decline at any time. In addition to daily maintenance, it is also necessary to carry out website analysis in a major stage to see what shortcomings the website has in combination with data, and make timely adjustments and modifications.

In fact, as long as the correct and continuous optimization is carried out, the website will have a ranking. The main work is to adhere to it. SEO optimization work, although trivial and complicated, is indispensable. The construction of internal and external links, the creation of website content, and the layout of keywords are all indispensable. All right, let's talk about it today. See you next time~


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