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ZBlog Enterprise Theme themeolQyTwo "Homepage Settings", "Category Styles", "Slides" and "Thumbnails" Tutorials

ZTOL ZBlog Help 2021-06-22 2 thousand and 500 zero

In my opinion, the simplest setting of this set of topics is the four settings, so I will talk about them together!

1. Home page setting

The setting page is clear at a glance. I think you can understand it at a glance. The only thing you need to tell us is the setting item of "Select Category". When you select a category, you need to select both the parent category and the child category. That's it!

2. Classification style

"Select Category" is the same as the home page setting. What you need to explain is the style of "Product List" and "Article Large Picture List"?

① Product list: After selecting the category of this style, its page is as follows: (Corresponding to the "Product Center" in the demo station)

② Large picture list of articles: After selecting the category of this style, its page is as follows: (Corresponding to the "success stories" in the demo station)

If a category (s) is not in the "Category Selection" of the above two list styles (that is, no selection is made) , its style is like this: (Corresponding to the "News" in the demo station)

3. Slides

Needless to say, this setting is just the upload of the home slide pictures, and no one does not understand it.

4. Thumbnail

That is, whether the "Picture Clipping" function is enabled for the article pictures in the article list. If it is enabled, the first picture of the called article will be cropped. The advantage is that it can improve the opening speed of the website. Here we recommend you to enable it!


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