Small Silver Age Card protects the life of the elderly living alone


He Lianxing has just returned home from her trip. As soon as she fell on the sofa, she felt dizzy and talked hard. Living alone seventy-four The old man pressed the SOS Button, and then press another button to tell her about her discomfort. Within five minutes, an ambulance arrived at her home. Ten minutes later, accompanied by her family, she was sent to the hospital. Rapid response, rapid medical response and innovative technology saved He Lao's life.

Meet the needs of the aging population

Thanks to the development of medical care, drugs and the improvement of living standards, people's life expectancy is getting longer and longer. according to United Nations report Estimate of , Global sixty-five The population aged and above is expected to grow from two thousand and twenty-one Of seven point six one Billion to two thousand and fifty Of sixteen About 100 million yuan. This demographic shift take Bring unique challenges, Especially considering Nowadays many old people choose to live alone.

Our Year Ji The bigger it is, the easier it is to face the decline of self-care ability, hearing impairment dementia And falls. Loneliness and social isolation can also become major health threats. Director of the United States Health Service Last year, he said , health risks brought by loneliness and daily smoking fifteen As serious as a cigarette. Solving these challenges and helping people live a full and closely connected life is crucial for the elderly and the whole society.

Research and develop innovative equipment to protect the safety of the elderly

tencent SSV Silver Hair Technology Lab is committed to helping the elderly live a healthier and longer life. To achieve this goal, we With ecological partners Co developed this model used by He Lao Silver Age Guard Card ”, And on Nanhai District, Foshan, China, cooperates to launch this device, which is not only a small accessory, but also a guardian of life.

Silver Age Guard Card Easy to wear, small size, And Equipped with a set of tools to meet the diversified needs of the elderly living alone. Silver Age Card Is designed to promote an active and autonomous lifestyle while ensuring the safety of the elderly And timely contact family And community.

Silver Age Guard Card has unique advantages

Emergency rescue is at hand

Silver Age Guard Card Of SOS Features can save lives. One touch button can Connect the user immediately to the medical service center or Rescue center, At most four contacts such as family members and nursing staff shall be notified. This rapid response system is essential in emergency situations such as falls or strokes of the elderly. The equipment can efficiently and safely provide emergency rescue personnel with Patient's medical history And promote accurate health assessment and treatment. In case of emergency, Silver Age Guard Card It also reduces the pressure of the elderly to recall and transmit complex information.

Ensure safe and confident travel

The device's real-time positioning system can help the elderly who want to go out alone. For example, If a bit Alzheimer's patients get lost or go out of agreement security Area, Family or Caregivers can receive reminders and guide in time They came back. This function Can guard People who like to travel alone but need emergency support.

Simplify and secure transactions

Silver Age Guard Card The WeChat payment function is integrated, so that the payment of the elderly is simple and safe. Presets The consumption limit and one touch payment function of touch by mistake And provides a worry free payment experience.

Keep in touch more easily

The device simplifies the way the elderly communicate with their families, and they can quickly call their relatives. Even in this high-tech era, short conversations with relatives still have great power, which can reduce loneliness.

simplify clothes Drug management

Many elderly people need to take multiple drugs. Silver Age Guard Card can remind They are on time Measured by Take medicine, So as to improve health management.

Easily organize daily activities

In order to help the elderly follow up their daily activities, Built in Silver Age Guard Card Reminder function. This kind of digital personal assistant can help manage the schedule, which is very helpful for the elderly to maintain a full social life.

at present Progress and next steps

since two thousand and twenty-three year Silver Age Guard Card Launched Since then, we have public welfare Issue more than one five 000 Taiwan Silver Age Guard Card user Activity high It is worth noting that this equipment has promoted the improvement of the emergency response mechanism and helped the elderly cope with seventy-four year Of What grandma An emergency like that. This success not only benefits the elderly, but also reassures their families and nursing staff.

adopt Silver Age Guard Card In this way technology Innovation, Tencent is innovating Leling Nursing methods. We focus on Efficiency and dignity, Help live alone the elderly Enjoy your old age without worry In the next three years, Tencent will provide forty thousand Taiwan Silver Age Guard Card and More Smart Helping the Aged Programs We Hope in the near future future, Silver haired tribe Live more Longer and happier