Tencent's annual charity activity "99 Public Welfare Day" was officially launched in Hong Kong


Join hands with all walks of life to build Internet public welfare culture with science and technology

Tencent annual charity activities “99 Public Welfare Day Will be on nine month one Solstice ten Tencent Charity Foundation (hereinafter referred to as Tencent Foundation) “99 Public Welfare Day Hong Kong Press Conference and Launching Ceremony “Together for Good” As the theme, we joined forces with many non-profit organizations in Hong Kong to launch public spirited Hong Kong citizens to do good deeds online and offline.  

Mr. Sun Yuhan, Secretary for Labour and Welfare of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, was invited to be the officiating guest of the launching ceremony “99 Public Welfare Day The curtain was opened in Hong Kong. Ms. Ge Yan, Secretary General of Tencent Charity Foundation, introduced Tencent Charity Foundation and “99 Public Welfare Day History and latest development. Multiple “99 Public Welfare Day Representatives of Hong Kong public welfare partners, including Dr. Chen Zhengxin, chairman of Po Leung Kuk, Mr. Ma Qingyang, chairman of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Mr. Sun Daohong, co chairman of the Hong Kong Community Chest Fundraising Committee, Ms. Dong Aili, founder and chief executive of Xi Canteen, and Ms. Yu Xiuzhu, founder and chief executive of the Hong Kong Single Parents Association, made speeches and participated in the round table discussions respectively, with the vice president of public affairs of Tencent Group Mr. Li Zishu, Chief Executive Officer of Tencent Foundation, jointly discussed how Hong Kong and the Mainland can jointly build an Internet public welfare culture.

Mr. Sun Yuhan, Secretary for Labour and Welfare of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, said: Hong Kong people have always been philanthropic, and there are nearly 10000 charities in Hong Kong. In the past few years, the epidemic has affected the operation of some charities, and many charities have begun to actively expand their fund-raising channels through the Internet. Internet public welfare has flourished in the mainland for many years, and Tencent Foundation has spared no effort in promoting public welfare for many years. At the beginning of this year, the epidemic in Hong Kong was serious, and Tencent Foundation donated money through the War Epidemic Fund five thousand HK $million has supported and funded community recovery of public welfare partners after the epidemic, and established deeper relations and connections with public welfare partners in Hong Kong. I'm glad Tencent's ‘99 Public Welfare Day It can take root in Hong Kong and jointly develop deeper, broader, more transparent and more efficient Internet public welfare undertakings.

Ge Yan, Secretary General of Tencent Charity Foundation, said: Tencent and Tencent Foundation have always been committed to promoting charity and helping communities in need of assistance. From two thousand and fifteen Since ninety-nine On the Public Welfare Day, we connect charitable organizations, the public, the government, enterprises and the media through technology and platforms to build a public welfare and transparent public welfare ecology for all and advocate a rational public welfare culture. Looking forward to the future, we hope that we can work closely with Hong Kong's public welfare partners to jointly build an Internet public welfare culture, so that the public welfare ecosystems in both places will develop more healthily and vigorously.

ninety-nine The online and offline combination mode of the public welfare day in the Hong Kong development line  

Mr. Li Zishu, Vice President of Public Affairs of Tencent Group and Chief Executive Officer of Tencent Foundation, said: Technology enables public welfare. Tencent and Tencent Foundation are committed to promoting digital public welfare. They hope to use Internet technology and tools as the fulcrum to promote public welfare with temperature but without boundaries, so that everyone can become the initiator, supporter and communicator of public welfare. After two years of trial and war epidemic support from Hong Kong, ninety-nine This year, the Public Welfare Day launched in-depth cooperation with more public welfare partners and institutions, and combined with the situation in Hong Kong to develop an online and offline Internet public welfare model, jointly promote the development of Hong Kong's philanthropy, use technology to drive innovation in public welfare models, build public welfare and connect the future.

Online public welfare:

  • Tencent Foundation linked WeChat Pay HK The established Hong Kong online charity donation platform, the cooperation and beneficiary organizations will expand to ten charities, including Xi Canteen, Hong Kong Single Parent Association, ORBIS Hong Kong, Oxfam, Po Leung Kuk, Hong Kong Community Chest, Neighborhood Counseling Association, Tung Wah Three Hospitals, United Nations Children's Fund Hong Kong Committee, Hong Kong Save the Children Association. Charity organizations launch donation projects covering different areas, Including medical care, education, elderly and youth services, so as to benefit different social groups and spread love to every corner.
  • nine month one Solstice ten During the date, the user can WeChat Pay HK stay charitable The Tencent Foundation will donate to projects launched by charities on the platform 1:1 The total allocation is limited to two hundred HK $10000.
  • Meanwhile, WeChat Pay HK Initiated earlier with Tencent Foundation do one good deed a day The event will also be held in ninety-nine Upgrade during public welfare days, and users can get a daily consumption two Public welfare stamps donated to charity organizations with a daily donation limit of thirty thousand . Tencent Foundation will convert each public welfare stamp equal to one Hong Kong dollar into an equivalent amount of donation, and donate corresponding funds to the beneficiary institutions. The total amount of donations is limited to three hundred HK $10000.

Offline public welfare:

  • nine month nine Tencent Foundation joined hands with Baoliang Bureau to Do good deeds with little safflower Hold art activities for the theme. Baoliang Bureau twenty-five Primary school six thousand Students will create small safflower art and send joy and hope to students. At the same time, through the students' A flower Realize for basic level students A Dream To give basic level students of Baoliang Bureau a chance to participate in various extracurricular activities funded by Tencent Foundation, and help them step into their dreams.
  • ten month twenty-eight Tencent Foundation will cooperate with Hong Kong Community Chest Community Chest Casual Clothes Day Joint activities. In addition, before and after the Mid Autumn Festival, there were other home visits and community warming activities for Tencent volunteers, which continued to build Internet public welfare culture with local public welfare institutions.

ninety-nine The theme song of Public Welfare Day in Cantonese   Simultaneous release of Hong Kong and Mainland

In order to promote Internet public welfare culture, Tencent Foundation specially invited Hong Kong Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd( TVB )Adapted production ninety-nine The theme song of Public Welfare Day in Cantonese “Together for Good” , orchestrated and performed by the Hong Kong Symphony Orchestra, which is committed to promoting the harmony of music and health, TVB The star entertainer Yan Mingxi of the large-scale singing talent show The Legend of Sound Dream Cheung Chih ho sings to let the mainland and Hong Kong pass on together through music public welfare Together for Good Information for.