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Docker desktop installation for Windows 10/11 system -- Mosaic

Basic concepts of Docker Docker is an open source software. Programmers can design products using Python, Java and other object-oriented languages. Why use it? This is because we need a lot of

MaxKB Knowledge Base Question Answering System Based on LLM Large Language Model (Windows Environment) -- Mosaic

MaxKB is a knowledge base question and answer system based on LLM big language model. MaxKB = Max Knowledge Base, It aims to become the strongest brain of the enterprise. Out of the box: supports direct uploading of documents, automatic crawling of online documents

Windows+office activation tool HEU KMS Activator v42.0.3 -- Mosaic

This update fixes a small bug: in the previous version, when using Ohook to activate Office, if Office permanently activated by MAK key has been installed, due to the bug, the key has been installed by mistake, resulting in the loss of the original permanent activation

Docker installs Lobechat web page AI service - Mosaic

The modern design of open source ChatGPT/LLMs chat application and development framework supports voice synthesis, multimodal, and extensible (function call) plug-in system, and you can own your own ChatGPT/Gemini/Lau for free with one click

Ollama deploys llama3 locally and uses AI big model - Mosaic in combination with open webui

Llama 3 is an open source language model series released by Meta (Facebook) AI, including an 8B (8 billion decimal) model and a 70B (70 billion decimal) model. Llama 3 supports multiple businesses and research

VMware&ESXI virtual machine Black Qunhui 7.2 official version (lazy package) - Mosaic

VMware virtual machine Black Qunhui 7.2 - 64561 official version (lazy package), reprinted from our love cracking forum Version description: VMware Workstation desktop virtual machine, VMware specific version can be downloaded VMware ESXI virtualization

ZimaOS: a new generation of lightweight NAS system -- Mosaic

ZimaOS Open Test Plan Welcome to the public beta of ZimaOS. ZimaOS is evolved from CasaOS. We have built the release version of ZimaOS to obtain better hardware compatibility and update experience

Typecho website theme recommendation: Light album theme template - Mosaic

Typecho is composed of two words, type and echo, and comes from the brainstorming of the development team. Typecho is developed based on PHP5 and supports multiple databases. It is a lightweight product with a robust kernel, convenient expansion, friendly experience and smooth operation

HTTP Web Server Index Directory List Program h5ai v0.30.0 -- Mosaic

H5ai is a modern file indexer for HTTP Web servers, focusing on your files. The table of contents is displayed in an attractive way, and the ability to browse the table of contents is enhanced through different views, breadcrumbs and tree overviews. Initially, h5ai was H

PHP online storage sharing: Veno File Manager V4.2.3 - Mosaic

Official website: Introduction to source code After the early release, I saw the Chinese version, which was named Minimal Online Disk. It seems that there are still some for sale. This new version is coming, please reprint it. If you are looking for