Nobody watches the content created by We Media? Four reasons

Under the impact of the boom in the We Media era, we media creators focus on these four aspects to create, which can quickly help creators create high-quality articles, and the reading volume is increasing slowly.

In fact, we all like to engage in We Media creation, because we can really earn a lot of money, but many new We Media practitioners have just entered the We Media industry and found that after content creation, the amount of reading is different from their own imagination.


So how can we create high-quality content? How can we get higher reading?

In fact, if you can focus on the following four points to create, you will find that it is very convenient to operate.

01. Keyword layout

In fact, when creating We Media content, the layout of keywords is very important. When the platform pushes it to user groups, it often refers to the keywords in the content.

If no corresponding keywords can be found in the content, or no users can be recommended, the system will not know which users to push the content to.


In this case, it is generally impossible to find any accurate user groups, and the strength of recommendation will not be great, and ultimately the overall reading will not be improved.

02. Platform recommendation mechanism

Before the formal creation of We Media, we should first understand the rules of the We Media platform, such as the recommendation mechanism of the platform, or some rules and restrictions, or some creative rights and interests.

In general, for example, learn what kind of content the platform prefers.

Understanding these can more effectively improve the content data, speed up the efficiency of operations, and also improve the index score of accounts. If you fully understand, congratulations, you will find that the number of content recommendations is increasing.

03. Hot spots

If you really want to be a creator of We Media, you must not miss the opportunity to pursue hot spots.

A good hot spot must be used correctly, which can bring a lot of traffic to creators. But it must be noted that hot spots often have timeliness.


If the creation is carried out after a certain period of time, it is likely to be treated as old news. In this way, it will bring a lot of unnecessary impact to the creation account. Therefore, it is generally recommended that creators should choose a hot spot that has a long duration and can be played steadily, so that they can bring a continuous flow of content.

If the creators can also choose independent pseudo originality when finding hot spots, they will find that the speed of writing an article is faster.

04. Pay attention to the title

In fact, when creating We Media content, the title is often the key to achieving a piece of content, because when the platform pushes the content to users, the only thing that can attract users is the title before opening the content.

If a title is well written, you will find that the more hits the article has. On the contrary, if the quality of the article is high, but the title is very flat, it will actually affect the reading effect.

So how to write the title of the explosive article? The creator can also refer to the title with high reading in the same field. With some root combinations, the original explosive article title is so simple.

  • Editor in charge: Uncle Strange

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