Learn SEO-ABC vocabulary expansion from Teacher Fu Wei to optimize more keywords for a website

1225 readings

When we are building enterprise websites, small websites and group websites, we tend to focus on the home page of this website.

We spend a lot of time designing the home page of the website, planning the optimization scheme of the home page, arranging keywords on the home page, and finding friendship links and external chain resources for the home page.

In the process of website operation, we have always focused on the search engine collection, SEO weight and search ranking of the home page.

Because of the attention and resource input to the website homepage, compared with other pages of the website, the website homepage is always the best in SEO performance.

As a result, almost all professional SEOers will ponder over such a problem

With the weight of the website home page increased, can you arrange more keywords on it to bring more traffic to the website home page?

In fact, there are several small problems in this big problem:
1. Will the layout of more words affect the ranking of the original words?
2. Is there any way to find more suitable words for layout?
3. What relationship should these words have?
4. In the layout of multiple words, which words should be optimized first and which words should be optimized later?

In the course of many years of SEO training, I have always been asked these questions by my classmates. To answer these questions, it is not easy to say in a few words.
In order to express my ideas clearly and make it easy for students to understand and accept, I finally summarized a set of methods, which I think is finally easy to understand.
Today, I would like to share it with all members outside the search engine.

This is it. ABC extension:

Step 1: Word Segmentation
Determine a core word for the homepage of the website, which needs to contain three words. For example, the keyword "office green plant rental" includes three words: "office", "green plant" and "rental".

Each part is marked as A, B and C, which are office A, green plant B and rental C.


Step 2: Extension

Based on our experience and daily behavior, develop two words of the same kind for A, B and C respectively.

The office can be expanded: indoor, meeting place

Green plants can be expanded: flowers, potted plants

Leasing can be expanded: leasing, leasing


Similar words mean that the logical meaning of the whole word will not change after the word is substituted.
Office plant rental=venue plant rental=indoor flower rental

Step 3: Word formation
Classify the above words according to ABC, and group words after classification.


According to the above figure, the keywords obtained are as follows:

1. Office plant rental
2. Indoor flower rental
3. Potted plant rental in the venue

Then the title of the website can be written as:
Office plant rental _ indoor flower rental _ venue potted plant rental - website name

In the title of this website, there are 27 words combined by three words of ABC. That is to say, through this lexical expansion, we have laid out 27 relatively simple keywords for the homepage of the website.

For example:
Office plant rental
Office green plant lease
Green plants in the office
Indoor green plant rental
Indoor flower rental

Indoor potted plant rental


Step 4: Recommendation

Recommending words refer to selecting one or two words in the title and combining them freely to become a new keyword.
Any two of An, Bn and Cn can be used as recommendation words as long as they conform to logic.

For example:
1. Office flowers
2. Office plants
3. Office potted plants
4. Indoor flowers
5. Indoor green plants
6. Indoor potted plants
7. Flower rental
8. Flower rental
9. Flower rental
10. Green plant rental
11. Green plant leasing
12. Green plants and rent

The number of such words is very large. As the weight of the website increases, the ranking of words that are slightly more difficult will also come up.

In the process of website operation, we can freely combine recommenders, and use various ways such as quick sorting, external chain, internal chain, keyword density to give some recommenders power, so that they can rank according to our expectations.

The above is the core idea of ABC lexical expansion. When you search for keywords, you can pay attention to some titles. Many experts are already using this method to write titles.

Finally, we will answer the above questions:

1. Will the layout of more words affect the ranking of the original words?
Although more words are arranged, it does not make the length of the title of the home page become very large, so the weight of the original words will not be scattered because of more words.

2. Is there any way to find more suitable words for layout?
The core of ABC extension is to expand according to logical synonyms. The same product or service name is always searched by different people in different ways. We mine these different search terms.

3. What relationship should these words have?
To put it simply, it can be understood that the relationship between these words is the same meaning, the same scene, but different expressions.

4. In the layout of multiple words, which words should be optimized first and which words should be optimized later?
The long words of ABC structure are optimized first, and the short words of AB, BC and AC structure are optimized later.

Of course, we also have corresponding SEO system courses, so you can learn about SEO optimization.

Course address: https://ke.seowhy.com/course/66

This article is written by Fuwei SEO Special Training Camp Edit and organize.

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