Zimbra is attending 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
Zimbra is in 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection {{projectVoteCount} has been obtained in, please vote for it!
2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection It is in hot progress. Come and vote for your favorite open source project!
2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
Zimbra won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement ZPL
development language Java
operating system Cross platform
Software type Open source software
Open source organizations nothing
region Unknown
deliverer Unknown
intended for unknown
Recording time 2008-09-06

Software Introduction

Powerful open source collaborative office suite, including WebMail, calendar, address book, Web document management and authoring. Its biggest feature is that it uses Ajax technology to imitate the style of CS desktop applications, and its end is compatible with Firefox, Safari and IE browsers.

Zimbra uses the ZPL (Zimbra Public License) license agreement.

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Published information
2016/09/17 00:00

Synacor Announces Zimbra Version 8.7

After waiting for more than 8 months, I thought Zimbra would be closed, and I almost forgot the time. On July 13, Synacor finally released Zimbra version 8.7. It mainly increases the functions of enterprises and service providers. See other updates in the original text for details: including Two Factor Authentication (2FA), a new Zimbra Packaging System, SSL Server Name Identification (SNI), and Zimbra Postscreen, and all delivering a low total cost of ownership (TCO) The open source version mainly supports 64 bit red hat, centos, ubuntu

Published information
2012/09/12 00:00

Zimbra Upgrade to 8.0.0 GA Release

The latest version of Zimbra is 8.0 GA, which contains many improvements, mainly focusing on cloud computing. For details, see: http://www.zimbra.com/products/whats_new.html Powerful open source collaborative office suite includes WebMail, calendar, address book, Web document management and creation. Its biggest feature is that it adopts Ajax technology to imitate the style of CS desktop application software, and its client is compatible with Firefox, Safari and IE browsers.

Published information
2012/07/13 00:00

Zimbra 8.0 Beta Release - Message Collaboration Platform

Zimbra released Zimbra 8.0 on July 11, which is known as the post PC era news and collaboration platform. Zimbra 8 has further simplified communication, mainly integrating the unified communication products of Cisco and Mitel. At the same time, the manageability of cloud computing and the use of private cloud have also been improved. At present, Zimbra 8.0 is still in the beta stage and can be downloaded from the following address: http://www.zimbra.com/products/download_network.html Introduction to new features of Zimbra 8.0: http://www.zimbra.com/products/whats_new.html 。...

Published information
2011/04/13 00:00

VMware Zimbra Collaboration Server 7.1 Release

On April 7, 2011, VMware Zimbra Collaboration Server 7.1 was released. The main improvements of ZCS 7.1 are as follows: 1. Provide better localization support for customers in the Asia Pacific region 2 The server side S/MIME support and smartcard verification support are implemented. Open source version address: http://www.zimbra.com/downloads/os-downloads.html

Published information
2010/12/15 00:00

Zimbra 7.0 Beta 3 Release

Zimbra Collaboration Suite 7.0 Open Source Edition Beta 3 was released. Download address: http://www.zimbra.com/downloads/os-betas-downloads.html Zimbra's release notes are so abnormal that they use PDF format. Please see here.

Published information
2010/12/07 00:00

Belgium's largest telecommunications company launches Zimbra device plan

Belgacom, Belgium's largest telecommunications company recently announced the launch of Zimbra device plan for commercial users. Belgacom provides Zimbra devices to customers of public cloud or private cloud, allowing them to run Zimbra devices in their own data center or Belgacom's data center. Putting Zimbra devices into Belgacom's public cloud or private cloud enables Belgacom to provide a leading, high-quality e-mail, scheduling and collaboration service for small and medium-sized enterprises, even large enterprises. This new solution launches Belgacom's cloud computing strategy. Belgacom customers have joined Zimbra's existing customer base (

Published information
2010/10/20 00:00

Zimbra collaboration suite 7.0 open source Beta1 download

The official Zimbra forum announced that the open source version Beta 1 of Zimbra Collaboration Suite 7.0 is available for download. For the features listed in the development plan of 7.0, please refer to the Zimbra product management portal page. The download page is as follows: Open Source Edition Downloads: Enterprise Messaging and Collaboration Software by Zimbra Welcome to the forum to submit feedback on 7.0, thank you very much! Related information: ZCS 7.0 Alpha release

Published information
2010/10/15 00:00

Zimbra Desktop 2.0 GA Release

Zimbra Desktop 2.0 GA (General Availability) was officially released on October 12, 2010. The following is the official blog post. We are very pleased to announce the release of Zimbra Desktop 2.0 GA (General Availability). This is an important milestone for Zimbra's team, which includes many significant features and performance improvements. Here, I would like to thank those who created millions of downloads, published thousands of forum posts and submitted hundreds of B's during the development of Zimbra Desktop 1.0 to 2.0

Published information
2010/09/23 00:00

Zimbra 7.0 Alpha Release

Today, we are very pleased to announce the release of the alpha version of ZCS 7.0 (development code: Helix). Zimbra has spent a lot of time planning the features of our flagship products. In this version, we focus on providing end users with stronger e-mail and schedule management functions, while also enabling administrators to optimize the infrastructure through virtual flowers. Some features in the plan are as follows: * UNDO capability in mail operation * Improved GAL search, making it easier to find contacts * Redesigned schedule interface, making it easier to create appointments and meetings * New schedule wizard

Published information
2009/09/22 00:00

Yahoo will sell open source email service Zimbra

On September 21, Beijing time, according to foreign media reports, Kara Swisher, the author of the BoomTown column of All Things Digital, a technology blog, wrote today that sources said that Yahoo is currently considering selling the open source e-mail service Zimbra, and potential buyers include Comcast, Google and some private equity investors. Yahoo is ready to sell Zimbra, mainly because the company is currently repositioning itself to become a consumer company. Yahoo is currently touting HotJobs for the same reason. Svesher also took the lead in reporting on Monday that

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