Ripgrep is participating 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
Ripgrep in 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection {{projectVoteCount} has been obtained in, please vote for it!
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2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
Riprep won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement MIT
development language Rust
operating system Cross platform
Software type Open source software
Open source organizations nothing
region Unknown
deliverer Wang Lian
intended for unknown
Recording time 2017-10-22

Software Introduction

Ripgrep is a line oriented search tool. It will follow your gitignore rules to recursively search the regular expressions in the current directory. Ripgrep combines the availability of Silver Searcher (similar to ack) with GNU grep high-speed, and supports Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms.

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Published information
2020/06/01 06:56

Ripgrep 12.1.1, a row based search tool developed by Rust

Ripgrep is a search tool based on the behavior unit. It recursively searches the specified directory according to the provided regex pattern, and supports Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms. Ripgrep is written in Rust language, which is faster than similar software. At present, ripgrep 12.1.1 has been officially released. This version is a patch version, which fixes some minor errors. The specific updates are as follows: Bug repair BUG # 1581: corrected some excessive markup output BUH # 1591 in -- help: mentioned the special $0 capture group for the - r/-- replace flag in the docs

Published information
2019/04/17 07:04

Ripgrep 11 is officially released as a row based search tool developed by Rust

Ripgrep is a search tool based on the behavior unit. It recursively searches the specified directory according to the provided regex pattern, and supports Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms. Ripgrep is written in Rust language, which is faster than similar software. The following features deserve attention: automatic recursive search automatically ignores files and binary files in. gitignore can search for specified file types (rg - tpy foo defines python files, rg - Tjs foo excludes js files). Most grep features support various file compilation (UTF-8, UTF -

Published information
2018/02/13 07:33

Ripgrep 0.8.0, regular expression search tool

Ripgrep is a line oriented search tool. It will follow your gitignore rules to recursively search the regular expressions in the current directory. Ripgrep combines the availability of Silver Searcher (similar to ack) with GNU grep high-speed, and supports Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms. Example of search results: ripgrep 0.8.0 is an improved and repaired version. It fixes many bugs, improves documentation and usage efficiency for developers' current mainstream needs. It should be noted that the minimum requirement of ripgrep 0.8.0 for the Rust version has been adjusted from 1.17 to 1.20. More details

Published information
2017/10/23 07:34

Ripgrep 0.7.0, regular expression search tool

Ripgrep is a line oriented search tool. It will follow your gitignore rules to recursively search the regular expressions in the current directory. Ripgrep combines the availability of Silver Searcher (similar to ack) with GNU grep high-speed, and supports Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms. Example of search results: ripgrep 0.7.0 is a minor improvement and repair version, including: Added or improved file type filtering for config&license files, Elm, Purescript, Standard ML, sh, systemd, Terraform FEATURE #59...

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