Mesh is participating 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
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2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
Mesh won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement NOSA
development language Perl
operating system Linux
Software type Open source software
Open source organizations NASA
region Unknown
deliverer sweet potato
intended for unknown
Recording time 2014-04-09

Software Introduction

Mesh is a secure and lightweight grid middleware based on the single sign on function. The built-in public key authentication mechanism SSH uses system call insertion. Each network installation is committed to providing a specific virtual organization (VO), which is defined as a dynamic individual, organization and resource. The Internet allows individuals to execute SSH remote commands on a visa officer's Mesh accessible resource. The local visa officer is generated by other cooperative VOs using the single grid SSH private key.

A full mesh deployment consists of two dedicated hosts and three major software components (in addition to SSH itself). The first host, called the Grid Agent (MP), is responsible for coordinating all SSH remote commands to execute Mesh accessible resources in the visa officer. Users trying to bypass members of Congress and directly contact visa officer resources will not be able to use grid authentication to ensure a complete intermediary. The Order Broker MP is made up of a software component shell (feed) called Net Authorization.

Saccharification is a highly flexible and customizable login shell replacement that parses remote commands and authorizes them to implement website security policies. As part of the authorization process, commands can be rewritten to force compliance with specific website policies or to provide enhanced usability. The authorization command is passed to the appropriate visa officer resource and executed using the second SSH remote command. The visa officer resource Mesh accessible is preloaded by injecting a software component called network service agent (MIA) using the SSH server of the library resource to dynamically modify its behavior in public key authentication. Instead of verifying that the authorized_keys file is stored locally in the user's home directory, Mia enables the server to verify that an authorized_keys file is retrieved from a dedicated host at runtime in each visa officer called a network verification point (MAP). Single sign on is achieved in key retrieval from maps on MPs and authentication.

In the grid, each individual is supposed to have a visa officer, which is the relevant visa officer, and this is their most frequent (such as the organization they work for). The key to Miya's mapping is to retrieve the map that is not the user's main map. The key to map retrieval is to spread it to the home. Similarly, when the verified member is not the user's principal member, the member will initiate a key search for the member. Therefore, the VOs visa officer at home is effective for grid generation. Once the user has successfully authenticated the Mesh accessible resource, Mia ignores the user's login shell, and the MP issued by executing remote commands uses software components called the Grid Execution Secure Shell (chaotic).

Chaos is a constraint execution shell, ignoring metacharacters. Only administrator users authorized by the execution program are allowed. When a command is executed, it is read, written, and executed to control the execution of Mia. Once the command terminates, the SSH session will terminate as the last step. The authentication and authorization components of the network can be deployed independently, allowing VOs to select a complete deployment. The deployed single sign on function has no proxy or additional authorization, or the only authorized deployment component has no single sign on. Although initially used for grid operations, some or all of the networks that organizations are not interested in grid computing can still be deployed to use it to increase the installation of additional security features of stock SSH.

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