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GWT won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement Apache
development language Java JavaScript
operating system Cross platform
Software type Open source software
Open source organizations Google
region Unknown
deliverer Unknown
intended for unknown
Recording time 2008-09-05

Software Introduction

Google Web Toolkit - GWT provides a set of development packages based on the Java language. The design of this development package refers to the Java AWT package design. Class naming rules, interface design, event listening, etc. are very similar to AWT. Developers familiar with Java AWT can quickly understand the GWT development kit without much effort, and spend more time in the development process of GWT applications.

The developed Java application will be compiled by the compilation tool provided by the GWT development package to generate the corresponding Web application with Ajax technology. The interaction between the Java application and the server will be replaced by the automatically generated asynchronous calling code.

GWT characteristics

GWT not only supports the transformation of applications developed in the Java language into Ajax applications, but also provides more advanced features. The following is a brief description of these features.

1. GWT compiler

The GWT compiler is the core of GWT and is responsible for translating Java code into Ajax content. The GWT compiler can translate most of the features of the Java language. It includes support for basic types and exception handling in the Java language, most classes and interfaces in the java.lang package and java.util package, regular expressions and serialization.

2. Cross platform support

If you use the display components (such as Button) and assembly components (such as VerticalPanel) provided in GWT, the Ajax applications compiled by GWT can support most browsers and operating systems, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc., as well as different operating systems, such as Linux and Windows. This is because GWT maximizes the translation of these controls into browser built-in types. For example, the Button class is compiled to generate standard HTML.

GWT recommends using CSS to decorate the display effect of page elements. GWT classes rarely provide methods to access page element style attributes. We can directly set the default display effect of page elements through the corresponding style name in the CSS file. For example, use. gwt Button {font size: 150%;} to use the default display effect of Button elements.

3. Hosted Mode

Hosting mode refers to the state in which we interact with GWT applications that are not converted to Ajax applications. When we develop and debug, we are always in the host mode. In this case, the Java virtual machine uses the built-in browser of GWT to run the compiled class content of GWT applications, so it can provide the best speed for the "coding, testing, debugging" process.

We can run com. google. gwt. dev. GWTShell to start the hosting mode.

4. Web Mode

Web mode refers to the state that has been successfully converted to Ajax applications. In this state, we have begun to access Ajax applications through the Web.

When running in Web mode, GWT toolkit or JVM support is no longer required.

5. Command Line Tools

The GWT toolkit provides several useful gadgets to help us establish a GWT application development environment faster: projectCreator applicationCreator、junitCreator。

  • projectCreator
    Create basic project files and optional Ant buildfile files required for developing GWT applications in Eclipse.

  • applicationCreator
    The applicationCreator command is used to create a basic HelloWorld! Application and GWT application development environment.

  • junitCreator
    Generate junti test code.

Through the above contents, we have learned the basic principles and main features of GWT toolset. I can't wait, so please join me in the process of GWT application development, and enjoy the simplicity and convenience of developing Ajax applications with Java language.

All environment preparation, instance development and instructions in this article are for the Windows operating platform. If you use other operating systems, please make appropriate adjustments according to the actual situation.

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Published information
2016/08/03 00:00

GWT 2.8.0 RC1 release, Google web toolkit

GWT 2.8.0 RC1 was released. Google Web Toolkit - GWT provides a set of development packages based on Java language. The design of this development package refers to the Java AWT package design. Class naming rules, interface design, event listening, etc. are very similar to AWT. Developers familiar with Java AWT can quickly understand the GWT development kit without much effort, and spend more time in the development process of GWT applications. Some improvements: Partial support for Java 8 standard library APIs (see below for full list) Fix memory leak with Java 8 compil...

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2014/11/21 00:00

GWT 2.7 released, Google's web development framework

GWT 2.7 has been released. This version uses the SuperDev mode by default, discarding the original Dev mode. The new mode can be debugged completely in the browser, and can mix Java and JavaScript code; In addition, this version uses incremental compilation, which improves the compilation speed; Simpler JavaScript integration; New CSS resources, etc. See the release notes for details. Google Web Toolkit - GWT provides a set of development packages based on the Java language. The design of this development package refers to the design of the Java AWT package. Class naming rules, interface design, event listening, etc. are very similar to AWT

Published information
2013/03/12 00:00

GWT 2.5.1 Final release

GWT 2.5.1 Final is released. This version is mainly used to fix bugs in 2.5.0. It mainly includes: fixing an XSS security vulnerability. Compilation/linking is slightly optimized to improve compatibility with OpenJDK 7. Adding support for IE8. Other bug fixes. Please refer to the Release Notes for details:

Published information
2012/10/30 00:00

Google Officially Releases GWT 2.5 Version

After two RC versions, Google recently officially released the official version of GWT (Google Web Toolkit) 2.5. The main improvements of this version are: super development mode: this mode allows GWT developers to quickly recompile their code and view the results in the browser. Elemental library: allows developers to quickly and lightweight Web programming. Compiler optimization: You can choose to use the Closure compiler to provide additional JavaScript optimization. The new ARIA library completely covers the W3C ARIA standard, allowing developers to more easily set ARIA roles, states, and attributes. Enhanced UIBinder and verification functions

Published information
2012/06/28 00:00

GWT 2.5 RC released, Google Web toolkit

Today, GWT Team released GWT 2.5 candidate version. GWT2.5 can reduce the user code by 20% and the size of the client download file by 39%. GWT 2.5 also includes some new functions, while improving usability and functions: 1 The old development mode has been replaced, which will support more browsers and no longer require plug-in support. 1. UiBinder, CellWidget enhancements 2 Support W3C ARIA standard 3 Optimized the generated Javascript code and integrated Google Closure Compiler 4. Introduced a new element, which is easy to develop

Published information
2011/09/09 00:00

GWT 2.4 release, Google Web toolkit

GWT 2.4 has been released. The new features of this version include: App Engine Connected Android Apps Marketplace Support GWT Designer Enhancements. Please refer to the release notes for detailed improvements. Google Web Toolkit - GWT provides a set of development packages based on the Java language. The design of this development package refers to the Java AWT package design. Class naming rules, interface design, event listening, etc. are very similar to AWT. Developers familiar with Java AWT can quickly understand the GWT development kit without much effort, and spend more time in the development process of GWT applications

Published information
2011/05/06 00:00

GWT 2.3 final release

GWT 2.3 and Google Plugin for Eclipse 2.3 final release! The main contents include: Easy Discovery and Access to Google APIs Import Projects from Project Hosting One Login, Many Services Local Storage APIs

Published information
2011/03/20 00:00

GWT will support the latest version of IE9

It has always been GWT's dream that any version of today's browser can support AJAX. In order to successfully realize this dream, GWT2.3 will support the use of IE9. At present, IE9 browser will be compatible with IE8 for your use, and a warning window will pop up. At the same time, you can use IE9 to be compatible with IE8 through the following diagram. The main steps are as follows:<meta http equiv="X-UA Compatible" content="IE=8 ″/>Assuming that IE browser continues to maintain backward compatibility, you may need to add an IE9 tag in GWT2.3 to make your program more convenient in future use. If in doubt, in Int

Published information
2011/02/15 00:00

GWT 2.2 Release

Google Plugin for Eclipse and GWT 2.2 was released. 1. GWT's eclipse plug-in is integrated with GWT Designer. 2. Add HTML5 support 3 CellTable component new APIs

Published information
2010/12/20 00:00

Google Web Kit GWT 2.1.1 Release

Google Web Toolkit - GWT provides a set of development packages based on the Java language. The design of this development package refers to the Java AWT package design. Class naming rules, interface design, event listening, etc. are very similar to AWT. Developers familiar with Java AWT can quickly understand the GWT development kit without much effort, and spend more time in the development process of GWT applications. GWT 2.1 introduces the RequestFactory component, which has been improved in the new version. 1. ServiceLayer, which supports non static objects 2 ValueObject support 3 Multiple methods for a single request

Published information
2010/12/09 00:00

Chrome Developer Plugin starts supporting Mac and Linux

One of the features of Google Web Toolkit is that it can run your application in the browser and debug your Java source code in the IDE. Now, Chrome Developer Plugin begins to support Mac and Linux platforms, which means that Mac and Linux users can debug GWT applications in Chrome browser as long as they download and install Chrome Developer Plugin. In addition to the new platform, this upgrade also fixes some security issues. As long as the plug-in finds that your URL contains "? Gwt. codesvr", you will see a GWT icon in the browser, when you need authorization

Published information
2010/11/03 00:00

GWT 2.1 final, Spring integration 2.0 RC1, PrimeFaces 2.2 RC1 released

GWT 2.1 was released for a while (almost at the same time as Spring Roo and Spring ToolSuite), and can now be downloaded from the GWT official website. Download the 2.1 new feature Spring Intergration 2.0 RC1, which is mainly aimed at updating Spring 3.0 and implementing Enterprise Integration Patterns. Download the new feature PrimeFaces 2.2 RC1, and several components have been added in 2.2. New Features Download

Published information
2010/10/13 00:00

GWT 2.1 RC1 release, Google web toolkit

Google Web Toolkit - GWT provides a set of development packages based on the Java language. The design of this development package refers to the Java AWT package design. Class naming rules, interface design, event listening, etc. are very similar to AWT. Developers familiar with Java AWT can quickly understand the GWT development kit without much effort, and spend more time in the development process of GWT applications. Download GWT 2.1 RC1 GWT 2.1 Main new features include: data rendering component MVP framework RequestFactory server side performance tracking client side log Safe HTML, used to prevent XSS attacks Official Release Notes

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2010/09/17 00:00

Google relaunches the development tool of Instantiations

At the beginning of August, Google acquired Instantiations. Now, Google has re released its development tools for Instantiations, which are free for all developers: GWT Designer's powerful Eclipse based development tools enable Java developers to quickly create Ajax user interfaces using Google Web Toolkit (GWT). CodePro AnalyticX is a fully automated software code quality and security analysis tool, which is used to improve software quality, reliability and maintainability. WindowBuilder Pro Java graphical interface designer, supporting Swing, SWT, GWT, RCP, and XWT UI framework Window

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2010/03/23 00:00 has turned to, and Google has withdrawn from China

When I went to Google today, I found that the home page has changed: Welcome to Google's new home in China,, which uses the following languages: I felt something was wrong. Looking at the address bar, I found that If the input is incorrect, re-enter the website,,, Since I use Firefox and the default language is Chinese, I will automatically go to Google Hong Kong This may indicate that Google's withdrawal from China is imminent, at least the possibility of withdrawal is growing With pictures:

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2010/03/12 00:00

Google China homepage search term pop-up drop-down list has been updated

The Google homepage search term pop-up drop-down list has been updated As we all know, when using Google search, the engine will provide some search recommendations based on user input for each word entered Previously, the pop-up search term would cover the "Google Search" and "Lucky" buttons, and "Close" would be displayed below the pop-up search term list. This is inconvenient because the search term list would cover the search button. Each time you want to click, you must either click somewhere else or click "Close" . Or you have to use the keyboard to enter a carriage return. Google. com in the United States always pops up two search buttons together after a search term pops up

Published information
2010/02/14 00:00

Google Web Toolkit was slightly updated to version 2.0.2

Google Web Toolkit was upgraded to version 2.0.2 today, with two small updates as follows: fixed the bug that there is no new layout style in Standard.css, fixed the bug that caused NullPointerException by using pop-up panel in IE without a historical IFrame. Click here to enter the Google Web Toolkit page to download the latest version.

Published information
2009/12/09 00:00

Google Web Toolkit 2.0 officially released

At the Campfire One event, Google officially released Google Web Toolkit 2.0 and demonstrated several new GWT technologies, among which Speed Tracer is the most noticeable. Speed Tracer is a powerful performance analysis Chrome extension that allows users to deeply understand the inside story of Web applications and find out the reasons why their Web applications run slowly. Click here to enter the download page of Google Web Toolkit 2.0 and Speed Tracer

Published information
2009/07/22 00:00

Google Web Kit Releases Version 1.7

The Google Web Toolkit development team released GWT version 1.7 on July 14. This is a small update, adding support for IE 8, Firefox 3.5 and Safari 4. The GWT team suggests that developers upgrade to this new version and recompile the code. The update does not require any changes to the source code. It is named 1.7 instead of 1.6.5 because a new support for IE 8 may have some impact on the project, which is worth noting. GWT provides a set of development packages based on the Java language. The design of this development package refers to the design of the Java AWT package. The class naming rules, interface design, event listening, etc

Published information
2009/07/20 00:00

Google Docs Responds to Microsoft's Challenge, Optimizing Interface Will Push New Functions

July 20, Beijing time: According to foreign media reports, Microsoft announced that it will launch a free version of Office 2010 online, directly challenging Google Docs. Recently, Google announced that it will adjust the user interface and launch a large number of new functions in a few weeks. It is believed that this is Google's response to Microsoft. More people speculate that Google may take the opportunity to launch GDrive, an online storage service. In the Google Docs document management interface, Google will remove the menu item "Share with others". Google product manager Bangalou said that considering that document search provides a similar function, this function

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