Element is participating 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
Element in 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection {{projectVoteCount} has been obtained in, please vote for it!
2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection It is in hot progress. Come and vote for your favorite open source project!
2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
Element won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement MIT
development language JavaScript View source code »
operating system Cross platform
Software type Open source software
Open source organizations nothing
region domestic
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intended for unknown
Recording time 2016-09-05

Software Introduction

Element, A Vue 2.0 based component library for developers, designers and product managers, which provides supporting design resources to help your website rapid prototyping. Open source by the front-end team of Elemente.



  • Consistent with real life: Keep consistent with the process and logic of real life, and follow the language and concepts used by users;

  • Consistent in the interface: All elements and structures should be consistent, such as design style, icon and text, element position, etc.


  • Control feedback: Through the interface style and interaction dynamics, users can clearly perceive their own operations;

  • Page feedback: After the operation, the current status is clearly displayed through the changes of page elements.


  • Streamline process: Design simple and intuitive operation process;

  • Clear and definite: The language is clear and the meaning is clear, so that users can quickly understand and make decisions;

  • Help users identify: The interface is simple and straightforward, allowing users to quickly identify rather than recall, reducing the burden of user memory.


  • User decisions: Users can be given operation suggestions or safety tips according to the scenarios, but they cannot make decisions on behalf of users;

  • Controllable results: Users can operate freely, including undo, rollback, and terminate the current operation.

Operation effect:


 npm install  element-ui@next

Sample code:

 import Vue from 'vue' import Element from 'element-ui' import 'element-ui/lib/theme-default/index.css'; Vue.use(Element) // or import Select from 'element-ui/lib/select'; import Select from 'element-ui/lib/theme-default/select.css'; import Button from 'element-ui/lib/button'; import Button from 'element-ui/lib/theme-default/button.css'; Vue.component(Select.name, ElSelect) Vue.component(Button.name, ElButton)
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Published information
2023/08/29 14:06

Element 2.15.14 released, based on Vue desktop component library

Element is a set of desktop component library based on Vue 2.0 for developers, designers and product managers. It provides supporting design resources to help rapid prototyping of websites. In addition, there is the desktop component library Element Plus based on Vue 3.0. Element 2.15.14 has been officially released, and the updated content of this version is as follows: bug fix Img delete referrpolicy attribute (# 22651) optimize Docs update readme and website example links (# 22642) update popper official document link (# 22539) I18n update Spanish translation (# 22430) add

Published information
2023/02/14 07:14

Element 2.15.13 released, based on Vue desktop component library

Element is a set of desktop component library based on Vue 2.0 for developers, designers and product managers. It provides supporting design resources to help rapid prototyping of websites. In addition, there is the desktop component library Element Plus based on Vue 3.0. Element 2.15.13 has been officially released, and the updated content of this version is as follows: Bug repair Docs repair Statistical copy (# 22383) repair Input copy (# 22093) repair en US copy (# 22268 # 22269 # 22270) repair Pagination copy (# 22288) repair Links copy (# 22370) Statisti

Published information
2022/09/14 07:38

Element 2.15.10 released, based on Vue desktop component library

Element is a set of desktop component library based on Vue 2.0 for developers, designers and product managers. It provides supporting design resources to help rapid prototyping of websites. In addition, there is the desktop component library Element Plus based on Vue 3.0. Element 2.15.10 has been officially released, and the updated content of this version is as follows: Bug repair DatePicker repair props placement error message problem (# 21908 by @ lqzhgood) Loading repair using Loading DOM element sticky failure problem (# 22087 by @ zzjjhh001) Docs repair Popover file

Published information
2022/06/07 07:06

Element 2.15.9 released, based on Vue desktop component library

Element is a set of desktop component library based on Vue 2.0 for developers, designers and product managers. It provides supporting design resources to help rapid prototyping of websites. In addition, there is the desktop component library Element Plus based on Vue 3.0. Element 2.15.9 has been officially released, and the updated content of this version is as follows: Bug Repair Table Header Jitter Repair (# 21863 by @ bofeng) el checkbox not imported repair when referring on demand (# 21828 by @ bobohuochai) FormItem repair rules are not reset after verification when switching to null (# 21892 by @

Published information
2022/04/14 07:14

Element 2.15.8 released, based on Vue desktop component library

Element is a set of desktop component library based on Vue 2.0 for developers, designers and product managers. It provides supporting design resources to help rapid prototyping of websites. In addition, there is the desktop component library Element Plus based on Vue 3.0. Element 2.15.8 was officially released, and the updated content of this version is as follows: bug fix Switch fix the problem of toggling value (# 19473 by @ EdwinBetanc0urt) Docs fix input file (# 21723 by @ justbefore) fix DatePicker file (# 21663 by @ justbefore) fix Skeleton file (#

Published information
2021/11/19 07:24

Vue based desktop component library Element v2.15.7 has been released

Element is a set of desktop component library based on Vue 2.0 for developers, designers and product managers. It provides supporting design resources to help rapid prototyping of websites. In addition, there is the desktop component library Element Plus based on Vue 3.0. Element 2.15.7 was officially released, and the updated content of this version is as follows: Bug Fixing In Select Fixing Filter mode, clicking the icon cannot trigger the pull-down bug (# 21314 by @ dennyak47) Repair the keydown event in composition mode (# 21336 by @ bchen1029) Badge repair is dot class (# 21308 by

Published information
2021/01/17 08:27

Element 2.15.0 released, based on Vue desktop component library

Element 2.15.0 has been released. Element is a set of desktop component library based on Vue 2.0 for developers, designers and product managers. It provides supporting design resources to help rapid prototyping of websites. Open source by the front-end team of Elemente. The updated content of the new version is as follows: Bug fix Select fix placeholder internationalization bug (# 17644 by @ nzh63) Popconfirm fix Popconfirm internationalization bug by @ iamkun Drawer fix focus bug (# 20626 by @ cs1707) Image picture preview optimization (# 20652 by @ cs1707) optimize Doc update French language file

Published information
2020/11/12 11:54

Element 2.14.1 release, desktop component library based on Vue

Element 2.14.1 was released. Element is a set of desktop component library based on Vue 2.0 for developers, designers and product managers. It provides supporting design resources to help your website quickly form. Open source by the front-end team of Elemente. The updated content of the new version is as follows: Bug fix Popover compatible Vue 2.6 new v-slot syntax (# 20424) optimization I18n update Arabic translation (# 20202) update Uighur translation (# 20177) update instructions: https://github.com/ElemeFE/element/releases/tag/v2.14.1...

Published information
2019/05/31 07:01

Element 2.9.0 release, desktop component library based on Vue 2.0

Element 2.9.0 has been released. Element is a set of desktop component library based on Vue 2.0 for developers, designers and product managers. It provides supporting design resources to help your website rapid prototyping. Open source by the front-end team of Elemente. The updated content of the new version is as follows: New feature Backtop, new backup component (# 15541 by @ iamkun) "PageHeader, new PageHeader component (# 15714 by @ ziyoung) InfinieScroll, new InfinieScroll instruction (# 15567 by @ iamkun) Cascader, new multiple selection mode (# 15611 by @ SimonaliaC

Published information
2019/04/26 07:13

Element 2.8.1 release, desktop component library based on Vue 2.0

Element 2.8.1 has been released. Element is a set of desktop component library based on Vue 2.0 for developers, designers and product managers. It provides supporting design resources to help your website rapid prototyping. Open source by the front-end team of Elemente. The updated content of the new version is as follows: Bug repair Icon update Select is compatible with Cascader's icon (# 15264 by @ SimonaliaChen) update icon (# 15258 by @ iamkun) optimization Chore update build script (# 15267 by @ ziyoung) Doc repair link style (# 15265 by @ iamkun) other migration configurations

Published information
2019/04/04 06:41

Element 2.7.2 release, desktop component library based on Vue 2.0

Element 2.7.2 has been released. Element is a set of desktop component library based on Vue 2.0 for developers, designers and product managers. It provides supporting design resources to help your website rapid prototyping. Open source by the front-end team of Elemente. The updated content of the new version is as follows: fix Form, fix the label width of auto (# 14955 by @ ziyoung), optimize Docs, fix the image link error in the document (# 14957 by @ iamkun), Chore, fix the mkdir exception (# 14952 by @ iamkun), and the updated content of the 2.7.1 version released on the same day is as follows: fix Sele

Published information
2019/03/29 06:52

Element 2.7.0 release, desktop component library based on Vue 2.0

Element 2.7.0 has been released. Element is a set of desktop component library based on Vue 2.0 for developers, designers and product managers. It provides supporting design resources to help your website rapid prototyping. Open source by the front-end team of Elemente. The updated content of the new version is as follows: new feature Table adds support for tree structured data (# 14632 by @ ziyoung), fixes Tabs shadow style, uses global primary color (# 14558 by @ Richard Chooooo), triggers update when label changes (# 14496 by @ akki jat) Table Footer is aligned with body (# 1473

Published information
2019/03/23 06:47

Element 2.6.3 release, desktop component library based on Vue 2.0

Element 2.6.3 has been released. Element is a set of desktop component library based on Vue 2.0 for developers, designers and product managers. It provides supporting design resources to help your website rapid prototyping. Open source by the front-end team of Elemente. The updated content of the new version is as follows: Fix the style of Cascader document page (# 14789 by @ ziyoung) Remove redundant DOM operations in Cascader (# 14788 by @ ziyoung) DateRange supports daylight saving time (# 14562 by @ wacky6) Update instructions Download address: Source code (zip) Source code (tar. gz)

Published information
2019/03/05 07:03

Element 2.6.1 release, desktop component library based on Vue 2.0

Element 2.6.1 has been released. Element is a set of desktop component library based on Vue 2.0 for developers, designers and product managers. It provides supporting design resources to help your website rapid prototyping. Open source by the front-end team of Elemente. The updated content of the new version is as follows: no longer specify the node version (by @ iamkun in # 14546), adjust the document directory (by @ ziyoung in # 14553) in deloy-faas.sh, adjust the changelog date style (by @ island205 in # 14547) in 2.6.0, fix spelling errors (by @ wack6 in # 14552), update instructions, download address:

Published information
2019/03/02 07:53

Element 2.6.0 release, desktop component library based on Vue 2.0

Element 2.6.0 has been released. Element is a Vue 2.0 based desktop component library for developers, designers and product managers. It provides supporting design resources to help you quickly shape your website. Open source by the front-end team of Elemente. The updated content of the new version is as follows: New feature Timeline Add Timeline component (by @ jikkai in # 14248) DropdownItem el drop down item Support adding icon (by @ gabrielboliveira in # 14088) Input Add show password attribute, Support configuring the display password button (by @ phshy0607 in # 13966

Published information
2019/02/04 06:33

ElementUI 2.5.4 release, desktop component library based on Vue 2.0

Element 2.5.4 has been released. Element is a set of desktop component library based on Vue 2.0 for developers, designers and product managers. It provides supporting design resources to help your website rapid prototyping. Open source by the front-end team of Elemente. The content of this update is as follows: Build: fix the. babelrc configuration problem - causing no animation for Tree and other components (by @ island205 in # 14282). Update log and download address

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