Android NDK is participating 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
Android NDK in 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection {{projectVoteCount} has been obtained in, please vote for it!
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2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
Android NDK won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement Apache
development language C/C++
operating system Android
Software type Open source software
Open source organizations Google
region Unknown
deliverer sweet potato
intended for unknown
Recording time 2009-06-26

Software Introduction

Android NDK is also called NDK by Google because it adds the word "native" to the SDK, that is, "native development kit".

Prior to this, third-party applications on the Android platform were developed by relying on the Java based Dalvik special virtual machine. The release of native SDK allows developers to have more direct access to Android system resources, write programs in traditional C or C++languages, and directly embed native library files in program package files (. apks).

However, Google also said that the use of native SDK programming has some disadvantages compared with the Dalvik virtual machine, such as more complex programs, difficult to guarantee compatibility, inability to access the Framework API, and greater difficulty in debugging. Developers need to use it at their own discretion.

As we all know, Android programs run in the Dalvik virtual machine, and NDK allows users to execute some programs using native code languages such as C/C++.

NDK includes:

  • Tools and build files needed to generate native code libraries from C/C++.

  • Embed the consistent native library into the application package files (i.e.. Apk files) that can be deployed on Android devices.

  • Support some native system header files and libraries for all future Android platforms

If you have more questions about NDK, you can go to NDK Forum Find out.

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Published information
2014/12/13 00:00

Android NDK Revision 10d Release

Android NDK Revision 10d has been released. The improvement records include: GCC 4.8 is used by default for 32-bit ABIs, GCC 4.6 is discarded, and the next version will be deleted. You can restore it by adding NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=4.6 to ndk build or add -- toolchain=arm linux androideabi-4.6 to the make standalone toolchain. sh command line. 64 bit currently uses GCC 4.9 to disable all x86 [_64] toolchains and add mstackrealign. NDK tool chain uses 16 byte stack alignment Clang 3.5 to add address collation function to support AR

Published information
2014/08/02 00:00

Android NDK update officially supports 64 bit ABI

Following Google I/O's announcement that the new system Android L will bring 64 bit support, Android NDK recently officially launched the Revision 10 update, adding 64 bit ABI support for ARM, x86 and MISP architecture chips. The default compiler of the 64 bit ABI (Application Binary Interface) is GCC 4.9, and the minimum API level supported is the update level of Android L (the API level of Android 4.4 is 19, and the new version should be 20). In addition, the new CPU feature library adds ARM v8 architecture machine kernel support to correct that the existing library may not be detected

Published information
2012/05/13 00:00

Android NDK for X86 - Two point explanation

In the IDF in April this year, my colleagues and I hosted an experimental course to explain the development and migration of Android NDK applications for the x86 platform. The laboratories are basic, aiming to enable developers who are unfamiliar with NDK to have a concept of this and use it in actual development work. In the previous paragraph, it was occasionally found that someone had blogged about the experimental class [1]. Unfortunately, some of the information is not exactly the same, so I send this blog to explain it, and I want to give a series of explanations about NDK related development under x86, and welcome your comments. For the content mentioned in [1], the following points are explained: 1) Open

Published information
2011/11/12 00:00

Android NDK r7 release

NDK r7 is released. The most important update is to support Android 4.0: Added official NDK APIs for Android 4.0 (API level 14) Download connection: Windows Mac OS X (intel) android-ndk-r7-darwin-x86.tar.bz2 Linux 32/64 bit (x86) android-ndk-r7-linux-x86.tar.bz2

Published information
2011/01/14 00:00

Android NDK update, no longer requires Java

The developers who want to develop Android applications with C/C++have good news. The latest version of NDK (r5, Android 2.3 Gingerbread System) allows you to develop applications or games entirely with C/C++without writing any Java code. At the same time, Google Android developers added a complete example: Activity implemented only in C, which greatly simplifies the work of developing Android applications using C/C++. The English news comes from here

Published information
2010/03/09 00:00

Android's new NDK brings stronger graphics processing capability

Want your Android phone to run games better? Yes, developers have begun to work hard. Google released the third version of the Android Native Developer Kit (NDK) on Monday, starting to improve graphics. Android applications usually run in the Java programming environment, and the new development package allows developers to bypass Java and find a way to directly communicate with hardware, such as the standard OpenGL ES graphical interface. This technology is similar to the iPhone, which means that Android can also bring OpenGL ES 2.0 capabilities. The importance of OpenGL support for mobile games is self-evident

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