ITerm2, a MacOS terminal tool, released a major update 3.5.0: integrate ChatGPT and let AI write commands for you

Edit: game
2024-05-22 14:14:00

ITerm2 is one of the most popular open source terminal tools on macOS. It originates from and basically replaces the early "iTerm" application. ITerm2 supports operating system features such as window transparency, full screen mode, split panes, Expos é tags, Growth notifications, and standard keyboard shortcuts. Other functions include customizable configuration files and real-time playback of terminal I/O.

Recently, iTerm2 officially released the 3.5.0 stable version. The development team said that this is a major update, which has been developed for more than two years and contains many changes.

The notable change is the native integration of ChatGPT. Users only need to configure OpenAI's ChatGPT API in iTerm2 to write commands, interpret command output, and guide them to achieve goals.

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