OpenAI considers allowing AI to generate pornographic content

2024-05-13 10:17:00

OpenAI recently released a《 Model Spec 》The draft document describes the way it hopes ChatGPT and other AI technologies will behave. Some of them revealed that the company was exploring pornography and other explicit content.

According to OpenAI Current rules The explicit pornographic content and sexual suggestive content are mostly prohibited. But now, the company is reviewing the strict ban.

"We are exploring whether we can responsibly provide the ability to generate NSFW content in an age appropriate environment through API and ChatGPT. We look forward to better understanding the expectations of users and society on model behavior in this field". NSFW is the abbreviation of not safe for work. OpenAI defines it as pornographic, extremely bloody, foul language, etc.

Joanne Jane, the OpenAI model leader who helped to write the document, accepted Interview with National Public Radio Shi said that the company would like to discuss whether pornographic text and nude images should always be prohibited in its AI products Like opening a dialogue.

"We want to ensure that people have the maximum control within the scope of not violating the law or the rights of others. In some creative cases, sexual or nude content is important for our users. We will explore this in a way that provides services in the context of age."

Jang pointed out that this does not mean that OpenAI is trying to create AI pornographic content, and some deeply forged content will also be blocked. But she also said that users have the right to decide the final content, "it depends on your definition of pornography."

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