Huazhong University of Science and Technology Open Source Mirror Station Officially Opens Internet Access

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2024-05-11 10:16:00

The School of Cyberspace Security of Huazhong University of Science and Technology has jointly developed the open source mirror station of Huazhong University of Science and Technology in conjunction with the Office of Network and Information Technology.

The mirror station will pass the campus network domain name in November 2023 Open internal test. After half a year of internal testing, The mirror station is now officially open to all users for internet access!

In terms of functions, the Huazhong University of Science and Technology Open Source Image Station has synchronized 44 open source software images including openKylin, openEuler, OpenAnolis, and deep, and the effective image data has exceeded 40T. The mirror station provides http and https access methods to obtain the specified software download link, and provides detailed help documents for users to query the use of relevant software and tools.

Users can also learn about the operation status of the mirror station on the "Dynamic" page of the mirror station.

At the software level, the mirror station is completely developed and built in the open source mode. The backend of the mirror station uses Tunasync open source image synchronization management tool to manage the software image source, and the front-end is self-designed and developed based on Docusaurus 2. At the same time, the main website of the mirror station, image synchronization tool, source changing tool, TUI management tool, etc. are all open source on GitHub and Gitee platforms.

On the hardware level, the mirror station is completely built with pure domestic software and hardware. The bottom layer uses the Kunpeng 920 processor, which is licensed based on the ARM architecture and designed by Huawei. The operating system uses OpenEuler ARM 22.03 LTS.

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This wonderful review
Universities should use open source free software instead of commercial ones. In this way, hands and feet will not be tied technically.
2024-05-11 15:12
eight fabulous
support! But there are not many images
2024-05-11 14:45
one fabulous
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