Kubernetes 1.26 officially released

2022-12-12 08:04:32

Kubernetes 1.26 has been officially released. This version includes a total of 37 feature changes, including 11 enhancements that are being upgraded to stable, 10 enhancements that are being upgraded to beta, 16 enhancements that are entering alpha, and 12 features that have been marked as deprecated or deleted.

The theme of Kubernetes v1.26 is Electrifying. The team wants to pass this version Recognizing the importance of all these building blocks that Kubernetes relies on to develop and use, At the same time, we should raise people's awareness of the importance of considering the energy consumption footprint: "Environmental sustainability is an unavoidable problem for creators and users of any software solution, and we believe that the environmental footprint of software like Kubernetes will play an important role in the future version."

Major changes:

Change of container image registry

In previous versions, Kubernetes changed the container registry , allowing the load to be distributed to multiple Cloud Providers and Regions. This change reduces the dependence on a single entity and provides a faster download experience for a large number of users.

This version of Kubernetes is the first one dedicated to the new registry.k8s.io The version published exclusively in the container image registry. In (now it is a legacy) k8s.gcr.io In the image registry, container image labels of v1.26 will not be published, and only labels of versions before v1.26 will continue to be updated. For more information on the motivation, advantages and impact of this significant change, see Registry.k8s.io: Faster, cheaper and generally available.

Remove CRI v1alpha2

With the container runtime interface (CRI) adoption and dockershim In v1.24, CRI is the only supported and documented way for Kubernetes to interact with different container runtimes. Each kubelet must negotiate with the container runtime on the node which version of CRI to use.

In previous versions, the Kubernetes project recommended the CRI version v1 , but kubelet can still negotiate to use CRI v1alpha2 , this version has been deprecated.

Kubernetes v1.26 abandoned CRI v1alpha2 Support. This means that Kubernetes 1.26 does not support containerd minor version 1.5 and earlier versions; If you use containerd, you need to upgrade the node to containerd version 1.6.0 or higher before upgrading it to Kubernetes v1.26. This also applies to any other container runtime that only supports v1alpha2: If this affects you, you should contact the container runtime vendor for advice, or check their website for additional instructions on how to move forward.

Storage  improvement

This version continues to add (and remove) features that meet the migration goals, as well as other improvements to Kubernetes storage.

  • Upgrade the CSI migration of Azure File and vSphere to stable
  • Upgrade the Delegate FSGroup to CSI Driver to stable
  • In-tree GlusterFS Driver Removal
  • In-tree OpenStack Cinder Driver Removal  

Signing Kubernetes releases the workpiece and upgrades it to beta

This function was introduced in Kubernetes v1.24, which is an important milestone to improve the security of Kubernetes release process. All published artifacts are signed without key using cosign, and binary artifacts and images can be verified.

Upgrade support for Windows privilege container to stable

Privilege container support allows containers to run with permissions similar to those of processes running directly on the host. This function is supported in Windows nodes, called HostProcess containers , now Upgrade to Stable To access host resources (including network resources) from the privilege container.

More details can be found at View official announcement

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