Cloud Native Weekly | 2021 Annual Report of Linux Foundation is released; Kubernetes v1.23.0 Release

Source: contribution
2021-12-13 17:15:19

Industry news

1.  Linux Foundation 2021 Annual Report

Summary: In the past 20 years, the Linux community has expanded from a pure Linux kernel to a huge open source community covering developers in cloud, container, network, AI and other fields. 22.7% of them are related to cloud container virtualization; Network content accounts for 15%, ranking second; Web&APP development content accounts for 13.6%, ranking third. The field with the smallest proportion is "visual effects", which is only 0.8%. The Linux Foundation community itself focuses on four major categories, namely, open source hardware, open standards, open data, and open hardware, accounting for 75%, 20%, 3%, and 2% respectively.

Upstream progress

1.  Kubernetes v1.23.0 officially released, new features at a glance

Summary: This version mainly includes 47 enhancement updates, of which 11 are stable, 17 are beta and 19 are alpha. Of course, there is also one item marked as abandoned. Important features include: adding kubectl alpha events command; IPv4/IPv6 dual stack support reaches GA; PodSecurity Administration has reached beta; IngressClass supports namespace level parameters; Add gRPC protocol support to Probe; New OpenAPI V3, etc.

Cloud Native Best Practices

1.  Baidu observable series | Prometheus based large-scale online business monitoring practice

Summary: The large-scale, high availability, high timeliness, high accuracy and other requirements of large-scale Internet companies/financial industry scenarios will challenge the existing federated or distributed storage Prometheus solutions. This article will introduce how the Baidu Cloud native team builds the monitoring capability of large-scale online business transactions based on Prometheus according to the scenario needs of the financial industry and combined with the practical application experience in Baidu.

2.  Exploration and Practice of Service Mesh in ICBC

Summary: As a new microservice architecture, Service Mesh is considered to have a good development prospect because of its flexible architecture and strong universality. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (hereinafter referred to as ICBC) took the initiative to explore the field of service grid, started the pre research work of service grid technology in 2019, and built the service grid platform in 2021 after in-depth research and practice of service grid technology. The integrated development of service grid and existing microservice architecture helps ICBC to transform its application architecture to distributed and service-oriented, and bears the core banking system of the future open platform.

3.  Application evolution and practice of Service Mesh in happy games

Summary: Under the complex game business architecture, after careful analysis and continuous reconstruction and evolution based on cloud native technology, deeply combined with the capabilities of K8s and Istio, the final goal is to achieve stable and smooth architecture of high-quality cloud and grid in the game business scenario, with a multi framework and multi language microservice framework, automation, service discovery, elastic scaling, and service management and control, Traffic scheduling management, three-dimensional measurement monitoring and other capabilities, and precipitation of cloud experience in various business scenarios of the game.

Recommended reading

1.  NGINX enables enterprise level K8s deployment

Summary: This paper analyzes the challenges of deploying enterprise K8S, and explains how to use NGINX to improve the scalability, flexibility and security of applications by introducing the practical experience of enabling enterprise K8S deployment.

2.  Farewell to Sidecar -- Use EBPF to unlock the kernel level service grid

Summary: This article mainly reviews the connectivity of the Linux kernel, several modes to implement the service grid, and how to use eBPF to implement the service grid without sidecars.

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