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ByConsistency ⼀ Anniversary: Yunyuan ⽣ Digital Warehouse Innovation Road - Activity Details Page - OSCHINA - Chinese Open Source Technology Exchange Community
 ByConity's Anniversary: The Way of Innovation for Yunyuan's Digital Warehouse

ByConity's Anniversary: The Way of Innovation for Yunyuan's Digital Warehouse

Status: Activity ended
Time: 2024-05-25 14:00 to 18:00
Location: Haidian District, Beijing 27 North Third Ring West Road
cost: Free Admission
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Yunyuan data warehouse is the hottest technology at present. It can realize the separation of storage and computing, reduce the cost of expansion, and improve the performance and reliability Sex. There have also been many excellent open source projects and commercial solutions in this field, such as ClickHouse, Presto Snowflake, BigQuery, etc. have their own characteristics and advantages, but they also face different challenges and problems. E.g. ClickHouse There are still some problems in dealing with the data volume and feasibility.
With the development of Toutiao, Shuo and other services, there are huge amounts of business data and complex analysis requirements in byte hopping. Internal based R&D With practice, in 2023, in May 22, Byte announced the open source of the cloud original data warehouse ByConsistency, which caused the industry wide concern Notes and discussion. ByConsistency is an OLAP engine based on ClickHouse. It can support multiple data sources, including relational data Database, NoSQL, and Windows OS provide a unified SQL interface and effective query optimization, and also have strong scalability and fault tolerance It can cope with the increasing data size and complexity.
ByConity has been open source for more than years, so we want to share the development of ByConity with all developers We will discuss the evolution of the technology and architecture of Yunyuan Digital Warehouse and share best practices.
        5 ⽉ 25 ⽇, we will hold the "ByConity ⼀ Anniversary: Cloud Original ⽣ Digital Warehouse Innovation Road" activity in Beijing to invite ByConity users The core developer introduces the design concept, architectural features, enabling scenarios and future planning of ByUnity to the developers. We hope that through this The secondary sandbox can help people understand the various possibilities of Yunyuan's data warehouse, and explore the development trend of Yunyuan's data warehouse Challenge, stimulate the innovative thinking and technological enthusiasm of ⼤⼤ family.
14:00-17:00, May 25, 2024 (Saturday)
B1-LectureHall, Heng Fashion Center, No. 27, North 3rd Ring West Road, Haidian District, Beijing
Note: visitors' rings need to be collected on the first floor

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