2016/07/27 22:26

Quote comments from "Wei Yixiao"

Software anti aliasing, hardware anti aliasing, non ssaa, this is more interesting than polygon
After triangulation, there are all kinds of intersection, union and difference operations of polygons, which belong to the category of mathematical calculation. If you only focus on displaying as bitmap, the proportion of triangulation is really small. The direction is different
2016/07/25 23:26
Software anti aliasing, hardware anti aliasing, non ssaa, this is more interesting than polygon
2016/07/25 20:20
After a brief look, it is actually just the triangulation of polygons. Rasterization is done by the graphics card.
2016/07/25 17:25
I just started to study polygon algorithm, but I don't know what to say later. In the previous triangulation algorithm, whether it would be better to first count the vertical and horizontal vertex levels and then triangulate in a few directions. For example, a saw blade placed vertically has many triangles less in the longitudinal direction than in the transverse direction.
2016/07/25 17:23
The latest opengl version should have subdivision shaders, right?!
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