As long as everyone takes care of their own affairs, the world will become a beautiful world!

I saw a piece of topical content on the Internet these two days, but I don't know whether it is true or not: a boy was pressed to the ground to cut off his genitals because he got pregnant with a minor girl. A 4-second video is also attached, in which a boy lying on the ground with his crotch red with blood can be seen faintly. However, this video has appeared in other stories for many times, so I personally tend to think it is false.

Although this may be false, such plots are not uncommon in literature, film and television works. A person is punished for doing something he should not do in order to satisfy his illegitimate desire. Here, "what should not be done" can be contrary to human relations, against the law, or immoral. The desire to be satisfied by doing "what should not be done" is "illegitimate desire".

The trouble is that everyone has different values, and there must be differences in value judgments for the same thing. There are still some things that everyone is doing, but not everyone is willing to admit. Especially when it comes to sex. This is one of the most primitive and basic desires of human beings, but it is also a repressed and restricted behavior that cannot be completely accepted by society.

The strictest restriction on sexual behavior (except for the "prohibition of all sexual behaviors not for the purpose of reproduction" in the novel "1984") is the prohibition of all non marital sexual behaviors, and the prohibition of remarriage. There is a story:

In ancient times, a woman lost her spouse soon after marriage. In order to keep her virginity, she can't remarry or cheat. At the age of 17, she throws a handful of copper coins on the ground every night and picks them up one by one to survive the long night. Over time, each copper coin was polished as thin as a piece of paper. And she was widowed all her life.

Unknown source

The above story seems to be completely devoid of humanity today, but at that time, the society that valued honor more than life actually existed.

Today's society has a much higher acceptance of sexual behavior than ever before: sexual behavior among unmarried people can be generally accepted, except for a small number of specific situations, such as those with large age differences, many people, using strange aids or postures, involuntary, involving minors, involving celebrities.

For marital infidelity, most people will express their "unacceptable" opinion in words, because marriage is essentially a contract, and the parties signing the contract promise each other only to share some of their valuable things with each other, and infidelity is a breach of contract. In other words, the prohibition of derailment is a social convention.

But everyone knows some truth, but not everyone can control his lower body; Everyone is doing something, but not everyone is willing to admit it. Because compared with contracts, human nature is often more difficult to violate.

All human desires are conducive to the survival and reproduction of human species, especially appetite and sexuality. In the long evolution process, there may have been a group of human groups without appetite and sexual desire for a short time, but they died out early because they could not survive and continue their own genes. The more sexual desire a human individual has, the greater the probability that his or her genes will continue. So there is a classic in Tao Te Ching:

The desire for immortality is called Mysterious Female. The door of the mysterious female is the root of heaven and earth. If it is continuous, it is not used frequently.

Tao Te Ching

Today, almost all people entering the society have their sexual desires suppressed to varying degrees. It is society, not nature, that makes human beings suppress their desires. Human beings are the products of natural evolution, and society is just a structure created by human beings. But human beings are trapped in a cage woven with iron wires of honor, status, social evaluation, and so on, and comfort themselves that only good birds, civilized birds, and noble birds are confined in the cage.

What is marriage for? If your answer is for love, you are already happier than most people, because most people get married to avoid being urged to marry and to do the "right thing" at the so-called "right age". How many happy people who marry for love can love for a lifetime? Compared with the widow who picks up copper money every night in the above story, it's also more painful to have sex with someone she doesn't love every night?

People always like to evaluate others' lives and care about others' evaluation of themselves, so everyone entangles and constrains each other in this way, resulting in such a situation that no one has a good life.

Liezi Yang Zhu Pian records such a story:

Zi Chan (Gongsun Qiao) was the prime minister of the State of Zheng and devoted himself to politics. He managed the country very well: the good people obeyed discipline, the evil people were afraid of punishment and dared not make mistakes, and other vassals were afraid of Zheng Guo.

Zichan is a gentleman, but he has one elder brother (Gongsun Dynasty) and one younger brother (Gongsun Mu). They drink and play all day long, indulge in beauty, and do nothing. The elder brother Gongsun Chao likes drinking, and the younger brother Gongsun Mu likes playing with women. There are thousands of jars of wine in my brother's house. You can smell the wine from far away. He didn't know that he drank all day long until he cut off contact with his relatives, or that there was war outside the door. His younger brother, Gongsun Mu, has built dozens of houses, each of which is inhabited by young and beautiful women. He has sex with women every day, from morning to night, and only once every three months. Even so, he still feels dissatisfied.

Zichan and his friend Deng Gu talked about it. Deng Gu suggested that Zichan go home and teach his brother and brother, and analyze the interests with them. So Zichan returned home and said to Chao and Mu, "The reason why people are nobler than animals is that people have wisdom. The necessary condition for wisdom is courtesy and righteousness.". Only with courtesy and righteousness can we have reputation and status. If you indulge your temper and indulge in enjoyment, you will worry about your life sooner or later. If you are willing to change your bad habits, I will arrange positions and salaries for you right away.

Chao and Mu said: We have already understood what you said, but we still choose to live the current life. Life is precious, and one day he may die. Let us gain a good reputation by observing the so-called etiquette and righteousness to gain respect from others and restrain our own desires. We might as well die. We do what we like all day long. We just need to worry about the day when we can't enjoy wine and food due to bad belly, or enjoy beauty due to impotence. We never need to worry about our reputation or being killed by political enemies. So we are not interested in your high positions and high salaries. When you run a country like this, the country may not be able to manage it well in the end, and you will be exhausted. However, our life is very happy. If all people in the world live their own lives as we do, and do not interfere with others, then the world will be truly peaceful. We have been trying to persuade you like this for a long time, but you still persuade us in turn?

Zichan told Deng Gu what Chao and Mu said. Deng Gu said after listening, "You live with such a wise person, and you don't know it.". Others say that you are wise. In my opinion, you are lucky to govern the State of Zheng, not you.

Click the link to view the original text on the wiki library: Liezi/Yang Zhu #:

In the above story, Gongsun Chao and Gongsun Mu's point of view is: Well, the most important thing to be a man is to be happy, otherwise it's useless to walk in the world. More importantly, if everyone can enjoy their own life, the world will be peaceful without governance at all; And everyone wants to make rules and interfere with others, which will lead to chaos in the world.

It is true. Several times in history, the great chaos in the world originated from one group after another of ambitious reformers, subversives and rulers. However, they are a minority group, forcing the vast majority of people to live according to their prescribed ways, disturbing the whole society.

There is another sentence in Liezi Yang Zhu Pian that also expresses this view:

The ancients believed that even if only one hair of mine was pulled out to make the world benefit, I would not give it; I don't want to give the whole world to me. Everyone, like me, does not dedicate to the world, and does not demand from the world. That is the peace of the world.

Click the link to view the original text on the wiki library: Liezi/Yang Zhu's article #:~: text=The ancient people did not agree with the world when they lost a penny of benefit, and did not agree with the world when they learned that the world would not accept a single body. Everyone does not lose a dime, everyone is against the world, and the world will govern.

Does the world really need someone to treat it? Has society made people's lives happier? Is happiness the most important thing? If not, what is more important than happiness?

Maybe the society is to make people difficult for each other, and maybe this is the price that must be paid to live in the society. Maybe even if I understand some problems, I will not be more tolerant to others, because others will not be more tolerant to me. What else can we do? I have no choice but to continue living a life in which everyone embarrasses everyone.

 Ouyang osmanthus

Ouyang osmanthus

This website is a special author, uneducated, unskilled, likes thinking, loves life, and is a good person.


  1. wrote it wrong. The immortality of the god of desire should be the immortality of the god of grain. In addition, the mysterious female is black bi, and the door of the mysterious female is

    1. You have found a problem that most people do not pay attention to, but this is not a mistake.

      Although Tao Te Ching only has more than 5000 words, in the course of more than 2000 years of circulation, more than 3000 different revised versions were found. There is no way to determine which version can best express the meaning of Laozi.

      At present, the most popular "Valley God Immortal" has been passed down only because it is written in most versions, but most interpretations of this sentence are far fetched, because "Valley God" is not visible in contemporary written records except Tao Te Ching. However, in a few versions, "Valley God" is written as "Bath God" or "Desire God". In combination with the context, I personally agree that "Desire God" is the most reasonable and can best reflect Laozi's thoughts.

      "Desire for God is immortal" means that the desire (sexual desire) that dominates the survival and reproduction of all things is immortal like God, which makes all things have the power to reproduce. "The door of the Mysterious Female is the root of heaven and earth." In modern words, it is "people are forced out", so it is said that the door of the Mysterious Female is the root of heaven and earth. As long as there is sexual desire, the power of human survival and reproduction will never disappear, or all things in the world will no longer exist.

      1. You are quite reasonable. "Valley" may be an interchangeable word for "desire".
        However, I think as a widely recognized word, "valley" should not be interpreted. In the Tao Te Ching, there is another saying that "rivers and seas can be the king of hundreds of valleys because they are good at following them." "Valley", as a passage between two mountains, has the meaning of "deep pit, depression", and is extended to "deep pit", "gap or depression where muscles contact each other". Connected with words like "Mysterious Female", it is obvious whether it is "Valley" or "Desire"

        1. For a widely recognized word, even if it is interchangeable, it is better not to replace it. Most of the time, I agree, but if the use of this word has a greater obstacle to understanding the meaning of a sentence, this word is not usually considered to be an interchangeable word, and the text does exist that is more conducive to understanding the meaning of a sentence, I will tend to use a version that is easier to understand.

          However, when you say this, it seems that "Gu Shen" can really express this meaning implicitly.

  2. In fact, the current society is the most ideal one. All the behaviors of the fart people depend on their own consciousness. There is no connection between the fart people and the organization. The organization will not listen to or accept the ideas of the fart people, and will not change because of it. The organization's intention is not fully followed by the fart people. hey.

  3. Is it because everyone can manage themselves well that we have a colorful world

  4. The lonely little daughter-in-law in ancient times could count soybeans besides throwing coins; If the family conditions are good, women will have personal servant girls, who will often accompany the young lady to get married, and will also become the maid of the husband's bedroom (the second wife) in many cases. But she has another wonderful use, that is, "girlfriend". It is allowed to play secret games with the young lady when the husband is not in.

  5. I have learned that the god of grain does not die, but now I know that the god of desire does not die.

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