The new Supreme Procurator of Crimea is so cute

On March 11, Crimea appointed a new Attorney General Natalia Poklonskaya. At the press conference at the inauguration ceremony, she once again stressed that as a prosecutor, she would maintain the highest status of the Constitution and protect the highest rights of Crimean people Main idea: 5LyX5omA5ZGo55+l77yM5Zyo5LmM5YWL5YW...

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Ninghai bus driver gets up and stops for 8 seconds after being hit

The driver was knocked out of the driver's seat, and the unmanned bus continued to move forward, when other vehicles came head-on. At the critical moment, the driver suddenly jumped up to the steering wheel and controlled the car, although he was seriously injured. Recently, Ningbo Ninghai 128 Road

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What are the names of every part of a mountain bike? Professional terms of various parts of bicycle

What are the names of every part of a mountain bike? The novice has learned. If you don't understand a series of professional terms such as flower drum, front fork, spoke and crank, you can't tell which part is which when repairing or watching the car. Come and learn. I'll teach you about every part of mountain bikes. It's a very detailed name of each part of the bike. I found it after a long time. Although I haven't understood it, it's much better than before, everyone

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It's terrible that the truck driver is crushed into meat pie by a 4-ton container

Terrible, the dead truck was crushed into meat pie by a 4-ton container, and the flesh and blood were blurred. The cowards were killed on the spot. QVOD...

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The battle for seats in mainland China

Note: This is a Japanese blog translation post of the Korean forum. The following "Koreans" are Korean forum netizens. 1. Korean (スレレレにににににたたたををるバススバスでりりげられたたたしたセたニでででりる) 9 げザらららたたる YouTube に"Image", "50 generations of women", "80 generations of men"

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Chinese born from Japanese: curtilage man, curtilage woman, Obasant, cuteness, bento] Japanese, Chinese, Japanese, Japanese, Chinese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese [Chinanet] Chinese born from Japanese: Homeboy, Homegirl, Obasant, Maimeng, Bento The picture is a network picture 1: Visiting and visiting the official affairs of Tata Yuansheng Youφ ★ [] Submission date: 201

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2013 Internet Entrepreneurs (webmasters) Conference

May 11, 2013, Beijing International Convention Center. The 2013 Internet Entrepreneurs (webmaster) Conference was held here. This is actually the previous webmaster annual meeting, but this time it was renamed. At 7:40 in the morning, I entered the hall and got a bag containing various conference materials after signing in. There are also many gifts, including Tencent's mouse pad, desk calendar, webmaster magazine

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How big is the earth and moon? After reading these pictures, you will have inexplicable fear

After reading these pictures, do you think the earth is very small? Yes, the Earth is just a small asteroid for the Milky Way. But on our scale, all the stars you can observe are still within the scope of the Milky Way

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Ya'an, come on!

Five years later, a major earthquake occurred again in Sichuan. At 8:02 on April 20, 2013, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake occurred in Lushan County, Ya'an City, Sichuan Province (30.3 degrees north latitude, 103.0 degrees east longitude), with a focal depth of 13 kilometers. After the earthquake, many citizens went downstairs to wait, make phone calls, cry, and even talk about "the earthquake feeling is comparable to 5.12". Some citizens have even carried a large bag of things and are ready to go out

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I believe you will also be moved! The reply from Jobs is "Yes"

We know that Apple has always attached great importance to confidentiality. From the development to the official release of any new product, it is impossible for irrelevant personnel to have access to the new product, nor to disclose any information to external relevant personnel. In such a strict regulation, no one can be exceptional. But Jobs always has something unexpected. We only know that he is strict with people and has a bad temper, but

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