
TestRace: Linux VPS backhaul route one key test script
Introduction This is a script for testing the backhaul route on Linux. The backhaul route here refers to the route from your machine to the specified node. Github
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TestRace: Linux VPS backhaul route one key test script

brief introduction

This is a Linux Test the backhaul route script on the. The backhaul route here refers to the route from your machine to the specified node.

Github address: https://github.com/nanqinlang-script/testrace


Run command:

 wget  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nanqinlang-script/testrace/master/testrace.sh bash testrace.sh

After running the script, three options appear for selection:

  • Select a node to test
  • Fast test of four network routing
  • Manual input ip Test

Option description:

 1. Select a node to test This script is built with multiple nodes of the four networks of Mobile, Unicom, Telecom and Education. After selecting 1 Enter, a list of these nodes will be listed. After selecting one of the tests, you can continue to select node tests. 2. Fast test of four network routing This mode will test the backhaul routing of the following nodes. The nodes tested in this mode include: telecom Shanghai Telecom (Tianyiyun) Xiamen Telecom CN2 Unicom Zhejiang Hangzhou Unicom move Zhejiang Hangzhou Mobile Education Network Beijing Education Network 3. Manually input ip for testing In this mode, the user manually enters the target ip to be tested After each test, you can choose to continue to test other IPs

Related Catalog

The script installation directory is located in /home/testrace
After the test is completed and the script exits, the test record file will be generated in /home/testrace/testrace.log

Demo screenshot

1. Menu
 Please enter a picture description
2. Select Node
 Please enter a picture description
3. Test process
 Please enter a picture description
4. Continue testing other nodes
 Please enter a picture description
5. Exit Script
 Please enter a picture description

Source: Backhaul route test script - test trace

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Last modification: January 29, 2018 04:39 PM
