
189List: a new directory listing program of Tianyi Cloud Disk, an upgraded version of CTList
Note: Because the CTList cannot be used due to interface problems, and there are some problems, the update is aborted directly; Recently, the cute guy took time to abandon C
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189List: a new directory listing program of Tianyi Cloud Disk, an upgraded version of CTList

explain: because CTList Because of the interface problem, the program cannot be used. In addition, there are some problems, so the update is abandoned directly; Recently, the cute big guy took time to abandon CTlist A new listing program has been developed, which is named here temporarily 189List It can be said that the performance is almost optimized to the extreme. The problems such as the previous memory explosion are all gone, and the installation and configuration are simpler.

Of course, there are few people who use Tianyi online disks today, and they are not afraid of being abused. Therefore, the current programs do not need authorization codes, and can be used directly CTlist Almost, no screenshots here.


  • Support adding multiple accounts (multiple configurations do not interfere with each other)
  • Support automatic check-in (automatically increase network disk capacity every day)
  • Support asynchronous cache directory structure without waiting
  • Support encrypted access path (privacy sharing)
  • Support to display any directory and customize the root directory
  • Support the output of content in JSON format (as the back end)
  • Support to obtain preview map link, convenient for front-end display
  • Support read-only mount to PotPlayer ( WebDAV ), nPlayer ( WebDAV ), kodi ( WebDAV )


Github address: https://github.com/MoeClub/vList/tree/master/189List

It just says Linux Usage of.

1. Install CTList

 #Create and enter the CTList directory mkdir /opt/189List && cd $_ #64 bit system download wget  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MoeClub/vList/master/189List/amd64/linux/189List #32-bit system download wget  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MoeClub/vList/master/189List/i386/linux/189List #Arm32 architecture download wget  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MoeClub/vList/master/189List/arm/linux/189List #Arm64 architecture download wget  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MoeClub/vList/master/189List/arm64/linux/189List

After downloading the binary, continue to use the command:

 #Give permission chmod +x 189List #Download theme file wget  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MoeClub/vList/master/index.html

2. New Profile

 vi /opt/189List/config.json

First, press the i Key to enter the editing mode. At this time, you can use the keyboard to edit. The editing code is detailed as follows:

 #Single account. The rootId is the displayed directory ID, and the default is the root directory; The rootPath specifies an account access path, such as ip: 8000/189List. Each path must be unique when there are multiple accounts [ { "User": "Mobile number", "Passwd": "Password", "rootId": "-11", "rootPath": "/189List" } ] #Multiple accounts, the following are two accounts, and several are copied. Please separate them with English commas [ { "User": "Mobile number", "Passwd": "Password", "rootId": "-11", "rootPath": "/189List" }, { "User": "Mobile number", "Passwd": "Password", "rootId": "-11", "rootPath": "/189List" } ]

After editing everything, press the esc Key to exit editing mode, and then enter English :wq enter Press OK to save and exit.

For details of all configuration parameters, please refer to. You can add as required:

 #The json file format standard specifies that there is no comma in the last line of data [ { "disable": false, //Whether to close the configuration "User": "Mobile number", "Passwd": "Password", "rootId": "-11", //Root folder ID, default - 11 "rootPath": "/Cloud189", //Attached virtual path "authItem": "abc:123@/Movie|xyz:456@/Private/*", //HTTP 401 encryption item, with | as the separator The path can be matched at the * end The path is the path after the virtual path is removed //Abc: 123 @/Movie When accessing/Cloud189/Movie, the user name abc and password 123 are required, but the sub item under/Cloud189/Movie does not need to provide the user name and password //Xyz: 456 @/Private/* User name xyz and password 456 are required when accessing/Cloud189/Private and its subkeys "nodeInterval": 1800, //Directory refresh interval, minimum: 300 "linkInterval": 300 //Download link refresh interval, minimum value: 60, maximum value: 360 } ]

3. Raise limits

Adjust here limits linux An error may occur under high concurrency. Use the command:

 [ -f /etc/security/limits.conf ] && LIMIT='262144' && sed -i '/^\(\*\|root\)[[:space:]]*\(hard\|soft\)[[:space:]]*\(nofile\|memlock\)/d' /etc/security/limits.conf && echo -ne "*\thard\tmemlock\t${LIMIT}\n*\tsoft\tmemlock\t${LIMIT}\nroot\thard\tmemlock\t${LIMIT}\nroot\tsoft\tmemlock\t${LIMIT}\n*\thard\tnofile\t${LIMIT}\n*\tsoft\tnofile\t${LIMIT} \nroot\thard\tnofile\t${LIMIT}\nroot\tsoft\tnofile\t${LIMIT}\n\n" >>/etc/security/limits.conf

windows No adjustment is required under the system.

4. Start 189List

Create a simple systemd Configuration file, applicable CentOS 7 Debian 8+ Ubuntu 16+

Use the command:

 #Set your running listening port, that is, you can access the program through the ip: port. The default here is 8000. port="8000" #Copy the following code to SSH to run cat > /etc/systemd/system/189list.service <<EOF [Unit] Description=189list After=network.target [Service] Type=simple WorkingDirectory=/opt/189List ExecStart=/opt/189List/189List -bind -port ${port} Restart=on-failure [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF #Start and set the automatic startup systemctl start 189list systemctl enable 189list

Related commands:

 Start: systemctl start 189list Stop: systemctl stop 189list Restart: systemctl restart 189list View status: systemctl status 189list

It can be used after startup ip:8000 Or other port access programs are listed. If some cannot be accessed, please note that the firewall port is not opened. You can use the command:

 #CentOS 7 firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8000/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --reload #Debian/Ubuntu ufw allow 8000

If you have installed the pagoda panel, you can directly open the port in the background security group. Some service providers, such as Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud, need to open the port in the security group of the background panel to access it.

Bind domain name

 Tip: If you have pagoda panels, install nginx directly and bind them. If you don't have pagoda panels, you can use caddy. Choose one from two.

Pagoda panel

First enter the pagoda panel, then click the website on the left, add a site, and then click the added domain name. At this time, you will enter the site configuration, click the reverse proxy URL fill , do not set cache, and then enable reverse proxy.

If you want to enable SSL Before setting the reverse proxy, you need to click the SSL , apply for free let Certificate, and then enable reverse generation.

Caddy binding

install Caddy

 mkdir /usr/local/caddy wget -O /usr/local/caddy/caddy " https://caddyserver.com/api/download?os=linux&arch=amd64 " chmod +x /usr/local/caddy/caddy

to configure Caddy

 #The following is a whole. Please modify the domain name and copy it to SSH to run! echo " https://www.moerats.com  { reverse_proxy { header_up X-Real-IP {remote_host} header_up X-Forwarded-Proto {scheme} } }"> /usr/local/caddy/Caddyfile

Note that this configuration will be configured automatically ssl Certificate, please resolve the domain name in advance and take effect, and the server 80/443 The port is open, otherwise an error will occur in the binding.

start-up Caddy

 #Copy the following code to SSH to run cat > /etc/systemd/system/caddy.service <<EOF [Unit] Description=Caddy Documentation= https://caddyserver.com/docs/ After=network.target network-online.target Requires=network-online.target [Service] User=root ExecStart=/usr/local/caddy/caddy run --environ --config /usr/local/caddy/Caddyfile ExecReload=/usr/local/caddy/caddy reload --config /usr/local/caddy/Caddyfile TimeoutStopSec=5s LimitNOFILE=1048576 LimitNPROC=512 PrivateTmp=true ProtectSystem=full AmbientCapabilities=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF #Start and set the automatic startup systemctl start caddy systemctl enable caddy

You can open the domain name for access.

Finally, more functions and parameters are still being debugged and will be released later; There are BUG You can also give feedback at any time.

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Last modification: January 30, 2022 02:38 PM



  1. Jiuling Network

    Will it be changed in the future

    1. Rat's
      @Jiuling Network

      I should stop playing. I almost forgot that there is a blog

  2. Stir fried vegetables with newbie

    Didn't update

  3. L.L.

    When will you come back, boss. It has been updated every year.

    1. Rat's
      @L. L.

      Will not come back

  4. Spring and summer

    I haven't changed the boss for hundreds of years

    1. Rat's
      @Spring and summer

      Not that exaggerated

  5. Google Optimization

    Why doesn't the blogger update

  6. ccbbp

    Many bloggers are busy this year

  7. Jiuling Network

    It seems that the blogger hasn't updated for a long time

  8. one

    There have been few updates in the past two years

  9. Heresy

    Many of them now use Alibaba Cloud disks

  10. wintsa

    It has not been updated for a long time, and the author is no longer a programmer?

    1. Rat's

      Just don't play blog, what do you mean.