
Google BBR closing/uninstalling method
Note: The online Google BBR tutorials only mention the installation/startup method, not the shutdown/uninstallation method. I believe someone will want to close it! It is said that
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Google BBR closing/uninstalling method

explain: Online Google BBR The tutorials only mention the installation/startup method, not the shutdown/uninstallation method. I believe someone will want to close it! Here's a simple shutdown BBR Method.


1. Log in as root and run the following command:

 vim /etc/sysctl.conf

2. Delete or comment out two lines:

 #Net.core.default_qdisc=fq commented out with # #Net.ipv4.tcp_conestion_control=bbr Comment out with #

3. Execute command:

 sysctl -p

Finally, restart the server to take effect!

Tips: Unable to use vim The command can be used WinSCP The tool enters the specified file for editing.

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Last modification: 08:50 AM, June 26, 2019



  1. five hundred and fifty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-eight

    How can I execute the command on which line????

    1. Rat's

      Well, I don't think you can use the vi command. Basically, the operation is vi /etc/sysctl.conf, Then press i to edit. After editing, press esc to exit editing, and then enter wq in English to confirm exit. You can use the ftp client to log in and modify.

  2. Friend E

    Your notification email is very nice. Could you lend me a copy

    1. Rat's
      @Friend E

      Yes, the question of

      1. Friend E

        Well, you did

        1. Rat's
          @Friend E

          Blog has been posted, you can find it

  3. Friend E

    How to query finally

    1. Rat's
      @Friend E

      Use the command lsmod | grep bbr. If no parameter information is returned, it is closed.

  4. Ha ha ha ha ha ha

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, click the mouse for fun

    1. Rat's