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 A person wearing HoloLens

Microsoft HoloLens 2

Accurate, efficient and hands free

Independent holographic equipment free from cable constraints, ergonomically designed, with enterprise level applications, can improve user accuracy and output.

Learn how HoloLens 2 can improve the efficiency of the organization

manufacturing industry

Use HoloLens 2 to reduce downtime and accelerate induction training and skill improvement.

Engineering and construction

Use HoloLens 2 to speed up construction and avoid risks early in the construction cycle.

medical care

HoloLens 2 is used to improve the treatment effect of patients in the nursing link.


HoloLens 2 is used to carry out experiential learning, realize teaching anytime and anywhere, and improve student performance.

manufacturing industry

Reduce downtime, promote workforce transformation, and build more agile factories. With HoloLens 2, employees can quickly learn complex tasks and collaborate anytime, anywhere.


Increase efficiency by 90%.

Learn how Lockheed Martin simplifies the assembly process.


Reduce travel by 40%.

Learn how Mercedes Benz can improve the efficiency of technicians and reduce the carbon footprint through remote assistance.

Engineering and construction

Speed up the design, reduce the number of rework instances and attract customers in a new way. With HoloLens 2, employees can identify risks as early as possible and accurately verify various design and installation conditions from early design to construction.

US $40000

Estimated cost savings per year.

Learn how the Minnesota Department of Transportation promotes infrastructure inspections.


Reduce the construction cost by 14%.

Learn how Nox Innovations optimizes its construction process and saves time and costs.

medical care

It enables the team to work safely, improves the treatment effect of patients, and shortens the nursing time. With HoloLens 2, healthcare professionals can keep in touch with remote experts, call patient data from nursing points, and go beyond X-ray films to view 3D MRI images.


Reduce the waiting time in the ward by 30%.

Learn how NHS trust doctors at Imperial College of Technology can better provide services for patients through remote consultation.


Medical staff training can be completed in 20 minutes.

Learn how Sheba Medical Center trains medical staff on the operation of physical respirators.


With the help of practical curriculum plans that can convey complex concepts in 3D form, the learning effect is improved and the curriculum is reformed. With HoloLens 2, students can learn in practice anytime and anywhere through holographic explanation and evaluation.


Provide 50% of the student scores.

Learn how the students of Case Western Reserve University in HoloLens Lab can achieve a 50% increase in retention rate and reduce the required classroom time by 40%.


Reduce training time by 83%.

Learn how Northeastern University shortened its 3-hour course plan to less than 30 minutes.


HoloLens 2 Mixed Reality's Overall Economic Impact

Learn how HoloLens 2 can achieve a return on investment (ROI) of 177% and a net present value (NPV) of 7.6 million dollars in a 13 month return period within three years.

Line of Business Applications

Realize ROI quickly through industry specific HoloLens 2 applications. Collaborate anytime, anywhere with Dynamics 365 Remote Assist. Select "Dynamics 365 Guides" to get step-by-step holographic instructions. Use Mesh to establish contact with colleagues and realize real-time collaborative creation. Choose from more than 200 partner applications.


Introduction to HoloLens 2

 One person types on a laptop, and the screen shows the fuel injection system

HoloLens 2 Deployment Checklist

A list of five steps can ensure that you can successfully complete the deployment of HoloLens 2.

 HoloLens 2 Package

Explore HoloLens 2 devices

Choose the right HoloLens 2 device to meet your business needs.

 A smiling man wearing headphones

contact us

The service time is 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. from Monday to Friday.

Customers using HoloLens 2

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