I heard that the exam will be held. At 16:00 this afternoon, Room 205 in the expansion area.

I slowly put down the book, woke up from the dream, and then went to wash my face, cheer up, tell myself that there is no win or lose until the last moment—— If you don't give up.

So I didn't give up.

Then, drink some water, go on, look at the printed materials, and spend four hours sorting out the "key points" and "light points" of a book, and suddenly wake up from a dream. It seems that it's time to have breakfast.

Turn the corner to the network center, hold a key to open a classroom, recite there one by one, the happiness and pain of liberal arts students is that they soak in warm water for the first 17 weeks, and drink the foot washing water for the next week or even the next few days. Whether it is painful or unwilling, it is difficult to escape.

I'm wondering if the future will be embarrassed because of the present muddle along? Yes? No? So what? Only by living through the present can we have the courage to move towards the future. After all, Dell's experience tower tells us that the experience at the bottom is the most direct and specific experience, and the higher the experience, the more abstract it becomes. This does not mean that the bottom is more useful than the top. To divide the levels is only to explain the concrete and abstract level of experience.

Don't be surprised, the above sentence is not a typo, but a random memory.

Every time I write, I think about what my purpose is. It is published in Dream Chenfeng for myself, but also for every visiting friend. What I write, output and spread is just life, which has no meaning and value but is real and illusory. Well, as a future people's teacher and future educator, is this education communication? What is educational communication? Educational communication is a kind of communication activity in which educators select appropriate information content according to certain requirements, and transmit knowledge, skills, ideas, concepts, etc. to specific educational objects through effective media and channels. It is an information exchange activity between educators and educatees.

Communication elements include educators, educatees, communication channels, environment and educational information.


Just stop writing, otherwise, it will become a learning note for no reason. This is not beautiful, but when it comes to beauty, we should talk about aesthetics. Aesthetics? It is necessary to study all aesthetic activities or aesthetic phenomena of the aesthetic relationship between man and the world.


I really need to stop writing, otherwise this article will be destroyed. In the future, I'd better write poetry, poetry? Ci originated in the Sui Dynasty, took shape in the middle of the Tang Dynasty, and matured in the late Tang Dynasty. Ci in the Tang Dynasty can be divided into "folk Ci" and "literati Ci". There have been literati writing songs since the Emperor Xuanzong in the Tang Dynasty, and the "Huajian School" emerged in the Tang and Five Dynasties, mainly representing poets: Wen Tingyun and Wei Zhuang (poets in Western Shu)


It's a nice day today. I hope that all of our children who stayed at the end of the term can pass the exam with high marks and infinite blessings.

Jiang Chen

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