stay Fantastic Chenfeng One day when I was standing in the gray station, I received an email from Tencent Cloud. The content was simple, but I couldn't help sighing at it. I only felt that the time was like a dream.

Dear user, I'm sorry to tell you that your student certification has expired.
——Tencent Cloud

I looked at the expiration date of VPS, July 24, and the normal renewal price was 65 yuan/month. In other words, from the middle of July, I will prepare a new home for Fantasy Chenfeng, but how can there be such a cheap machine as 1 yuan/month in the domestic mainframe? Compared with overseas 512M or 1G memory machines, the cost performance of domestic 1M broadband, overseas

Apart from that, when I saw this email, I sent an update, "Tencent Cloud, what do you want to tell me?"

Tencent Cloud didn't tell me anything, but time has told me a lot. Maybe I didn't find it myself, but my beard has slowly grown, my age has slowly increased, and my mentality has become no longer the same. Touching my chin, I have already touched my hand. It seems that I don't think I have grown up, but years have carved something on my face.

When the student certification expires, it's time to go to the society and build your own website as a social personage. At the same time, Fantasy Chenfeng will probably move overseas. I hope the record keeping is still stable and I still enjoy the current speed.

Wow, it seems that I really need to grow up.

The student certification has expired, but I am still a new student in the big class of society.

——May I cheer you on.

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