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heat A mountain teacher and students (I)

Author: Mr. Jiang Chen Classification: Fiction Fantasy two thousand and twenty year 06 month twelve day
 A mountain teacher and students (I) Origin: On April 21, 2020, I released an article named "Days in the Deep Mountains (13)". In the comment area of Dream Chenfeng, @ cat comment said: "Tell us more about bear children's fun (suffering) stories (experiences)" As a people's teacher, this is not appropriate for students. When I was in the sixth grade, I also shared the "wits fight" with children. This year I was in a hurry, but I didn't know what to do
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heat Tencent Cloud said that your student certification has expired

Author: Mr. Jiang Chen Classification: Capriccio two thousand and eighteen year 06 month 05 day
 Tencent Cloud said that your student certification has expired One day in the gray station, I received an email from Tencent Cloud. The content was simple, but I could not help sighing. I only felt that the time was like a dream. Dear user, I'm sorry to tell you that your student certification has expired. ——Tencent Cloud I looked at the expiration date of VPS, July 24, and the normal renewal price was 65 yuan/month. In other words, from the middle of July, I will prepare a new home for Dream Chenfeng, but
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heat Holiday · Micro life (29)

Author: Mr. Jiang Chen Classification: Capriccio two thousand and seventeen year 01 month fifteen day
 Holiday · Micro life (29) The holidays of the Student Party are always envied by the Working Party. In the world of students, college students are even more enviable. After all, college life is good, and there is no homework in winter and summer vacation. However, a good major selection is the college entrance examination every year. A good major selection will make you happy every year. But what about me? But I can only lie lazily and waste time. It's too much to regret. If you believe the above, it's really good. After all, you are naive. Come home
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