Write in front

The little fool said, I haven't written anything for her for a long time. Whenever I cross mountains to find her, I listen to the music on the bus, look out of the window to see the sunset, and paint the sky with color. At that moment, I want to take a picture to commemorate her.

Just so, you can't stop at high speed. At a speed of 100 yards, I dare not take out my mobile phone to shoot. Therefore, when looking at the beautiful scenery, I can only look at it. Then I sighed with emotion: every time I meet my sweetheart, the scenery is always the most beautiful.


I used to think that love is chasing. Until one day, I received a phone call: "I miss you, especially you."

I was about to start the car to pick her up, only to find that she had already got on the bus and ran over a hundred kilometers to me.

At that moment, I only felt my ribs return to me again.

Originally, love can also be a two-way rush.

Perhaps in this boring world, two-way love is worth it.


On the cover of my circle of friends is a picture of my sweetheart smiling.

Her smile is full of healing. In front of her was the stew pot that she had eaten together. The stew pot seemed to be a chain store. Although it didn't taste very good, it was full of meat in her own bowl in the photo.

Looking at this photo, the corners of my mouth could not help smiling, so I simply set this photo as the lock screen wallpaper. At least, I can see her all the time.

She looked at the photo and said, "It's full of naivety."

Well, the girl who came to my arms was full of naivety. And her naivety has become my blessing.

This is the same girl who has been telling me to eat more fruits and vegetables. When we are going to leave each weekend, she fills the refrigerator with vegetables.

——So that some vegetables were still the same when she saw them again on Friday. The main reason is that I can't finish eating.


I used to be slovenly. For one thing, I was lazy, and for another, nobody looked at me. After all, there is a saying that women are the ones who please themselves. In fact, male creatures are the same.

The little fool looked at my clothes and shoes, and he was not very satisfied. When I was not satisfied with the day when I had saved enough, she helped me buy new clothes for me.

Since then, she has basically bought my clothes, shoes and socks. I said there was no need to choose such a good one. The main reason was that shoes really didn't need to be so expensive.

She said: "Bad shoes will make people think that their daughter-in-law is not good."

I always think she wants to change my shoes to make my feet less smelly.

I don't know whether it is because of her or money. Since then, I have treasured my shoes. I have learned to rotate my shoes and brush them well for maintenance after wearing them badly.

——Main heartache.


I'm going to meet the little dork. She has been training outside from March to May, which leads us to meet once a week.

I expertly drove on the high speed, and the speed was stable at about 100 yards. The sound in the stereo and the music played made me swim past like a fish in the traffic. At that moment, the speed of hundreds of yards on the highway also became a static moment, as if the embrace of love arrived after the lightning passed through.

And when I climbed the high slope and looked at the sky, I immediately dialed the phone of the little fool:

Look to the west, it's beautiful!

How beautiful? The sun has become a red fireball, embedded in the blue sky, and layers of halos are scattered. In the clouds, the most beautiful ink in the world is poured on it. It is as if Van Gogh's starry night and sunflower are mixed together, and you can feel full comfort in the warm and cold colors.

At that moment, my whole body was as happy as electricity, and all the troubles from life were dispersed at that moment.

At that moment, human unworthiness became human worth. I'm sorry to have been born as a person, but I am the most handsome person born as a person at this moment. In the exhaust of the car, I rushed to the place of peace of mind. When the car came to the door, she jumped up and looked at her eyes, only me, and my eyes, only light.

The most beautiful thing in the world, except the scenery, is all the light in the eyes of the person who loves you.

 Figure from network


I don't know why, my world is always "bereaved". Fatigue and drowsiness follow me like a shadow. From getting up to falling asleep, it is often like a shadow of mourning.

However, the moment a small idiot called, it seemed to be charged. The world is warm. The little fool gives me twelve buckets, but the world owes her two buckets.

So she accompanied me to play Peace Elite. We don't want to have the pleasure of eating chicken. We just want to collect materials in the island together and deliver them together. We once said that we would go out to play badminton together. We even bought a badminton racket and agreed to take a walk together

In the end, it was still two people lying in bed watching the TV series "Crazy Wind" projected to the ceiling.

The main thing is that there is always one person who can't move before going out.


Little dorks always say that I draw cakes for her.

I thought about it for a while. It seems that there are many paintings.

I said take her to pick up mushrooms

I said take her to Duku

I said to cook delicious food for her

I said take her around the state

But the interweaving of work and life always catches people off guard.

The oil temperature in the pot gradually rose, and his hand was on it to estimate the oil temperature. When I poured the vegetables in, I covered the lid and stewed. With the subconscious feeling, when the lid is opened, the food is turned over, the MSG and salt are sprinkled, and the tender green vegetables are accompanied by the delicious food, and are about to be cooked.

I also gradually like to eat vegetables. Although I can't move my chopsticks when looking at dried meat and bacon, I still like green leaves and fruits when I eat light and quantity controlled.


I didn't drive well in the last four months, so I ran on the highway several times this year. I took a little fool to step on the grassland of Tangbula before, but found that two myopic people could not find mushrooms.

Now it is constantly moving in the county and city. Life must continue, even if one day suddenly wake up just a big dream. I looked everywhere, but found that everything was my own fantasy. At that moment, I felt everything was broken.

So, whether it is a dream or now, at this moment I just want to cherish the little things now. Open the link pushed by the little fool, continue to learn cooking in the cloud, look at the recipe and the recipe forwarded to me by the little fool, and try to make delicious food for her.

I just hope that the future is like the dishes my parents stir fry every time. She comes to the CD without saying a word.

Then in the future, she will hold the swimming circle on her stomach and say it is all my money.

I smiled and touched her head. It's OK, not bad for money.


Late at night, hungry, do you need some cakes?


Hello, I'm Jiang Chen of Fantasy Chenfeng. I only write some essays in ordinary life. Looking forward to going with you.

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