
In 2021, with the help of parents, I finally bought my first house. However, it is a temporary house and has not been handed over. In 2022, due to the unfinished external environment, the project will not be officially handed over, but can be decorated. But later, because of the new crown, until March 27, I took the key in advance and prepared to start the decoration.

On March 25 and 26, I went to see the tiles with my family. How long do you travel back and forth? I just feel sleepy. After nearly 500 kilometers of traveling, I finally settled down in the small county town where I lived for 7000 yuan. Mainly: deliver goods upstairs.

Looking at the new house in Iraqi style, I am slowly imagining what my future house looks like.


Later, the water supply was changed to electricity, with 1600 labor costs and 1900 material costs. The water line was rearranged, the electric wire was partially changed, and the 21 sockets were changed to 19, which was close to the full change.

The main thing is to leave the network cable and power supply for each area.

It only took two days to improve water and electricity in the days when the plan was to change water and electricity. In the rest of the day, I wrapped all the pipes in the room with the 40m sound insulation cotton I bought last year; Measure the size of the room, plan the number of tiles, plan the location of the cabinet, and arrange everything for filling slowly. I went back and forth until April 2, when I ordered the tiles and sent 1020 cement and 680 sand upstairs with 900 handling fees.

So far, on April 3, the follow-up finally began. From waterproofing to tiling, my father will continue.


Among all the houses with frame structure, I chose brick and concrete commercial houses. It's nothing but quiet roads, high school playground and distant mountains outside the balcony. For the sake of scenery, it's worth choosing a place with low cost performance.

——Mainly, there are primary schools and kindergartens to be built to the east of the residential area. There is a high school in the south, and a kindergarten has been built.

Also, I want to put a recliner on the balcony to enjoy the silence of the soul, and quietly want an easel to look at the scenery outside the window to paint the color in her heart.

At this point, nesting began.

Expenditures to date:

  • Water and electricity conversion: 3500 (including labor cost of 1600 and material cost of 1900)
  • Ceramic tile: 7000. (Package sent upstairs)
  • Sand cement: 2600 (1700 sand cement in total, 900 handling fee)

Talk about something else

Since two years ago, my pen and ink have dried up.

I don't know why, but I don't want to write anymore. I hate the world without a sense of boundaries, which may also be because there is no extra strength in life. Once I wanted the whole world to know that I was Jiang Chen, but now I just want life to forget me completely and leave me free and unrestrained.

Maybe, when I took down my Xie Gong clogs, I took off all my disguise and braveness; When I gave up climbing the Great Wall to see the scenery beyond the Great Wall, I also gave up the choice of stormy waves.

Since then, the dreamy Chen Feng has been changing, and the water meter at the door of the house will still be installed after all. In the rotation speed of the water meter, the water in the room has become transparent. Therefore, not taking a bath is just a kind of laziness, but not drinking water may be sending yourself into the desert and choosing to lose the vitality of life.

But sooner or later, it will be lost.

After 2024, a new dream will appear. If you like, we can see you then. But the dreamy Chenfeng on other platforms, as always, sings the rhythm of life.

 Tail chart

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