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Please come to me for kindergarten parent-child tour!

[2011-04-18 22:41:00 | Author: Windrunner | Origin: Original | Weather: Sunny]

I've been so busy these days. There are so many teams that I have to work overtime every day. April is a hot tourist season. There are many units and individuals who consult the team all day long. They are busy and happy! Maybe it's because I like this industry. I always feel happy now. Although sometimes I am tired and bored, I am happy when I think about what I have gained from my work. This is a job worth paying for, because tourism has brought me a lot!

We have more and more repeat customers, and I have always been quite pleased, which shows that our efforts have been recognized by our friends! Today, I received a phone call asking about the kindergarten's parent-child tour. The kindergarten class teacher who I had not contacted called. During this time, all the busy people were the kindergarten's parent-child tour team. She was also introduced to us by a friend. I listened carefully to her request, arranged the route, and recommended the routes of Nanjing Science and Technology Vegetable Garden and Sika Deer one-day tour to her, This route is more suitable for children. The activity site of parent-child tour is also open, and some parent-child activities can be held. There are many projects in the park that can be participated in. It can hold some parent-child parent competitions, bringing laughter to children. I sent her an email, hoping to confirm it as soon as possible. This is the first step for us to take a new kindergarten for parent-child tour!

The new store is about to open, so I haven't had a rest all day and haven't returned home for several consecutive days. Traveling is a busy person with limited money, but people are more substantial. I love my travel work and the sense of achievement brought by my work! Ha ha, keep going! I believe I will get better and better!

Classification: Perception of tourism work |Comments: 1| read the whole passage (556)

Booking online is not true!

[2011-04-11 18:07:00 | Author: Windrunner | Origin: Original | Weather: Sunny]

What is the most popular now? Online reservation. For the individual guest market, more and more guests choose to travel by car and need hotels to go out. For a two room hotel, the travel agency has no advantage. The biggest advantage of the travel agency is the team room. The price of the individual guest room is not much different from the price of the room taken by the guest himself. So many guests book rooms on the Internet themselves, which is also the current situation of Ctrip The reason why individual guests of Tongcheng have higher room reservations!

After contacting the booking centers on these websites, I found that many of the hotels booked online are not good. First, the new and old degree of the hotel is unknown. Second, the price of the general film is on the high side, and the cost performance ratio is not high. Second, the content of the comments is not true. I have booked hotels for guests several times, or the difference between them and what is described on the network is too big, which is extremely broken, except for the good terrain, There are no other advantages. Either the appearance is good, but there are some bad news inside. I can't be too impatient. It was good to see the comments when I ordered them. Actually, I felt cheated when I went there! Poor cost performance!

Think about it. Online booking is all about returning commission to these websites. If the price is not high, they will not earn money. If not, who will order? This is all caused by the network. Doing business needs to be really good. It may not last long to rely on fooling people. There are some hotels that are cheaper than the ones you get on the website when you go to book by yourself. It's really speechless!

Classification: Perception of tourism work |Comments: 1| read the whole passage (434)

The Impact of Free Scenic Spots on Nanjing Local Tourism Market

[2011-04-07 16:10:00 | Author: Windrunner | Origin: Original | Weather: Sunny]

With the attention of zhengfu to the tourism market, more and more Nanjing scenic spots are opening to the outside world for free. First is Xuanwu Lake Scenic Area, and then is Zhongshan Mausoleum Scenic Area, which used to be the most expensive scenic spot in Nanjing. Now it is free of charge. With the free Yuhuatai Scenic Area and Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall Scenic Area in front, the tourist attractions in Nanjing are already 50% free of charge. There are no free scenic spots, and the tickets are not very high, so the tourism in Nanjing became lively immediately!
Every weekend, there are too many tourist groups in Nanjing. A large number of tourist groups will bring a lot of money to Nanjing. Tourists who want to eat, live and play will have a lot of money making opportunities. When the scenic spots were not opened for free before, many teams did not live in Nanjing and went directly to Wuxi and Suzhou for accommodation, which lost a lot of customers and profits! Now the scenic spots are free of charge, and the surrounding counties in Anhui, Shandong and Zhejiang are vigorously promoting the two-day trip in Nanjing by car. All these have brought Nanjing a lot of profits. According to the actual situation, the reception in Nanjing has become a chicken bone. Because it has always focused on the local tourism in East China, which involves shopping and extra points, it is reported to the travel agency according to the cost or at the expense of the cost, and the quotation is relatively low, so it is only for the local tourism in Nanjing alone, A chicken rib!

There are no shopping shops in Nanjing. Even if there are knife shops and pixiu shops, the teams in Anhui, Jiangxi, Shandong and Zhejiang are close to each other, and they are not local specialties. Shopping is limited. Many teams settle for nothing, and the number of people is even less. This leads to the need to consider profits when quoting prices. The guide clothing costs 150-200 yuan a day, and you can charge the other, The other side thinks it is expensive! Because in their opinion, East China tour guides are free. But the tour guides in Nanjing are not free, so they are not comfortable! The local travel agency can't make money in the hotel, and the ticket margin profit is also lost. In this way, the overall local travel reception in Nanjing will be less lucrative!!

Due to the opening of free scenic spots, although there are more teams coming to Nanjing, we have abandoned this market because there is no profit! New customers will not consider development unless they are helped by old friends! This is the impact of free scenic spots on the local tourism market in Nanjing!

In the long run, the increase of free tourist attractions in Nanjing has improved the overall image of Nanjing! It has brought infinite business opportunities to Nanjing hotels and catering industry, which is good on the whole! If travel agencies can find new business opportunities in this area, they can get out of the shadow of chicken ribs. The premise is to dig out such business opportunities!

Classification: Perception of tourism work |Comments: 1| read the whole passage (558)

Parent child tour needs more careful consideration

[2011-04-06 20:31:00 | Author: Windrunner | Origin: Original | Weather: Sunny]

Speaking of the kindergarten parent-child tour we have received in recent years, it is really an experience that has been constantly explored and summarized! Due to our meticulous and thoughtful reception, compared with other travel agencies, we have received extensive praise on the kindergarten parent-child tour! So we can find more kindergartens

Although we received a lot, it was only a small amount of water compared with the whole market. In the parent-child tour, we have thought of many unique ways to make the reception of parent-child tour more entertaining, participatory, interactive and cordial! Both children and parents have more fun. This week, a kindergarten will have a parent-child tour again. The number of people signing up for one-day tour and two-day tour is very large. Together, there are 12 tourist buses. The tour guide alone needs to find 12 people. In addition to their own full-time tour guides, there are also many tour guides needed. In the parent-child tour, part-time tour guides outside are really useless. Many tour guides just sit in front of the car after saying a few words. They have no special features. Our own tour guides will give interactive games to children and let laughter permeate the car! This is what many parents like! Therefore, we all use our own full-time tour guides more. Unfortunately, we can't keep so many full-time tour guides at ordinary times, so we have to borrow tour guides from outside, and we need to explain detailed reception requirements to them every time.

The reception line of parent-child tour also needs to be done carefully. Although it is only a one-day tour and a two-day tour, parent-child tour needs more attention than adult tour of other units. Every time the kindergarten needs routes, we will provide many different parent-child travel routes, so that we can be more competitive. Kindergartens that walk well will help us constantly introduce other kindergartens, which will bring us new customers. We will keep in touch with customers to fix our customer units.

Although the profit of the parent-child tour is small, but there are many people, it can keep the profit. But it needs careful and thoughtful arrangements to operate, especially for such a large group. It is very important for us to link up the details in the later stage. During getting on, getting off and traveling, the cooperation between the guide and the teacher needs to be well communicated, and everyone can manage their own members, Then we can keep the whole team going! No problem overall, the whole trip was quite smooth! So we will pay more attention to details.

With the accumulation of experience, we have won the trust of the director and the market. But we are considering better personalized services, hoping that more kindergartens can choose us and trust us, so that we can arrange parent-child tours for their kindergartens!

Classification: Perception of tourism work |Comments: 1| read the whole passage (1093)

How does group purchase travel?

[2011-04-02 21:05:00 | Author: Windrunner | Origin: Original | Weather: Sunny]

I heard a friend talk about group buying website, which is just what happened these days. Although I know about group buying website, I didn't pay attention to it. Because I had envisioned group buying for tourism, but my peers also communicated with each other. I felt that group buying for tourism was not very good. First, the profits of tourism were too small, and the space allowed was relatively limited. Second, the group buying for tourism could not be successful, and the application of individual tourists was very random, and everyone was not familiar with it, Therefore, it is not easy to reach the preset number of people on the website. So I didn't take it as a key point to find out.

However, I feel that this group buying website still has an impact on the traditional tourism model. I admire the ideas of these people, and it can also make the group buying impossible succeed! For example, for a one-day tour in Zhouzhuang, according to the quotation of individual tourists arranged by our travel agency, the minimum price is 118 yuan per person. If you enter Zhouzhuang after 3:00 p.m., the tickets for the night tour are much cheaper than those for other periods. In the daytime, 100 yuan per ticket is listed, 60 yuan per person is discounted by the travel agency, and 2000 yuan is charged for a 45 seat car from Nanjing to Zhouzhuang, Sometimes it costs 2200 yuan in the peak tourist season. The tour guide will lead a group for 100 yuan a day with 20 food stickers, and the driver will also pay 20 yuan. The cost will be 108 yuan per person according to the apportionment of 45 people. If the fare increases to 2200 yuan, 45 people will be charged. The gross profit of 118 yuan will be 10 yuan per person. Excluding insurance, it is 8 yuan. The problem is that sometimes 45 cars cannot be fully occupied, There will always be one to three empty seats available, which means that the cost has increased to 112 yuan, and there is no profit of 8 yuan. If the price of Night Zhouzhuang is calculated after three o'clock, the cost will be 78 yuan according to 45 people, but only 49 yuan for one person on the group purchase website. I don't know whether this is calculated? The only explanation is that the friend must have made a mistake. It's not Nanjing, it's Suzhou's local local price. It's the guests who arrive in Suzhou and join a tour with Suzhou's local travel agency. Otherwise, the price is definitely impossible. I'm satisfied with these people!

This is a one-day tour. Another friend told me that it only costs 480 yuan to go to Hainan for five days and four nights on the group purchase website. I said it was impossible, and he pasted it to me. I took a closer look, and it turned out that the local price was not included in the ticket! Hainan has always been a negative ground contact in the tourism industry. The so-called negative ground contact is not understood by tourists, but tourism colleagues know that it is a loss to pick up guests and arrange tours. During the trip, they increase shopping shops and recommend self funded projects to guests, from which they can earn more profits than they should have earned, even more than you want to earn! This is the negative ground connection. It seems cheap, but actually there are extra charges. Many customers go to the bottom of the price. As for the money they pay when playing in the back, it is much higher than the expected price, but no one will care about it. Because it is not a one-time purchase, it is psychologically affordable. But the group purchase of Hainan is so cheap, I know there are differences. Just give a local price, not including air tickets, and there are many tourist attractions on the itinerary at your own expense. It seems that no matter how much group purchase, everything changes, or this does not include that, it seems cheap, but in fact it is to be paid out, not too different time periods!

This is something that our tourists understand. We are afraid that some tourists don't understand it. We will compete with the travel agency at this price! Alas, the price is really disorderly, and we need to be discerning!

Classification: Perception of tourism work |Comments: 1| read the whole passage (636)

Qingming individual tourist market is a bit weak

[2011-04-01 14:50:00 | Author: Windrunner | Origin: Original | Weather: Sunny]

The competition in Nanjing's tourism market is quite fierce this year, which can be seen from the tourism peer exchange at the end of last year. Last year, due to the World Expo, all the major travel agencies made money, perhaps because they wanted to expand their own territory, so they went into the store expansion with all their strength. This year, many travel agency stores were added in all major regions, with signs of sales department hanging, and opened the stores to receive individual tourists. Faced with such a market, the March 8th Festival is a team, and the Tomb Sweeping Day is the most important manifestation of individual market registration.

But until now, I feel that this year's individual tourism is not as good as last year's in the three-day Qingming Festival holiday. Due to the increase of tourist stores, tourists are scattered, so the effect of customer reception is not very good, not as good as that of last year. Because we are an office building, not a store, the effect is worse. Although the website has been doing. But the click rate of the website is not too high, and the consultation is not much, and I don't know what causes it!

Tomb sweeping Day is an important festival and one of the three days of national holidays. Generally, grave sweepers choose one day. Therefore, most of the trips are two-day tours and one-day tours. Most of the trips are concentrated in the Tomb sweeping Day. Because rape flowers are open and the weather is good, most of the tourists will start to take their children with them. But this year's Tomb Sweeping Day is really not hot enough! It is expected that the self driving tour will be very good, and the major scenic spots will be overcrowded! Now the living standard has improved, there are more families buying cars, and there are many trips with children and old people. On such holidays. I prefer to walk around near my home. As there are few people, I can enjoy the scenery at ease. However, I am close to my home, driving is not tiring, and I don't have to work hard to get back and forth.

Sightseeing is mainly about leisure travel, rather than driving back and forth! The tepid Qingming Festival is also something worthy of reflection by our tourism workers. How to maintain their own survival and development in such a market is the absolute principle!

Classification: Perception of tourism work |Comments: 1| read the whole passage (1322)

QQ has become a necessity for our life and work!

[2011-03-30 11:02:00 | Author: Windrunner | Origin: Original | Weather: Sunny]

I have been busy with the travel website these days, and I have spent more time at the computer. However, the Market Promotion Department of the Tourism Administration has also set up a group to include the heads of our travel agencies. In order to make the work of the Tourism Administration better, we can send a notice to our staff in time.

I am very happy about such a move. Many companies do not support QQ. Generally, we use QQ for personal use. Company leaders agree with MSN, email, etc., and feel that those versions are formal and there are not so many games. Therefore, since the beginning of online communication, they are all open communication tools recognized by MSN. After a period of use, it can be found that all communication tools are inferior to QQ. Although QQ is of grassroots origin, it is really easy to use and fast. It can transfer documents and pictures so fast, so good. Even so, some units still use other communication tools, that is, they don't use QQ. Even if you don't use QQ, it can't stop the widespread use of QQ. Now as long as people who understand the network and have access to computers, who does not have their own QQ number?

In such an environment, QQ group has begun to be widely used. Those who have similar interests, work needs, and communicate with the industry through QQ group are more fluent and convenient! We almost all use QQ to do business, communicate and transmit tourism pictures and information privately. Well, the Tourism Bureau has also taken the initiative to communicate with us with QQ groups, which is really a great progress!

Maybe many people are used to it, but if you think about it carefully, you can feel that QQ is very close to us, and you can never leave QQ in your life. No matter you are a white-collar worker or an ordinary worker, you will go to QQ whenever you are free. It is really an indispensable tool for making friends in life! The tourism bureau official uses QQ group to gather us, which is a great progress of the tourism bureau. The QQ group, a symbol of civilian identity, has also started its official work as a representative!

Classification: Default classification |Comments: 1| read the whole passage (504)

Travel peers who renege are very offensive

[2011-03-24 15:21:00 | Author: Windrunner | Origin: Original | Weather: Sunny]

Tourists know that they enjoy wholesale prices for meals, rooms and cars! Because it is specialized in wholesale, the travel agency earns the price difference profit! For a long time, it was argued whether the travel agency was an intermediary company. It was finally confirmed that the travel agency was not an intermediary, but an entity, so it should bear the risk of insurance!

In the operation of tourism teams, we encounter such uncomfortable things. In the restaurants and hotels contacted, if the price problem is involved, both parties need to negotiate and confirm it! If you need an invoice or not, you need to explain in advance. But some of our partners, on the basis of the original agreement, do not explain in advance, and will deduct your taxes and fees when you settle the bill. There is obviously a big difference between the confirmed price and the price. You are very passive. There are also some hotels that have agreed to pay cash at the front desk and return it to the travel agency after the settlement. The travel agency will increase its efforts to recommend it. But when the year-end settlement is made, it directly violates the oral agreement, and the money can not be paid out. You are still particularly uncomfortable. It seems that you have eaten a fly in your heart. These phenomena are especially obvious in some units in Nanjing. Zhejiang people can understand the rules when doing business. Nanjing people and Shanghai people are not like this anymore. There are too many things to go back and forth!!

It's no use talking to anyone about such a thing! You can only admit that you are unlucky. So we need to constantly reflect and see if we are becoming more and more snobbish? More and more money oriented? I hate such travel peers, and often remind myself not to do things that harm our integrity! I will persist!

Classification: Perception of tourism work |Comments: 1| read the whole passage (503)

Whose face was lost when stealing salt?

[2011-03-18 09:33:00 | Author: Windrunner | Origin: Original | Weather: Sunny]

At first, I didn't feel that the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear pollution in Japan had little impact on China. I just read the relevant news with compassion. I saw that Japanese people could queue up orderly to get water and food under such a crisis, and could also share food with victims from different countries. I was deeply moved and sincerely admired the great love of Japanese people, With such high quality, I have to be ashamed! Shame on some things in our country!

Unexpectedly, I saw the news report again these two days and rushed to buy the salt in the supermarket. I felt very strange. Do you still need to grab a small amount of salt? There was no salt at home, so I went to the supermarket to buy it. It was really empty, and all the salt was gone! I'm dizzy! The news said that I still don't believe in robbing salt. Now the supermarket is really out of salt. It's funny to think about it. How can people be so foolish? Can a bag of salt protect against nuclear radiation? The Internet is full of anti rumor articles about experts and relevant departments, but it is still necessary for supermarkets to grab salt. Why does this happen?

For thousands of years of feudal rule, people are so blind and ignorant, but now it is a new society, modern China, how can it be so ignorant? Shame for the country and grieve for the ignorance of the people! Is this the result of all day quality education? We won't talk about the underlying reasons, but the popularity of the Internet is not a year or two. How can such a serious thing happen? My pathetic Chinese people, when can they face the disaster calmly? When can the country improve the crisis awareness of our people? When can we improve the overall quality of the people?

It is hateful to spread rumors. Don't people who believe easily deserve our deep consideration? How can we say that every family has literate people? Are there middle school students? This kind of thing still happens in big cities, not in remote villages!!!

I feel sorry for the current situation of our country and the ignorance of the people. I feel ashamed of such a thing! In other words, it is true that the nuclear pollution is serious, everyone is dead, and the people you stole the salt are alive. Do you still have meaning? After watching the film "The End of the Road", it shocked me a lot. Only a foreign country can make such a thought-provoking film. China has always been the subject of happy songs and laughter and happy life! There are too many things left for us to reflect on!

Classification: Perception of tourism work |Comments: 3| read the whole passage (995)

How are Jiangsu tourists in Japan after the earthquake and tsunami?

[2011-03-12 19:20:00 | Author: Windrunner | Origin: Original | Weather: Sunny]

Yesterday afternoon, a magnitude 8.8 earthquake hit northeastern Japan. The earthquake undoubtedly affected the tourists in Japan from Jiangsu Province. According to the statistics of Jiangsu Provincial Tourism Administration, there are 15 travel agencies in our province organizing 404 tourists to travel in Japan, including three teams in Nanjing, with 66 tourists in Japan.

As of 18:00 p.m. on the 11th, no casualties have been reported. The provincial bureau is supervising all relevant travel agencies to actively keep in touch with the team, track the information of the tourism team, and ensure the safety of the tourism team in Japan.

According to tourism professionals, the earthquake in Japan was very strong locally, mainly in the northeast, while in the northeast of Japan, there were fewer tourists from Nanjing. So for Nanjing tourists traveling in Japan, the impact is not very great. The relevant person in charge of Jiangsu Province also affirmed this statement. The person in charge introduced that the northeast of Japan is not a tourist destination, and the provincial bureau did not receive the report of Jiangsu tourists staying at the epicenter of the earthquake.

According to the insiders of travel agencies, this is the peak season for Japanese tourism. Cherry blossoms are gradually blooming and romantic. Japanese tourism has also attracted many tourists from Nanjing. Nanjing tourists mainly travel to Japan in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Mount Fuji, etc.

Jiangsu has 404 tourists in Japan. Tang Yong, director of the Quality Supervision Institute of Nanjing Tourism and Garden Bureau, said that both parties would be exempted from liability for the termination of the trip due to force majeure such as the earthquake. "Because of the earthquake, the original trip could not be carried out, and the travel agency would return the travel expenses that were not carried out to the tourists, and both parties would conduct friendly negotiations to solve the subsequent problems arising from the accident."

At this moment, as soon as I saw the earthquake in Japan, I thought of the Nanjing tourists there. This year, there were many disasters. Most of them were in foreign countries, and the registration of outbound tourists was also very popular. So, as a tourist, I was most concerned about the tourists there! Fortunately, we haven't received any news of casualties. Now, Japan's nuclear power has exploded. I wish our Nanjing tourists a smooth and safe return! The airport is closed, I don't know how to solve it! Alas, what a surprise!!!

Classification: Perception of tourism work |Comments: 1| read the whole passage (581)



My resume

  • Nickname: Windrunner
  • Registration date: July 28, 2007
  • City: Nanjing


Hello, everyone. I'm Li Juan from Nanjing Qianqiu Travel Agency. I'm glad to have the opportunity to share the joy and feelings of tourism with you! In the years to come, we will communicate and share our company's routes and travel photos with you on our blog. In our work, we will let you feel the pain and joy of tourism workers. Let's make some achievements for China's tourism industry!

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