Understanding of two browser caching mechanisms
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Understanding of two browser caching mechanisms
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The purpose of this article is to record my understanding of HTTP caching mechanism and the caching mechanism of ServiceWorker's cacheStorage

At present, I am still in the process of understanding ServiceWorker, and there may be many errors. Welcome to point out.

Browser Cache

Browser cache refers to the general name of the transmission mechanism used by the browser side to save data locally and read quickly to avoid duplicate resource requests.

Open the Chrome browser and enter the developer tool. In Application, you will find HTTP file cache, LocalStroage, SessionStorage, indexDB, Web SQL, cookies, CacheStorage and Application Cache.

Only HTTP file cache and Application Cache are introduced here

HTTP file cache

HTTP file caching is a browser file level caching mechanism based on the HTTP protocol. This mechanism determines whether the browser will update the file or read the file locally when the file is repeatedly requested.

The flow chart is as follows:


Flow chart step description:

  1. The browser will query first Cache-Control To determine whether the content is expired. If it is not expired, read the cache file directly and do not send an HTTP request. Otherwise, go to step 2
  2. The browser judges whether the response header of the last file has Etag , if any, together with If-None-Match Send the request together, which is judged by the server Etag , if not modified, return 304, if modified, return 200, otherwise go to step 3
  3. The browser judges whether the response header of the last file has Last-Modified , if any, together with If-Modified-Since Send the request together, which is judged by the server Last-Modified , 200 if invalid, 304 if not invalid
  4. Etag and Last-Modified None, 200

Supplementary notes: Cache-Control Follow Expires Is similar, but the former refers to the relative expiration time, and the latter refers to the absolute expiration time. If both are set at the same time, only Cache-Control take effect

Calculation formula of cache duration: cache duration=response time+cache life - current time

Response time refers to the time when the browser receives the response from the server

For more information, see my other blog post: Here


If you know something about PWA, you should know that the offline capability of PWA is provided by cacheStorage, so this part is also an important part.

Before introducing cacheStorage, let's introduce Application Cache.

Application Cache is a file level caching mechanism that allows browsers to selectively store static resources locally through manifest configuration files. When the page is opened after the second time, the resources will selectively read the files in the local Application Cache according to the manifest configuration description. The main advantages are: 1. offline access; 2. Fast loading speed; 3. The server load is small. However, the disadvantages are also obvious, including: 1. The standard has been abandoned; Incompatible with mainstream (mobile) browsers; 3. The capacity is only 5MB; 4. When resources fail, updates also fail; 5. Manifest should be the same source, etc

Here we mention RAIL, a user centered performance model. From here, you can see that Application Cache does not conform to RAIL

Finally, we can talk about cacheStorage

Google strongly promotes PWA and the technologies it supports, including ServiceWorker. CacheStorage is defined in the ServiceWorker specification and is used to save the Cache object declared by each ServiceWorker.

CacheStorage has a cache object built in the Chrome browser globally. It directly operates the cache object through five core API methods, as follows:

To understand cacheStorage, you need to have a deep understanding of ServiceWorker. Like WebWorker, ServiceWorker runs JavaScript as an independent thread in the browser background and communicates between pages through the message and postMessage methods. Native applications on the mobile end generally have the ability to push messages, use offline, and update automatically. If ServiceWorker is used, Web applications can also have similar capabilities.

When using ServiceWorker, you usually need to register a ServiceWorker JavaScript script first, and then write cache control methods in it. The following figure shows the life cycle of ServiceWorker running


Register ServiceWorker

 if(navigator.serviceWorker){ navigator.serviceWorker.register('./ sw.js').then(function(registration){ Console. log ('sw registration succeeded '); }).catch(function(e){ Console. log ('sw registration failed '); }); }

Cache list in sw.js

 let cacheList = ['index.js','index.css'];

Register the cache list to cacheStorage and use caches for management

 this.addEventListener('install', function(event){ event.waitUntil( caches.open('indexCache').then(function(cache){ return caches.addAll(cacheList); }) ); });

Listen to the fetch method of ServiceWorker. If there is a response, use the response. Otherwise, read the cache

 this.addEventListener('fetch', function(event){ event.respondWith(cacnes.match(event.request).then(function(response){ if(response){ return response; } let responseToCache = response.clone(); caches.open('indexCache').then(function(cache){ cache.put(event.request, responseToCache); }); })); });

For more information about ServiceWorker, see: Here


Through horizontal understanding of HTTP file caching mechanism and ServiceWorker's cacheStorage, we can know that the former is a client based caching strategy, which is relatively fixed, while the latter is a page based caching strategy, which is extremely free and customizable.

There is not much content, and that's about it
