Notes on KNN's understanding
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Notes on KNN's understanding
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K neighborhood algorithm

K-nearest neighbors algorithm (KNN) is very simple and effective. The model representation of KNN is the whole training data set. Is it simple?

The new data points are predicted by searching the entire training set of K most similar instances (neighbors) and summarizing the output variables of those K instances. For regression problems, this may be the average output variable, and for classification problems, this may be the pattern (or most common) class value.

The trick is how to determine the similarity between data instances. If your attributes have the same scale (for example, in inches), the simplest technique is to use Euclidean distance, and you can directly calculate the number according to the difference between each input variable.


KNN may need a large amount of memory or space to store all data, but it only calculates (or learns) when it needs to predict in time. You can also update and plan your training examples over time to keep your predictions accurate.

The concept of distance or proximity can be decomposed in very high dimensions (many input variables), which will negatively affect the performance of the algorithm on your problem. This is called the curse of dimensions. It recommends that you use only the input variables most relevant to the predicted output variables.

Baidu Encyclopedia version

Neighbor algorithm, or kNN (k-Nearest Neighbor) classification algorithm is one of the simplest methods in data mining classification technology. K nearest neighbors means k nearest neighbors, which means that each sample can be represented by its nearest k neighbors.

The core idea of the kNN algorithm is that if most of the k nearest samples in the feature space belong to a certain category, the sample also belongs to this category and has the characteristics of samples in this category. This method only determines the classification of the samples to be divided according to the classification of the nearest one or several samples. The kNN method is only related to a small number of adjacent samples when making category decisions. Since the kNN method mainly depends on the surrounding limited adjacent samples, rather than on the method of distinguishing the class domain to determine the category, the kNN method is more suitable than other methods for the sample set to be divided with more overlapping or overlapping class domains.

Wikipedia version

In pattern recognition, k-nearest neighbor algorithm (k-NN) is a nonparametric method for classification and regression. In both cases, the input contains the nearest k training samples in the feature space. The output depends on whether k-NN is used for classification or regression:

K-NN is an example based learning or lazy learning, where functions are approximated locally only, and all calculations are deferred to classification. The k-NN algorithm is the simplest of all machine learning algorithms.

Advantages and disadvantages



My understanding

In my opinion, knn is to calculate the distance between test data and each training data, take the nearest K training data tags, and use the largest number of them as the prediction tags of test data.

The idea is: if most of the k nearest samples of a sample in the feature space belong to a certain category, the sample is also divided into this category. In KNN algorithm, all the selected neighbors are correctly classified objects. This method only determines the category of the samples to be divided according to the category of the nearest one or several samples in the classification decision.

Algorithm flow

1) Calculate the distance between test data and training data;
2) Sort according to the increasing relationship of distance;
3) Select K points with the smallest distance;
4) Determine the occurrence frequency of the category of the first K points;
5) Return the category with the highest frequency among the first K points as the prediction classification of test data

Value of K

K: Proximity number, that is, when predicting the target point, select several adjacent points to predict.

The value of K is very important because:

The common method is to use the test set to estimate the error rate of the classifier starting from k=1. Repeat the process, adding 1 value to K each time, allowing one neighbor to be added. Select K that produces the minimum error rate. Generally, the value of k does not exceed 20, and the upper limit is the root of n. As the data set increases, the value of K will also increase.


The significance of kdtree is to make the search link of knn algorithm faster and improve the overall running speed.

K-d tree is a binary tree whose nodes are k-dimensional points. All non leaf nodes can act as a hyperplane to divide the space into two half spaces. The subtree on the left of the node represents the point on the left of the hyperplane, and the subtree on the right of the node represents the point on the right of the hyperplane. The method to select a hyperplane is as follows: each node is related to the one dimension perpendicular to the hyperplane in the k-dimension. Therefore, if you choose to divide by x axis, all nodes with x value less than the specified value will appear in the left subtree, and all nodes with x value greater than the specified value will appear in the right subtree. In this way, the hyperplane can be determined with the x value, and its normal is the unit vector of the x axis.

In short, it is:



Closing~ 👊
