More detailed pinghsu topic setting tutorial
in Daily with 89 comments
More detailed pinghsu topic setting tutorial
in Daily with 89 comments

This tutorial belongs to beginners. Please use it with the pingshu theme. The tutorial is divided into three parts: typecho background settings, typecho plug-in use, and pinghsu theme settings

Typecho background settings

Basic settings

Log in to the typecho background and enter Settings Basic Settings

The site name and address are some basic information for you to install typecho,

The site description and keywords are the seo information on your home page, which should be filled in

Both pinghsu and lpisme topics integrate basic seo functions, and have keywords and descriptions for article pages

The rest can be changed according to your own needs. The following figure shows my settings

 Basic Settings.png

Comment Settings

Both pinghsu and lpisme themes need to be closed in advance to enable Pjax Turn on anti waste protection , because this section of js will conflict with the Ajax js

In addition, our comment garbage can be filtered through plug-ins

Others can be changed according to your needs. The following figure shows my settings

 Comment Setting.png

Reading settings

This part is relatively simple Number of articles per page The number of articles on the home page is set to 12

Others can be changed according to your needs. The following figure shows my settings

 Reading Settings.png

Permanent link

This part belongs to pseudo static content

My web environment is LNMPA, which can be directly used .htaccess To implement pseudo static

my .htaccess by

 <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !- f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !- d RewriteRule . /index.php [L] </IfModule>

For LNMP, you can modify the conf configuration of nginx on your site. The code is as follows

 if (-f $request_filename/index.html){ rewrite (.*) $1/index.html break; } if (-f $request_filename/index.php){ rewrite (.*) $1/index.php; } if (!- e $request_filename){ rewrite (.*) /index.php; }

Others can be changed according to your needs. The following figure shows my settings

 Permanent Link.png

Use of typecho plug-ins

I wrote an article before《 Some Typecho plug-ins I am currently using

At present, I still use these plug-ins

Among them, I am right Typecho Cache Plug in It has been revised. You can go to see my other article《 Fix a bug in TpCache that cannot trigger cache refresh 》The last part of

In addition, I also modified the typecho system to support article links and add new window jumps. See my other article《 Add new window jump to Typecho's article link

Pinghsu Theme Settings

This part is in this article《 Pinghsu,A Typecho Theme 》It has been written in great detail

Note that when creating an archive page and selecting a page template, you need to fill in archive field

For the function switch part, it is recommended to enable the Pjax acceleration and DNS pre resolution. The others can be enabled according to your needs

If you want to get the same friendship link page as me, because it is typecho development version, it supports writing in the page <ul><li>

So you can directly <ul> Inline one class="flinks" , and then <li> Insert your friend chain, then

  1. How to fill in the small icon on the friendship link? The novice asks the god to explain

  2. Just want to know the label above you. For example, how to write orange and blue labels in this article,

  3. weishimi

    A BUG is fed back, the mobile phone endpoint opens the menu in the upper right corner, and then clicking the "X" button in the upper right corner cannot close the pop-up menu

  4. How did you insert the type cho ssl lock?

    1. Yephy

      Please refer to my SSL tutorial article

  5. leehigh

    Hello, I added a function that can customize the information displayed on the homepage of an article
    Good wishes

  6. Brother, the theme is really beautiful
