Drill down to nuScenes dataset (2/6)
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Drill down to nuScenes dataset (2/6)
in Tutorial with 0 comment

This is an in-depth article following the official tutorial. There are 6 official tutorials. Now this is nuscenes_lidarseg_panoptic_tutorial. ipynb, which is the second one. The link is: here

The six tutorials are as follows:


Lidarseg dataset: The lidarseg dataset is used for the LIDAR point cloud segmentation task. The laser radar is one of the commonly used sensors in the automatic driving system, which can obtain the 3D point cloud data of the surrounding environment of the vehicle. The lidarseg dataset provides labeled LIDAR point cloud data, where each point is assigned a specific semantic category label (such as roads, buildings, pedestrians, vehicles, etc.). This data set can be used to train and evaluate the point cloud segmentation algorithm, so that the autopilot system can better understand and perceive the surrounding environment.

Panoptic dataset: Panoptic dataset is used for panoramic scene understanding task. Panoramic scene understanding aims to divide each pixel in the scene into two components: semantic segmentation and instance segmentation. Semantic segmentation refers to assigning pixels to different semantic categories (such as roads, pedestrians, vehicles, etc.), while instance segmentation refers to dividing each object instance into a separate mask. Panoptic dataset provides images containing pixel level annotations, where each pixel is assigned a specific semantic category and instance ID. This data set can be used to train and evaluate panoramic scene understanding algorithms, and help the autopilot system understand objects in the scene more accurately and in fine granularity.


Download lidarseg and panoptic datasets

Official Tutorial: Configuring lidarseg

 # ! mkdir -p /data/sets/nuscenes  # Make the directory to store the nuScenes dataset in. # ! wget  https://www.nuscenes.org/data/v1.0-mini.tgz   # Download the nuScenes mini split. # ! wget  https://www.nuscenes.org/data/nuScenes-lidarseg-mini-v1.0.tar.bz2   # Download the nuScenes-lidarseg mini split. # ! tar -xf v1.0-mini.tgz -C /data/sets/nuscenes  # Uncompress the nuScenes mini split. # ! tar -xf nuScenes-lidarseg-mini-v1.0.tar.bz2 -C /data/sets/nuscenes   # Uncompress the nuScenes-lidarseg mini split. # ! pip install nuscenes-devkit &> /dev/null  # Install nuScenes.

Official Tutorial: Configuring Panoptic

 # ! wget  https://www.nuscenes.org/data/v1.0-mini.tgz   # Download the nuScenes mini split. # ! wget  https://www.nuscenes.org/data/nuScenes-panoptic-v1.0-mini.tar.gz   # Download the Panoptic nuScenes mini split. # ! tar -xf v1.0-mini.tgz -C /data/sets/nuscenes  # Uncompress the nuScenes mini split. # ! tar -xf nuScenes-panoptic-v1.0-mini.tar.gz -C /data/sets/nuscenes   # Uncompress the Panoptic nuScenes mini split.

My tutorial:
At the time of the first article, the Full dataset mini dataset has been downloaded. Only download the lidarseg and panoptic datasets. After downloading, unzip them to the directory /Users/lau/data_sets/v1.0-mini

be careful:

The final directory is as follows:

 ls -1 ./ lidarseg maps panoptic samples sweeps v1.0-mini cd v1.0-mini && ls -1 ./ attribute.json calibrated_sensor.json category.json ego_pose.json instance.json lidarseg.json log.json map.json panoptic.json sample.json sample_annotation.json sample_data.json scene.json sensor.json visibility.json

Reading Datasets

Open jupyter and create lidarseg-panoptic.ipynb .

get ready

Old rules, installation dependency and data loading

 pip install nuscenes-devkit
 %matplotlib inline from nuscenes import NuScenes nusc = NuScenes(version='v1.0-mini',  dataroot='/Users/lau/data_sets/v1.0-mini', verbose=True) #Output results ====== Loading NuScenes tables for version v1.0-mini... Loading nuScenes-lidarseg... Loading nuScenes-panoptic... 32 category, 8 attribute, 4 visibility, 911 instance, 12 sensor, 120 calibrated_sensor, 31206 ego_pose, 8 log, 10 scene, 404 sample, 31206 sample_data, 18538 sample_annotation, 4 map, 404 lidarseg, 404 panoptic, Done loading in 0.905 seconds. ====== Reverse indexing ... Done reverse indexing in 0.1 seconds. ======

Compared with the first article, The category has changed from 23 to 32 404 lidarseg and 404 panoptic , indicating that the dataset successfully loaded lidarseg and panoptic.

Point statistics

Let's first look at the categories of lidarseg dataset and the number of points contained in each category.

The categories will be arranged in ascending order according to the number of points (because sort_by='count 'is set below); We can also sort categories by category name or category index by setting sort_by to 'name' or 'index'.

 # nuscenes-lidarseg nusc.list_lidarseg_categories(sort_by='count') #Output results Calculating semantic point stats for nuScenes-lidarseg... one animal                                   nbr_points=           0 seven human.pedestrian.stroller                nbr_points=           0 eight human.pedestrian.wheelchair              nbr_points=           0 nineteen vehicle.emergency.ambulance              nbr_points=           0 twenty vehicle.emergency.police                 nbr_points=           0 ten movable_object.debris                    nbr_points=          48 six human.pedestrian.police_officer          nbr_points=          64 three human.pedestrian.child                   nbr_points=         230 four human.pedestrian.construction_worker     nbr_points=       1,412 fourteen vehicle.bicycle                          nbr_points=       1,463 eleven movable_object.pushable_pullable         nbr_points=       2,293 five human.pedestrian.personal_mobility       nbr_points=       4,096 thirteen static_object.bicycle_rack               nbr_points=       4,476 twelve movable_object.trafficcone               nbr_points=       6,206 twenty-one vehicle.motorcycle                       nbr_points=       6,713 zero noise                                    nbr_points=      12,561 twenty-two vehicle.trailer                          nbr_points=      12,787 twenty-nine static.other                             nbr_points=      16,710 sixteen vehicle.bus.rigid                        nbr_points=      29,694 eighteen vehicle.construction                     nbr_points=      39,300 fifteen vehicle.bus.bendy                        nbr_points=      40,536 two human.pedestrian.adult                   nbr_points=      43,812 nine movable_object.barrier                   nbr_points=      55,298 twenty-five flat.other                               nbr_points=     150,153 twenty-three vehicle.truck                            nbr_points=     304,234 seventeen vehicle.car                              nbr_points=     521,237 twenty-seven flat.terrain                             nbr_points=     696,526 twenty-six flat.sidewalk                            nbr_points=     746,905 thirty static.vegetation                        nbr_points=   1,565,272 twenty-eight static.manmade                           nbr_points=   2,067,585 thirty-one vehicle.ego                              nbr_points=   3,626,718 twenty-four flat.driveable_surface                   nbr_points=   4,069,879 Calculated stats for 404 point clouds in 0.6 seconds, total 14026208 points. =====

use list_lidarseg_categories , you can get the index of each class name by looking at the leftmost column.

You can also use lidarseg_idx2name_mapping To get the class name corresponding to the index.

 nusc.lidarseg_idx2name_mapping #Output results {0: 'noise', 1: 'animal', 2: 'human.pedestrian.adult', 3: 'human.pedestrian.child', 4: 'human.pedestrian.construction_worker', 5: 'human.pedestrian.personal_mobility', 6: 'human.pedestrian.police_officer', 7: 'human.pedestrian.stroller', 8: 'human.pedestrian.wheelchair', 9: 'movable_object.barrier', 10: 'movable_object.debris', 11: 'movable_object.pushable_pullable', 12: 'movable_object.trafficcone', 13: 'static_object.bicycle_rack', 14: 'vehicle.bicycle', 15: 'vehicle.bus.bendy', 16: 'vehicle.bus.rigid', 17: 'vehicle.car', 18: 'vehicle.construction', 19: 'vehicle.emergency.ambulance', 20: 'vehicle.emergency.police', 21: 'vehicle.motorcycle', 22: 'vehicle.trailer', 23: 'vehicle.truck', 24: 'flat.driveable_surface', 25: 'flat.other', 26: 'flat.sidewalk', 27: 'flat.terrain', 28: 'static.manmade', 29: 'static.other', 30: 'static.vegetation', 31: 'vehicle.ego'}

You can also use lidarseg_name2idx_mapping To get the index from the class name attribute.

 nusc.lidarseg_name2idx_mapping #Output results {'noise': 0, 'animal': 1, 'human.pedestrian.adult': 2, 'human.pedestrian.child': 3, 'human.pedestrian.construction_worker': 4, 'human.pedestrian.personal_mobility': 5, 'human.pedestrian.police_officer': 6, 'human.pedestrian.stroller': 7, 'human.pedestrian.wheelchair': 8, 'movable_object.barrier': 9, 'movable_object.debris': 10, 'movable_object.pushable_pullable': 11, 'movable_object.trafficcone': 12, 'static_object.bicycle_rack': 13, 'vehicle.bicycle': 14, 'vehicle.bus.bendy': 15, 'vehicle.bus.rigid': 16, 'vehicle.car': 17, 'vehicle.construction': 18, 'vehicle.emergency.ambulance': 19, 'vehicle.emergency.police': 20, 'vehicle.motorcycle': 21, 'vehicle.trailer': 22, 'vehicle.truck': 23, 'flat.driveable_surface': 24, 'flat.other': 25, 'flat.sidewalk': 26, 'flat.terrain': 27, 'static.manmade': 28, 'static.other': 29, 'static.vegetation': 30, 'vehicle.ego': 31}

For Panoptic nuScenes, it shares the same member variable as nuScenes lidarseg lidarseg_idx2name_mapping and lidarseg_names2idx_mapping Similarly, we can view the number of points of each semantic category from the Panoptic nuScenes dataset. The only thing you need to do is add gt_from='panoptic' Parameters. By default, gt_from='lidarseg'

 # Panoptic nuScenes nusc.list_lidarseg_categories(sort_by='count',  gt_from='panoptic') #Output results Calculating semantic point stats for nuScenes-panoptic... one animal                                   nbr_points=           0 seven human.pedestrian.stroller                nbr_points=           0 eight human.pedestrian.wheelchair              nbr_points=           0 nineteen vehicle.emergency.ambulance              nbr_points=           0 twenty vehicle.emergency.police                 nbr_points=           0 ten movable_object.debris                    nbr_points=          47 six human.pedestrian.police_officer          nbr_points=          56 three human.pedestrian.child                   nbr_points=         213 eleven movable_object.pushable_pullable         nbr_points=         756 fourteen vehicle.bicycle                          nbr_points=       1,355 four human.pedestrian.construction_worker     nbr_points=       1,365 thirteen static_object.bicycle_rack               nbr_points=       3,160 five human.pedestrian.personal_mobility       nbr_points=       3,424 twelve movable_object.trafficcone               nbr_points=       5,433 twenty-one vehicle.motorcycle                       nbr_points=       6,479 twenty-two vehicle.trailer                          nbr_points=      12,621 twenty-nine static.other                             nbr_points=      16,710 sixteen vehicle.bus.rigid                        nbr_points=      29,102 eighteen vehicle.construction                     nbr_points=      30,174 fifteen vehicle.bus.bendy                        nbr_points=      39,080 two human.pedestrian.adult                   nbr_points=      41,629 nine movable_object.barrier                   nbr_points=      51,012 zero noise                                    nbr_points=      59,608 twenty-five flat.other                               nbr_points=     150,153 twenty-three vehicle.truck                            nbr_points=     299,530 seventeen vehicle.car                              nbr_points=     501,416 twenty-seven flat.terrain                             nbr_points=     696,526 twenty-six flat.sidewalk                            nbr_points=     746,905 thirty static.vegetation                        nbr_points=   1,565,272 twenty-eight static.manmade                           nbr_points=   2,067,585 thirty-one vehicle.ego                              nbr_points=   3,626,718 twenty-four flat.driveable_surface                   nbr_points=   4,069,879 Calculated stats for 404 point clouds in 0.8 seconds, total 14026208 points. =====

We noticed that the number of points in some categories was slightly different in lidarseg and panoptic datasets. This is because in Panoptic nuScenes, overlapping points between instances are set as noise (category 0). We can see that the number of noise categories in Panoptic nuScenes increases, while the total number of points remains unchanged.

Statistics of panoptic instances

The instance statistics are specific to the panoptic dataset. We provide list_panoptic_instances() Function to achieve this goal. We can sort_by Set to ['count', 'index', 'name'] One of. This function calculates the number of instances per frame, the total number of instances (unique object ID), and the instance state (an instance may have multiple states, that is, tracks). It also calculates statistics for each category, including the average and standard deviation of the number of frames spanned by the instance, as well as the average and standard deviation of the number of points per instance.

Note that there are instances only in categories. Please refer to the point statistics section for point statistics.

 nusc.list_panoptic_instances(sort_by='count') #Output results Calculating instance stats for nuScenes-panoptic ... Per-frame number of instances: 35±23 Per-category instance stats: vehicle.car: 372 instances, each instance spans to 15±10 frames,  with 92±288 points human.pedestrian.adult: 212 instances, each instance spans to 19±10 frames,  with 10±19 points movable_object.trafficcone: 102 instances, each instance spans to 8±7 frames,  with 7±18 points movable_object.barrier: 89 instances, each instance spans to 20±12 frames,  with 29±72 points vehicle.truck: 25 instances, each instance spans to 21±13 frames,  with 564±1770 points vehicle.motorcycle: 17 instances, each instance spans to 20±9 frames,  with 19±38 points vehicle.bicycle: 15 instances, each instance spans to 13±8 frames,  with 7±13 points vehicle.bus.rigid: 13 instances, each instance spans to 24±11 frames,  with 94±167 points human.pedestrian.construction_worker: 8 instances, each instance spans to 19±9 frames,  with 9±15 points vehicle.construction: 6 instances, each instance spans to 27±11 frames,  with 185±306 points human.pedestrian.child: 4 instances, each instance spans to 11±9 frames,  with 5±4 points movable_object.pushable_pullable: 3 instances, each instance spans to 23±11 frames,  with 11±16 points static_object.bicycle_rack: 2 instances, each instance spans to 20±6 frames,  with 81±136 points vehicle.bus.bendy: 2 instances, each instance spans to 28±9 frames,  with 698±1582 points vehicle.trailer: 2 instances, each instance spans to 29±12 frames,  with 218±124 points human.pedestrian.personal_mobility: 1 instances, each instance spans to 25±0 frames,  with 137±149 points human.pedestrian.police_officer: 1 instances, each instance spans to 10±0 frames,  with 6±4 points movable_object.debris: 1 instances, each instance spans to 13±0 frames,  with 4±2 points animal: 0 instances, each instance spans to 0±0 frames,  with 0±0 points human.pedestrian.stroller: 0 instances, each instance spans to 0±0 frames,  with 0±0 points human.pedestrian.wheelchair: 0 instances, each instance spans to 0±0 frames,  with 0±0 points vehicle.emergency.ambulance: 0 instances, each instance spans to 0±0 frames,  with 0±0 points vehicle.emergency.police: 0 instances, each instance spans to 0±0 frames,  with 0±0 points Calculated stats for 404 point clouds in 1.5 seconds, total 875 instances, 14072 sample annotations. =====

Statistic lidarseg/panoptic

Obtain samples

 my_sample = nusc.sample[87] my_sample #Output results {'token': '6dabc0fb1df045558f802246dd186b3f', 'timestamp': 1535489300046941, 'prev': 'b7f64f73e8a548488e6d85d9b0e13242', 'next': '82597244941b4e79aa3e1e9cc6386f8b', 'scene_token': '6f83169d067343658251f72e1dd17dbc', 'data': {'RADAR_FRONT': '020ecc01ab674ebabd3efbeb651800a8', 'RADAR_FRONT_LEFT': '8608ece15310417183a4ce928acc9d92', 'RADAR_FRONT_RIGHT': '7900c7855d7f41e99c047b08fac73f07', 'RADAR_BACK_LEFT': 'e7fa0148f1554603b19ce1c2f98dd629', 'RADAR_BACK_RIGHT': '7c1c8f579be9458fa5ac2f48d001ecf3', 'LIDAR_TOP': 'd219ffa9b4ce492c8b8059db9d8b3166', 'CAM_FRONT': '435543e1321b411ea5c930633e0883d9', 'CAM_FRONT_RIGHT': '12ed78f3bf934630a952f3259861877a', 'CAM_BACK_RIGHT': '3486d5847c244722a8ed7d943d8b9200', 'CAM_BACK': '365e64003ab743b3ae9ffc7ddb68872f', 'CAM_BACK_LEFT': '20a0bc8f862d456b8bf27be30dbbb8dc', 'CAM_FRONT_LEFT': '31ff0404d9d941d7870f9942180f67c7'}, 'anns': ['cc2956dbf55b4e8cb65e61189266f14f', '4843546cff85496894aa43d04362c435', ... '0629ad31311f4a5ab1338c8ac929d109']}

use get_sample_lidarseg_stats To obtain the sample statistics of lidarseg

 # nuscenes-lidarseg nusc.get_sample_lidarseg_stats(my_sample['token'],  sort_by='count') #Output results ===== Statistics for 6dabc0fb1df045558f802246dd186b3f ===== fourteen vehicle.bicycle                          n=           9 eleven movable_object.pushable_pullable         n=          11 zero noise                                    n=          62 two human.pedestrian.adult                   n=          71 sixteen vehicle.bus.rigid                        n=         105 nine movable_object.barrier                   n=         280 twenty-two vehicle.trailer                          n=         302 thirty static.vegetation                        n=         330 twenty-three vehicle.truck                            n=       1,229 twenty-six flat.sidewalk                            n=       1,310 twenty-five flat.other                               n=       1,495 seventeen vehicle.car                              n=       3,291 twenty-eight static.manmade                           n=       4,650 twenty-four flat.driveable_surface                   n=       9,884 thirty-one vehicle.ego                              n=      11,723 ===========================================================

Similarly, by adding gt_from='panoptic' , we can use the same function to obtain the category frequency count using the panoptic dataset. As in list_lidarseg_categories() As mentioned in, the point count may be slightly different from lidarseg, because in panoptic, the overlap point of multiple instances is set to noise.

 # Panoptic nuScenes nusc.get_sample_lidarseg_stats(my_sample['token'],  sort_by='count', gt_from='panoptic') #Output results ===== Statistics for 6dabc0fb1df045558f802246dd186b3f ===== eleven movable_object.pushable_pullable         n=           9 fourteen vehicle.bicycle                          n=           9 two human.pedestrian.adult                   n=          62 sixteen vehicle.bus.rigid                        n=         103 zero noise                                    n=         234 nine movable_object.barrier                   n=         255 twenty-two vehicle.trailer                          n=         298 thirty static.vegetation                        n=         330 twenty-three vehicle.truck                            n=       1,149 twenty-six flat.sidewalk                            n=       1,310 twenty-five flat.other                               n=       1,495 seventeen vehicle.car                              n=       3,241 twenty-eight static.manmade                           n=       4,650 twenty-four flat.driveable_surface                   n=       9,884 thirty-one vehicle.ego                              n=      11,723 ===========================================================

Render with lidarseg

set up show_lidarseg=True , to display the class label of pointcloud

 sample_data_token = my_sample['data']['LIDAR_TOP'] nusc.render_sample_data(sample_data_token, with_anns=False, show_lidarseg=True)


set up with_anns=True , you can see that the vehicle is marked

 sample_data_token = my_sample['data']['LIDAR_TOP'] nusc.render_sample_data(sample_data_token, with_anns=True, show_lidarseg=True)


But what if we only want to focus on specific categories? Based on the previously printed point cloud statistics, suppose we are only interested in trucks and trailers. You can view the category indexes belonging to these categories from the statistical data, and then pass the array of these indexes to the filter_lidarseg_labels function, as shown below:

 nusc.render_sample_data(sample_data_token, with_anns=False, show_lidarseg=True, filter_lidarseg_labels=[22, 23])


As shown in the above figure, only the points in the point cloud belonging to trucks and trailers are filtered out to meet your viewing needs. In addition, you can also use the show_lidarseg_legend Displays a legend that indicates the color of each class.

 nusc.render_sample_data(sample_data_token, with_anns=False, show_lidarseg=True, show_lidarseg_legend=True)


Rendering with panoptic

Similar to lidarseg, the same function is used to render panoptic tags (panorama tags). The difference between parameters is show_panoptic=True By default, show_lidarseg and show_panoptic Are set to False If both are set to True , i.e show_lidarseg=True , show_panoptic=True , Lidarseg will render first.

 sample_data_token = my_sample['data']['LIDAR_TOP'] nusc.render_sample_data(sample_data_token, with_anns=False, show_lidarseg=False, show_panoptic=True)


We can see that different vehicle instances from the same category will be displayed in a unique color. Similarly, we can use filter_lidarseg_labels Function, and set show_lidarseg_legend=True To display Panoptic tags for specific objects and item categories, as well as category legends. Note that these two parameters are also shared between lidarseg and panoptic datasets. Only the legend of the item category will be displayed, because the object instances of the same category have different colors.

 # show trucks,  trailers and drivable_surface nusc.render_sample_data(sample_data_token, with_anns=False, show_panoptic=True, filter_lidarseg_labels=[22, 23, 24])


 # show stuff category legends nusc.render_sample_data(sample_data_token, with_anns=False, show_lidarseg=False, show_lidarseg_legend=True, show_panoptic=True)



Render Image

If we want to overlay the point cloud with the corresponding image from the camera, we can use render_pointcloud_in_image Function, as in the original nuScenes devkit, but set show_lidarseg=True (Remember to set render_intensity=False )。 be similar to render_sample_data , you can use filter_lidarseg_labels To filter only specific categories. We can also use show_lidarseg_legend To display the legend in the rendering.

 # nuscenes-lidarseg nusc.render_pointcloud_in_image(my_sample['token'], pointsensor_channel='LIDAR_TOP', camera_channel='CAM_BACK', render_intensity=False, show_lidarseg=True, filter_lidarseg_labels=[22, 23, 24], show_lidarseg_legend=True)


Similarly, this function supports show_panoptic=True Mode, the Panoptic tag will be displayed instead of the semantic tag. Only the legend of the item category will be displayed.

 # Panoptic nuScenes nusc.render_pointcloud_in_image(my_sample['token'], pointsensor_channel='LIDAR_TOP', camera_channel='CAM_BACK', render_intensity=False, show_lidarseg=False, filter_lidarseg_labels=[17,22, 23, 24], show_lidarseg_legend=True, show_panoptic=True)


Render sample

Of course, just like in the original nuScenes devkit, we can use the render_sample function to render all sensors at once. In the extended nuScenes devkit, you can set show_lidarseg=True To view the lidarseg tag. Similar to the above method, you can use filter_lidarseg_labels To display only the categories we want to see.

 # nuscenes-lidarseg nusc.render_sample(my_sample['token'], show_lidarseg=True, filter_lidarseg_labels=[22, 23])


Display panoptic tag, just set show_panoptic=True

 # Panoptic nuScenes nusc.render_sample(my_sample['token'], show_lidarseg=False, filter_lidarseg_labels=[17, 23, 24], show_panoptic=True)


Render a sensor

We can also use the lidarseg tag of the camera we choose to render the entire scene (the filter_lidarseg_labels parameter can also be used here). Let's choose a scenario:

 my_scene = nusc.scene[0] my_scene #Output results {'token': 'cc8c0bf57f984915a77078b10eb33198', 'log_token': '7e25a2c8ea1f41c5b0da1e69ecfa71a2', 'nbr_samples': 39, 'first_sample_token': 'ca9a282c9e77460f8360f564131a8af5', 'last_sample_token': 'ed5fc18c31904f96a8f0dbb99ff069c0', 'name': 'scene-0061', 'description': 'Parked truck,  construction, intersection, turn left, following a van'}

Then we pass the scene token to render_scene_channel_lidarseg , set here filter_lidarseg_labels=[18, 28] , which means that we are only interested in building vehicles and man-made objects (here, we set v erbose=True To generate a window that can randomly display frames).

In addition, we can use dpi (adjust the size of the laser point) and imsize (adjust the size of the rendered image) to adjust the rendering effect.

 # nuscenes-lidarseg import os nusc.render_scene_channel_lidarseg(my_scene['token'],  'CAM_FRONT',  filter_lidarseg_labels=[18, 28], verbose=True,  dpi=100, imsize=(1280, 720))

add to show_panoptic=True , this function also applies to the panoptic tag

 # nuscenes-panoptic import os nusc.render_scene_channel_lidarseg(my_scene['token'],  'CAM_BACK',  filter_lidarseg_labels=[18, 24, 28], verbose=True,  dpi=100, imsize=(1280, 720), show_panoptic=True)

To save the rendered results, we can use the out_folder The parameter passes the path to the folder where you want to save the image, and selects video or image through the render_mode parameter.

 # nuscenes-lidarseg nusc.render_scene_channel_lidarseg(my_scene['token'], 'CAM_BACK', filter_lidarseg_labels=[18, 28], verbose=True, dpi=100, imsize=(1280, 720), render_mode='video', out_folder=os.path.expanduser('video_image'))

Render all sensors

We can also render the entire scene of all cameras into videos with lidarseg tags at one time. Suppose that in this case, we are interested in points belonging to roadable roads and cars.

 # nuscenes-lidarseg nusc.render_scene_lidarseg(my_scene['token'],  filter_lidarseg_labels=[17, 24], verbose=True, dpi=100)


 # Panoptic nuScenes nusc.render_scene_lidarseg(my_scene['token'],  filter_lidarseg_labels=[17, 24], verbose=True, dpi=100, show_panoptic=True)


Render LiDAR segmentation prediction

In all the above functions, the labels of the rendered LiDAR point clouds are the ground truth. If you have trained a model to segment LiDAR point clouds and run the model on the nuScenes lidarseg dataset, you can also use nuScenes lidarseg to visualize the prediction results of the model!

 import os my_sample = nusc.sample[87] sample_data_token = my_sample['data']['LIDAR_TOP'] my_predictions_bin_file = os.path.join('/Users/lau/data_sets/v1.0-mini/lidarseg/v1.0-mini',  sample_data_token + '_lidarseg.bin') nusc.render_pointcloud_in_image(my_sample['token'], pointsensor_channel='LIDAR_TOP', camera_channel='CAM_BACK', render_intensity=False, show_lidarseg=True, filter_lidarseg_labels=[22, 23], show_lidarseg_legend=True, lidarseg_preds_bin_path=my_predictions_bin_file)


For those functions that render the entire scene, we need to use the lidarseg_preds_folder The parameter passes the path of the folder containing the. bin file of each sample in the scene:

 my_scene = nusc.scene[0] my_folder_of_predictions = '/Users/lau/data_sets/v1.0-mini/lidarseg/v1.0-mini' nusc.render_scene_channel_lidarseg(my_scene['token'],  'CAM_BACK',  filter_lidarseg_labels=[17, 24], verbose=True,  imsize=(1280, 720), lidarseg_preds_folder=my_folder_of_predictions)

Render LiDAR panoramic prediction

Similarly, we can also render Panoptic prediction results

 import os my_sample = nusc.sample[87] sample_data_token = my_sample['data']['LIDAR_TOP'] my_predictions_bin_file = os.path.join('/Users/lau/data_sets/v1.0-mini/panoptic/v1.0-mini',  sample_data_token + '_panoptic.npz') nusc.render_pointcloud_in_image(my_sample['token'], pointsensor_channel='LIDAR_TOP', camera_channel='CAM_BACK', render_intensity=False, show_lidarseg=False, filter_lidarseg_labels=[17,22, 23, 24], show_lidarseg_legend=True, lidarseg_preds_bin_path=my_predictions_bin_file, show_panoptic=True)


For those functions that render the entire scene, we need to use the lidarseg_preds_folder Parameter transfer includes .npz Folder path of file:

 my_scene = nusc.scene[0] my_folder_of_predictions = '/Users/lau/data_sets/v1.0-mini/panoptic/v1.0-mini' nusc.render_scene_channel_lidarseg(my_scene['token'],  'CAM_BACK',  filter_lidarseg_labels=[9, 18, 24, 28], verbose=True,  imsize=(1280, 720), lidarseg_preds_folder=my_folder_of_predictions, show_panoptic=True)

reference resources
