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Ningbo Huadi Zhengmei Hubei Huaming Group Cooperation Signing Ceremony was successfully held!
Source: Leju House 2024-05-08 15:58:19

On May 8, the signing ceremony of the cooperation between Ningbo Huadi Zhengmei and Hubei Huaming Group for "Living in a New Era, Win the Future Together" was held in the Jingshan Project Sales Center! All colleagues of Ningbo Huadi Zhengmei and Hubei Huaming Group gathered together to witness the grand signing ceremony of cooperation between the two companies.

Chen Zheng, General Manager of Ningbo Huadi Zhengmei, and Luo Hua, Chairman of Hubei Huaming Group, shook hands and successfully signed the contract

Modern human settlements are not only to meet the living needs, but also the sustenance of the identity and emotion of the residents. The upgrading of housing is the trend of the times. Many of us spend all our lives looking for the ideal residence in our hearts to reflect their value in life. They don't only need a physical residence, but also want a spiritual fortress to release feelings and carry emotions. This inner voice grows in proportion with the rising wealth.

The Jingshan project is an epoch-making work of Hubei Huaming Group entering Jingshan, which will open a new era for Jingshan Habitat. The total construction area of the Jingshan project is about 130000 ㎡. Several top level teams work together and introduce the leading S-Park residential concept into Jingshan for the first time. The main area is 111-138 ㎡. Through excellent house type design and floor area ratio sacrifice, every household has a terrace and garden, and superior educational resources and star property services will set off a "new era of living" in Jingshan The house buying boom of.

The Jingshan project is also the first cooperation between Ningbo Huadi Zhengmei and Hubei Huaming Group. The official signing of the Jingshan project marks that the development of Ningbo Huadi Zhengmei in Hubei has entered a fast lane, which is also the "sixth child" of Ningbo Huadi Zhengmei's deep cultivation in Hubei. Ningbo Huadi Zhengmei was founded in 2015. The company has always taken "making beauty for real estate" as its corporate mission, "getting together more happily" as its development philosophy, and "China's professional marketing agency for composite real estate" as its goal. It has gathered excellent teams in the real estate industry to provide professional advisory services for customers. Considering and responsible for customers, Ningbo Huadi Zhengmei hopes to become a trustworthy partner and friend of real estate customers forever.

The successful signing of this cooperation agreement will become a new starting point for Ningbo Huadi Zhengmei and Hubei Huaming Group to expand exchanges and strengthen cooperation, and a grand meeting for mutual benefit and win-win development. We believe that the new era of living for Jingshan people has come, and Jingshan projects will certainly set off a rush of buying in Jingshan!

VIP hotline: 0724-7580000

Project address: No. 100 Qingji Avenue, Jingshan City

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