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Taiwan VPS ECS rental merchants can choose Taiwan native IP addresses

In the selection of cloud server rooms in Asia, we still see more computer rooms in mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea, as well as Singapore and Malaysia in Southeast Asia. There are relatively few VPS server rooms in Taiwan, after all, there are relatively few service providers. Of course, some friends need Taiwan VPS servers if they need Hong Kong and Taiwan services. Here we also sort out several ECS servers and VPS hosts that provide Taiwan machine rooms, as well as native IP and mainland optimized lines.

In general, there are many niche VPS hosts in Taiwan, so we should pay attention to data backup when selecting.

1. Jindou Cloud Taiwan ECS

Jindou Cloud, an old Taiwanese host company, provides cloud servers, independent servers and cloud server hosting services in Hong Kong, Taiwan, the United States and other regions. Data center lines include international lines and optimized lines on the mainland. There are native Taiwan IP addresses that can unlock streaming media, and friends who need Taiwan servers can look at them. After all, there are few native Taiwan IP addresses and servers, and you can see the 1G bandwidth of ECS.

 Jindou Cloud Taiwan ECS
CPU Memory SSD Monthly flow bandwidth Monthly payment purchase
1 core 1G 25G 500G 1Gbps $20.40 link
1 core 2G 50G 1TB 1Gbps $40.80 link
2 cores 4G 80G 2TB 1Gbps $81.60 link
4-core 8G 160G 3TB 1Gbps $163.2 link
6 cores 16G 320G 4TB 1Gbps $326.4 link

Jindou Cloud's China Direct Transit line cooperates with mainland operators China Telecom, China Mobile and China Unicom to provide efficient and low latency routing services for China Direct Connect (AS4134, AS4837, AS9808). At the same time, there is also an international route scheme for Taiwan ECS.

2. Taiwan VPS host of Smart Trade Cloud

Smart Trade Cloud, a host provider specializing in VPS in Taiwan, mainly provides cross-border, e-commerce, foreign trade and other business solutions for users in mainland China. The bandwidth adopts 1000Mbps ultra large bandwidth (shared), and the optimized network in mainland China is adopted, so the access speed is fast. The Taiwan VPS of Smart Trade Cloud is connected to the optimized network in mainland China.

 Taiwan VPS host of Smart Trade Cloud
CPU Memory SSD Monthly flow bandwidth Monthly payment purchase
1 core 256MB 10G 200G 1000Mbps 149 yuan link
1 core 512MB 20G 500G 1000Mbps 298 yuan link
2 cores 2G 50G 800G 1000Mbps 596 yuan link
2 cores 4G 100G 1000G 1000Mbps 1192 yuan link

3. Serverfield Taiwan VPS host

Serverfield, A Taiwan host merchant registered and founded in 2015, mainly engaged in VPS and independent service sales. The popular ones are Taiwan computer rooms and Turkish computer rooms. Taiwan computer rooms are directly connected to three networks, with 100Mbps bandwidth, good lines, and good domestic speed. The monthly payment starts at $11.99.

 Serverfield Taiwan VPS host
CPU Memory SSD bandwidth flow IP Price purchase
1 core 512M 10G 10M 100G/month one $11.99/month choice
1 core 1G 10G 100M 250G/month one $16.99/month choice
1 core 2G 20G 100M 500G/month one $36.99/month choice
2 cores 4G 40G 100M 1000G/month one $51.99/month choice

Serverfield Taiwan VPS uses Taiwan Hinet machine room.

Here, Mr. Jiang sorted out several Taiwan VPS hosting companies. If we need to choose one, we can refer to it.

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