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Which is cheaper for personal ECS? Suggestions on AliCloud and Tencent ECS selection

Which is cheaper for personal ECS? By the end of the year, the promotion activities of various cloud service providers had begun, and some of our individual users began to have certain demands and expectations for choosing cloud servers. Which service provider would be appropriate. For example, the relatively large servers in China include Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud. How do we judge and select these two server vendors. We choose ECS because of its low cost performance and stability.

What issues do we usually pay attention to when we choose ECS.

1. Cost effective

Cheap is the original intention that many of us choose servers. After all, the budget is certainly not as large as that of enterprises, so we try our best to choose cheap servers. However, some small service providers and personal service providers are cheap, but their stability is poor. Therefore, we more recommend to identify top stream service providers such as Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud. In terms of price, we try our best to participate in promotional activities.

In particular, the first order activity of new people is relatively cheap.

2. Renewal discount

We need to consider not only the new purchase discount, but also the renewal discount. It can't be said that the first year is cheap, the renewal price is several times the price, and once we file, it is basically difficult to transfer out. According to the filing policy, if you transfer out access, you need to shut down. Of course, different service providers have different policies. Therefore, we also need to consider whether the merchants have certain discounts when renewing.

3. Stability problems

As long as we choose mainstream service providers, stability is basically not considered. For example, the stability of Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud service providers we target can be guaranteed. Of course, we should also pay attention to the choice of domestic servers. I don't recommend choosing overseas servers from these service providers, but I suggest choosing overseas host companies for overseas server rooms.

Based on these considerations, let's take a look at the benefits of Tencent Cloud and Alibaba Cloud servers.

1. AliCloud server

Alibaba Cloud's recent promotional activities are not very strong, but there are still some discounts for new customers.

Alibaba Cloud new customers can enjoy a discount of 200 yuan for ECS, which is suitable for entry-level users to choose from 1G memory. Generally, it is sufficient for us to configure 1G1M for a personal website. If it is insufficient in the future, you can upgrade the configuration.

For the renewal of AliCloud servers, there are also some discounts in the past two years, for example, the renewal fee is as low as 60%.

2. Tencent ECS

Comparatively speaking, Tencent ECS offers a stronger discount than Alibaba Cloud, which is also due to the fact that Alibaba Cloud's base is currently NO1 of cloud service providers, and Tencent Cloud also needs to catch up with the number of users, so it gives more discounts.

Tencent Cloud is also more preferential for new customers. At present, cloud servers and lightweight servers of Tencent Cloud are relatively good products. If we use lightweight servers for initial purposes, it is better to give more bandwidth, but the traffic is limited. The initial traffic is enough.

In conclusion, the two service providers are more optional for users. It depends on whether we have other products in Alibaba Cloud or Tencent Cloud. The ecology of both is relatively complete. I prefer Tencent Cloud.

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