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The latest FriendHosting European ECS discount code - optional for multiple European VDS rooms

FriendHosting host companies have been selected and used by some netizens in recent years, mainly because this service provider provides a variety of European computer rooms, which is suitable for projects that need European computer room cloud servers. FriendHosting merchants will also release promotional activities from time to time, which are suitable for new and old customers to renew. If we need to choose, we can refer to them.

 The latest FriendHosting European ECS discount code - optional for multiple European VDS rooms

Here, Chiang collates the latest FriendHosting discount code. Although businesses also have virtual hosts, the virtual host only has a Dutch machine room. We prefer VDS, which includes ordinary HDDs and SSD hard disks.

First, the latest FriendHosting discount code

The activity is up to May 17. If necessary, we can follow the activities of new and old customers.

1. New Order

Don't miss ordering VDS or virtual host at 40% discount, use promotion code Year15 To get a discount.

Second, sorting out common FriendHosting packages

1. SSD hard disk scheme

Memory CPU SSD flow bandwidth Price purchase
512M 1 core 5G unlimited 100M € 2.99/month link
1G 1 core 10G unlimited 100M € 4.49/month link
2G 2 cores 20G unlimited 100M € 8.49/month link
4G 4-core 35G unlimited 100M € 17.25/month link
8G 8 cores 70G unlimited 100M € 34.49/month link
16G 8 cores 120G unlimited 100M € 54.99/month link
24G 10 cores 180G unlimited 100M € 74.99/month link
32G 12 cores 240G unlimited 100M € 99.99/month link

2. HDD hard disk scheme

Memory CPU Hard disk flow bandwidth Price purchase
512M 1 core 100G unlimited 100M € 2.99/month link
1G 1 core 250G unlimited 100M € 4.49/month link
2G 2 cores 500G unlimited 100M € 8.49/month link
4G 4-core 1T unlimited 100M € 16.99/month link
8G 8 cores 2T unlimited 100M € 34.49/month link
16G 8 cores 4T unlimited 100M € 54.99/month link
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