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WordPress limited and free Hostzine theme is suitable for host sales websites

The theme of the themeforest in February is a good one. For example, if we need to build a host sales website, we can use the Hostzine host theme. It is provided to integrate WHMCS and use the Elementor architecture page. At present, the theme has five home page styles. Of course, if we want to use it, we recommend using English host websites. Chinese users have slightly different habits.

 WordPress limited and free Hostzine theme is suitable for host sales websites

Let's take a look at the features of this host theme:

5 unique home pages
One button installation
WHMCS support
Domain Search
Drag and drop Page Builder
Elementor Custom Element
Super menu support
WeForms support
MailChimp support
Comprehensive response
Search engine optimization
Real time customizer
Unlimited color styles
Animate any element
W3C HTML Valid Code
Cross browser support
Attached Documents
Supports all Google fonts
Font icon
WooCommerce support

Then let's take a look at some of the demonstration effects.

Theme download:

Official download of theme (limited and free)

This theme can be downloaded for free in February 2021. If we can't download or expire, we can follow the official account "webmaster affairs" and ask Chiang for the backup version. These free themes are backed up by Chiang Kai shek. Of course, the copyright belongs to the official. Free themes do not support subsequent upgrades. If they are available, you can buy the latest version in the future.

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