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Comprehensively interpret Tencent Cloud Double 11 in 2020 for new and old users/new purchase and renewal

From today, the one month long Tencent Cloud Double 11 promotion activity in 2020 officially started. Whether our personal webmasters or enterprise users, cloud product purchase during the Double 11 Festival should be considered as the largest discount and the widest coverage of activities in a year. Today, we spend some time to interpret the products and policies involved in the Tencent Cloud Double 11 promotional activities in detail.

In particular, it can help our novice webmasters to choose Tencent ECS, cloud database, CDN, object storage website building products, as well as video and audio storage and other product applications needed by our media. this year Tencent Cloud Double 11 Activity The efforts are still quite strong, especially taking care of new and old users, new purchase and renewal. This is really much better than Alibaba Cloud and deserves praise.

Visit the official activities of Tencent Cloud Double 11 in 2020

The activity has started, as of November 30. It is recommended that new users enjoy lower discounts. We interpret the activities one by one.

First, time limited second killing of popular models

This quick kill activity basically belongs to the routine of Tencent Cloud Push project. What we have seen before is that only new users can enjoy the discount of instant sales, and this year old users can also enjoy it. This is really a work of conscience.

We can see that annotations can be selected by new users, and also by old users who are not marked. Of course, it is recommended to choose three years, with a lower discount. ECS regions can be seen above.

Second, exclusive for new enterprise users

Enterprise users seem to have more preferential policies for new users than for old users. It can be seen that businesses are attracting enterprises to the cloud. If we are enterprise users, we will register with enterprise accounts, and the products of the enterprise are relatively rich.

Third, renewal and upgrade purchase of old users

In advance purchase activities( here )We also mentioned that the renewal discount is indeed conscientious. During the official activity period, there will continue to be discounts for renewal, but the amount is limited. At the same time, if we want to upgrade bandwidth and attach data disks, there are also discounts.

Fourth, enterprise solutions

There are many solutions and products. For example, we can see that the new lightweight server of Tencent Cloud only costs 130 yuan per year and is configured with 3M bandwidth. For example, there are enterprise application products such as audio and video.

Fifth, free vouchers and lottery

This year, Tencent Cloud added a new full gift activity. For example, a voucher of 100 yuan will be given for an order of 1000 yuan, and there is no threshold, which is equivalent to another 10% discount. There is also a lottery.

In conclusion, the above is all Tencent Cloud Double 11 activities. Old Jiang has made a detailed interpretation. We can choose whether you want to buy a new one or renew it or upgrade it according to the actual needs. New purchase offers are lower, so you need to find a way to register to a new account.

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