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Native IP VPS host of Malaysian family residence recommended to unlock foreign trade and streaming media in Southeast Asia

Nowadays, many of our friends' business has gone overseas, for example, the foreign trade business in Southeast Asia has been extremely hot in recent years. Of course, we must choose servers in those regions for our business, especially native IP and home IP, which are particularly popular. Here we will introduce VPS hosts from ZoroCloud service provider Malaysia home IP, which we can choose if necessary.

Malaysia's native IP home VPS host, which unlocks the streaming media platform and is suitable for overseas We Media and short video use, is suitable for installing Windows and Linux systems, and can be used if we need Southeast Asia's foreign trade and We Media business.

core Memory Hard disk bandwidth Monthly payment purchase
1 core 1G 20G 100M 59 yuan link
2 cores 2G 40G 200M 99 yuan link
4-core 4G 80G 200M 188 yuan link
4-core 8G 120G 200M 368 yuan link
8 cores 16G 160G 300M 638 yuan link
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