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Earth Dog Browser

 Earth Dog Browser Illustration
iguang Submitted on 2023-03-28 18:24:55

Second startup, no push, simple interface, no advertising (search engine, advertising on the web page is not the software itself, the software itself has no advertising plug-in), built-in Chinese expansion system, functions
Not enough to write their own extensions, Chinese programming language, in addition to the use of normal efficiency tools
In addition, it can also meet the needs of some non computer majors who want to learn software development
Small script, applet.
 Earth Dog Browser Illustration 1
The operation interface is simple,
Support line definition, custom font, custom logo, and random replacement of background wallpaper
It is designed to be your favorite UI screen.
Support m3u8 video download
Support DLNA TV projection function
Support suspension player+long press speed doubling function
Support compatible monkey oil script function
Support for powerful ADB advertisement filtering plug-in
Support user-defined extension: light station, plug-in, script, etc.
Support aggregate search, multiple engines and efficient browsing experience
Support the function of reviewing elements and be able to modify web content at will
Support long press fast search, select text translation and global translation
Support setting third-party downloaders, such as IDM and ADM, as the default browser
Support light station applet functions that can be developed directly in APP and on a zero basis
Support switching of multi-core browsers 12. Innovative hidden gesture operation. In the era of large screen, one hand can still operate freely
Support independent website settings, UA settings, simple element review elements (support HTML and JSON highlighted formatting)
And some common browser functions


Software release: Bitter Melon Sweet Blog

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