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Bitter Melon Sweet Blog was officially launched for trial operation

Hello, everyone!

The Bitter Melon Sweet Chinese Blog is officially launched for trial run. Welcome netizens to settle in the small blog and download your favorite software!

Blog Domain Name“ Balsam pear is sweet ”Complete spelling, easy to remember.

 Bitter Melon Sweet Blog Officially Launched for Trial Operation

◇ Love Software is specialized in Chinese, refined, packaged and happy to share

◆ Senior original and elaborate

◇ Professional because of focus

◆ Online gathering of high-quality resources in Bitter Melon Sweet Blog

 Bitter Melon Sweet Blog Officially Launched for Trial Operation Illustration 1

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Article name: Official Launch of Bitter Melon Sweet Blog
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  1. #0

    Today, I successfully registered with QQ email. Always prompt that you have registered with NetEase email. Thank you, teacher. :cy:  :ws:

    csmhxl 2 months ago (04-28) Friends from China  Google Browser  Windows 10
  2. #0

    First of all, congratulations to the teacher. Once again, your blog guest could not register successfully. After trying several names, he always said that he had already registered. I use the QQ email.

    lhr0802 Four years ago (2020-02-22) Friends from China  Google Browser  Windows 7
  3. #0

    Congratulations, balsam pear teacher Congratulations

    changhe Four years ago (2020-02-22) Friends from China  Google Browser  Windows 10
  4. #0

    Congratulations on Momordica charantia teacher having his own nest

    kuguahaotian Four years ago (2020-02-22) Friends from China  Sogou browser  Windows 7
  5. #0

    Hello, teacher, congratulations on setting up a blog!
    One small suggestion is to add a contribution portal to facilitate the supplement of the software library!:)

    MapleSugar Four years ago (2020-02-22) Friends from China  Google Browser  Windows 10
    • @ MapleSugar Thank you for your suggestion. This function will be opened later.

      Balsam pear is sweet Four years ago (2020-02-22) Friends from China  Google Browser  Windows 10
  6. #0


    Learning from powerful countries Four years ago (2020-02-21) Friends from China  Google Browser  Windows 10
  7. #0

    Your blog cannot register and retrieve your password.

    xzf Four years ago (2020-02-21) Friends from China  Firefox 5.0  Windows 10

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