What difficulties do enterprises encounter in express delivery management?
No process management, low efficiency of manual operation

Employees place orders in various ways, which cannot be managed in a unified way. The monthly settlement number is open, and employees can send them privately

The efficiency of manual notification of arrival is low, and employees need to be reminded repeatedly for slow pickup

The account records are still used for express delivery sign in, so it is difficult to trace the source of the problem

Unidirectional reconciliation of expenses without records is prone to errors

There is no system bill record, and it can only be split to each department for one-way reconciliation according to the bill of the express company, which is inefficient to confirm one by one

The number of bills is huge, and manual processing is prone to errors

Some employees send the documents anonymously, which makes it difficult for them to correspond with the bill

Unlimited use and waste of express fees

There is no limit to the selection of express companies. Employees can choose any express to send low value goods, which causes waste of express costs

Executives cannot place express delivery management in the service and process, nor can they achieve trust in the enterprise

Security is not guaranteed, and enterprise security is challenged

The enterprise lacks a standardized process for sending and receiving express delivery and a unified external interface. The enterprise personnel and information contact with external couriers directly, unable to control the intermediate process, which poses challenges to enterprise information security and talent security

Rich express management products and services
  • Dispatch management

  • Preferential mail

  • Arrival management

  • Reconciliation and settlement

  • Basic Settings

  • System docking

Dispatch management

Unified order entry, reserved throughout the order, a set of systems to manage all express delivery, personnel can be checked, the cost attribution is clear, and can be summarized and exported at any time
Send and check
Support single/batch delivery of enterprise monthly settlement express, express bill printing, logistics track checking, and unified management of delivery list
Permission management
Support sending review, expense attribution setting, public/private sending differentiation, and permission management
Preferential mail
Official cooperative express company, with discount price, guaranteed service and on-demand service, can be used as a supplement to enterprise monthly settlement express
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From 6.5 yuan

There is no need for a monthly settlement account, no high pre charge requirements, and the mailing list can enjoy a discount
Multi express brand
Support Shunfeng, Deppon, Jingdong, Yuantong, Shentong, Zhongtong, Yunda Express. Other express brands are on the shelves in succession
Recharge gift
A maximum of 400 yuan can be given as a free gift. Multiple packages are optional. The free amount can be used to deduct the shipping order fee
Online invoicing
Charging on demand, online wallet function, enterprises can invoice at any time
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Arrival management

The system automatically enters the identification and sends the notice; Automatically send the notice of urging for collection in case of overtime, effectively reducing the number of detained parts; Employees are free from express phone calls to enhance the company's information and talent security
Arrival warehousing
Automatic identification of express bill number, OCR identification, and monthly settlement upon arrival can be marked as entry sheet
Notice of arrival
Automatic message notification, timed reminder of overtime non pickup, editable message template
Employee sign in
Support the signature of the person, and others sign on behalf of the person. The signature is kept in the background, and the problems can be traced
Small post office management
It can provide a full set of system management functions such as shelf management, picking code, express bill printing assistance, etc. required by small post offices
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Reconciliation and settlement

The organization structure of affiliated enterprises and the settlement account number of the express company automatically generate bills for two-way reconciliation and settlement with the express company, and realize automatic accounting of expenses by department/item through financial system integration
Automatic recording
Automatically record the sending/receiving department, corresponding personnel and expenses, which can be associated with the expense department or cost center
Expense reconciliation
Import supplier bills to realize two-way reconciliation, mark bill variance data, and modify smart reconciliation in real time to export variance bills
Automatically generate bills for each department and cost center. The bills can be mapped to employees, and you can view the detailed data of bills at all levels
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Basic Settings

  • Realize all-round management, cost control and optimization of enterprise express
  • Support unified management of multiple departments, multiple workplaces, branches and subsidiaries
  • Support account permission setting and sending approval, and effectively control the cost of express delivery
  • Support multi express company management, price list maintenance, and collection and mailing rule settings
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Connect the express management link with other systems
It can greatly enhance the added value of various enterprise management systems

It can synchronize the express bill with the cost center and reduce the difficulty of financial write off processing

It can synchronize the financial delivery of invoices, contracts, vouchers and articles to the system and backfill information.

CRM customer management system
It can realize data synchronization and one click sending of samples, gifts and other items sent by customers
ERP system
It can realize data synchronization and real-time management between supply chain express delivery
OA collaborative office system
It can realize data synchronization of organization structure management, mail approval, permission setting, etc
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Advanced selection of advanced enterprises Innovative application of all employees at enterprise level

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Industry solutions

The system is more convenient to use

It supports the integration of enterprise owned systems, has been launched on various OA platforms, and is more convenient to use
 Enterprise WeChat integration
Enterprise WeChat
 Flybook integration
anonymous letter
 Cloud Home Integration
Cloud Home
 Enterprise internal system integration
system integration
Helping enterprises quickly eliminate blind spots in express delivery management and productivity black holes
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