"Classic Collection of Thought Club (14 sets in total)" Hu Bo

 Hu Bo's e-book of "The Classic Collection of Thought Club (14 sets in total)"

Press: Social Science Literature Press; 1st Edition (September 9, 2021)
Publication date: September 9, 2021
Brand: Social Science Literature Press
Language: Simplified Chinese

National Perspective

The classic works of Scott, a famous American scholar, have been well received and praised by readers and academia, and have exerted considerable influence in China's social sciences. In this book, Scott, with his unique anthropological perspective and method, reveals the logic of top-down redesign of the country in the face of nature and society, and his insights are thought-provoking. It makes a clear and original analysis of national development plans that ignore the complexity and diversity of projects and local traditions, It is of great significance to the social reform of various countries.

The Trap of Rich Countries: Why Do Developed Countries Kick Down Ladders

This book from the world history From the perspective of development, it examines how developed countries become rich and how developing countries are under great pressure from developed countries. This book is the representative work of Dr. Zhang Xiazhun, a Korean born British professor. It is full of arguments and data, and has important reference value for thinking about development strategies 30 years after China's reform. In the book, the author raises a very important question: developing countries and developed countries are actually in a very delicate relationship. Developing countries often unrealistic fantasy to get sincere help from developed countries, while developed countries everywhere prevent developing countries from climbing the stage of development.

Power and its Logic

Politics is about power and choice. Anyone who wants to understand and even master politics must know the logic behind power. For everyone, as long as they do not become reclusive self exiles, power is closely related to our daily life and work. The author of this book has more than 20 years of extensive and in-depth experience in the field of European political consultation, is familiar with the arena of power operation, and has keen and profound insight into the practice of power. From the perspective of philosophy, this book carefully combs and deeply explains the "power" in western political practice from the basic theory to specific strategies and tools, centering on the nature, manifestation and exercise of power, so as to provide readers with an honest, objective and comprehensive observation perspective to understand western power concepts and specific operations.

On Economic Sentiment

In the reconstruction of wisdom from the 1870s to the 1820s, Emma Rothschild reinterpreted the views of the great and revolutionary political economists, showing us the real economic and political thoughts of that era. These thoughts still have an important impact on us today. As a benchmark of economic history and political thought history, her book reveals the root of laissez faire economic thought and the connection between this thought and political conservatism in a noisy world.

The Queen of Gluttony: Victoria's Diet and Royal Secrets

During the Victorian period when Britain expanded its territory significantly, Queen Victoria's diet was closely related to the national power of Britain. Based on personal diaries, contemporary best sellers, work notes of palace staff, and even forbidden books, the author shows the relationship between food and the British Empire, and how royal diet affects Britain, even the world history

Ancient Egyptian Women: From Isis, the Goddess of Life, to the Last Female Pharaohs

In this fascinating book, Christian Jacques, a famous French historian of ancient Egypt, tells the stories of some famous figures, such as the female pharaohs Hatshepsut, Nefertiti, Cleopatra, and so on, and also presents many stories of ordinary ancient Egyptian women. Although their names are unknown, they also shine with freedom. With the brilliant and enthusiastic narration of Christian Jacques, all women have one thing in common: they are all descendants of Isis. Isis was the most important and powerful god in ancient Egypt, holding the secret of resurrection, so ancient Egyptian women had a position beyond the times. Even now, this book still has unique practical significance.

Dare to Be Different

Dare to Be Different is based on the author's interviews with 50 elite figures. It aims to answer a question: why some people can achieve much more in their life than others. This book takes readers back to the past 150 years of culture and business history From California in the gold rush era to Berlin in the wartime and modern Silicon Valley, from Walter? From Disney to Prince Alwaleed, from Rockefeller to Warren Buffett in Omaha... This book aims to show the uniqueness of successful people: 100% focus on goals, see problems as opportunities rather than obstacles, the more frustrated, the more brave, the more confident, and win the trust and respect of others with honesty.


"Success" is an inspiring outline book, which contains more than 100 maxims and comments on it in combination with practice. The book is unique in its humanized compilation and review. It encourages readers not to pursue perfection, but to do it by themselves, and make continuous progress and improvement in practice, which will eventually lead to success. This book is neither a professional academic literature nor a fanatical self motivation manual. On the contrary, it adopts a self critical attitude to explore what these golden sayings mean to us? How can we benefit from these classic wisdom? What values can really have an impact?

Tesla Mode

This book studies Tesla's business model in detail, and how to apply it to other companies' existing manufacturing and production strategies, analyzes the seven principles of Tesla doctrine in depth, and answers the main problems faced by enterprises today. What kind of development strategy, production mode, management and organization system should enterprises adopt? How to find a sustainable growth point in the current environment? How to attract and retain talents? How other industries and organizations apply the Tesla model... In this book, the author provides the cases of Kimberly Clark, Savi Transmission, General Electric, Bosch Group, etc. through in-depth disclosure and on-site visits, and combines the personal experience of other entrepreneurs to open a window for readers. Through this window, we will have more understanding and thinking about the definition and application of Tesla mode and the transformation of future production mode.

The Phantom Empire Byzantium: A Legendary Journey to Constantinople

In 2014, Richard Federer and his son Joey completed a trip to Istanbul. Fascinated by the brilliant, rich and complex history of the Byzantine Empire and surrounding the legendary city of Constantinople, Federer wrote this book after his journey. As a result, readers can glimpse the most unusual stories in Byzantine history, including the clash of civilizations, the fall of empires, the rise of Christianity, revenge, greed and murder. Along with the turbulent stories, the relationship between father and son is quietly transformed. History, memories and feelings are intertwined, just like mosaic pictures inlaid on the walls of the church. The rise and fall of the Byzantine Empire and the vicissitudes of Constantinople are presented to readers at a glance.

Daily life in ancient Rome: anecdotes and secret history

From an ordinary morning in 115 AD, Alberto? Alberto Angela leads readers on an extraordinary adventure in the ancient city of Rome. At this time, the Roman Empire was at the peak of power. Rome, the imperial capital, is a truly cosmopolitan metropolis. From the magnificent Domus to the crowded apartment buildings, from the noisy Roman market to the magnificent Imperial Bathing Beach, the words and expressions in Basilica, the desperate fight in the Colosseum, the Roman cocktail party, games, customs, taboos, and even secret sexual affairs are all presented in the author's works.

70 Days of Israeli History

2018 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of Israel (on May 14, 1948, the United Nations voted to recognize the founding of Israel). In this book, Salomon Marka reviews 70 very important days in the history of Israel. In this way, he introduced Israel, a country that has been plagued by war since its founding, to us, a key date in its history that is either eye-catching or significant. Israel's politics, diplomacy, international relations, as well as archaeology, culture, art, society, industry, ecology, etc. have all been re examined by the author.

Drug Testing Team: A Chemist's All out Campaign for Food Safety at the Turn of the 20th Century

In the book "Drug Testing Group", Deborah Bloom told the readers about a series of struggles that took place in the United States at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century to fight for food safety legislation, improve food supervision, and protect the rights and interests of consumers and citizens. The originator and leader of these struggles was Harvey, a chemist who stood on the side of consumers? Willie. In order to test the harmfulness of additives, Willie recruited volunteers to conduct human tests in the Chemical Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture. Therefore, it is called the "drug testing team". It was through the continuous efforts of people from all walks of life led by Willie that the first Pure Food and Drug Act of the United States was born in 1906.

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