Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra is great, but it has replaced the iPhone 14 Pro

Samsung's Galaxy S23 Ultra is really great. Its standby is at the level of the iPhone 14 Pro Max, and its signal is better than that of the iPhone. At the same time, the fluency of the One 5.1 UI and DIY playability are excellent. In addition, its camera focus and camera quality are better than that of the iPhone 14 Pro, which can be said to be the Android phone king in 2023, There is no one for me. However, after using the Android phone for a year, the daily main machine has recently changed back to the iPhone 14 Pro. reason? Look down

If I don't have an iPhone 14 Pro, I will definitely be relieved to use the Galaxy S23 Ultra. But because of the existence of the iPhone 14 Pro, I often switch back and forth between the Galaxy S23 Ultra and the iPhone 14 Pro. The times have made me worry that the SIM will be damaged one day by plugging and unplugging. Today, I finally make up my mind to use the iPhone 14 Pro as the main machine Yes, this sentence is followed by an uncertain exclamation: right.

The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra is a good mobile phone. For me, the bad thing is ecological fragmentation. It's really good and ecological. The reason why I escaped from iOS and Mac was Apple's ecological. For users, they love and hate this ecosystem. Love brings a lot of convenience. All kinds of devices are interconnected. Hate is because it binds users to death. They can only be a baby. The manufacturer can only use whatever they want, but the manufacturer often does not do so well.

The domestic ecology of Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra is torn from that of foreign countries. One mobile phone has two synchronization systems, one of which is Samsung's and Samsung's, and the other is Google's. The ecological metaphor of the National Bank of China Samsung: search with its own browser can only default to domestic search engines, and does not support foreign task search engines; All intelligent operations of Bixby only recognize its default programs, which are poorly open, and these default programs are only domestic ones, which means that the map used to only have Baidu address, but now it has added Gaode address, while music only recognizes Netease Cloud Music and Samsung's own music app, not to mention the music app for foreign tasks; Using a third-party smart watch, sorry, the data cannot be synchronized with Samsung Health; If you use a Samsung smart watch, you must use a national bank mobile phone. In order to synchronize watch data, you have to download two APPs, one from Samsung and one from Google; At the same time, Android phones do not support the MitM function, and advertising filtering is only targeted at browsers. Unless you know how to set the rules of Clash, it is also because there is no MitM function, and there is less module function like the iPhone to realize various functions: the analogy is native app video double subtitle support.

Android phones also have many advantages that are not available on iPhones: text to speech - support multiple voice engines, enable many e-book apps to support text to speech, and have a much better sense of language than Siri; Desktop super display module DIY, including icons and APP names, can be handled according to their own requirements; VPN supports tunnel mode; Many third-party browsers support the installation of extensions, which increases the playability. Although iOS also supports the installation of third-party extensions, another APP needs to be installed; It supports third-party markets and applications, and can download some "you know" apps, which is a metaphor for some copyright video apps. In addition to the large screen and grip of the Galaxy S22/23 Ultra, plus Samsung's pen, secure folder and other functions, I am very happy, so I have been using Android phones for the past year.

The reason why I recently switched back to the iPhone 14 Pro is not because of the so-called "stuck" and "standby" problems of Android phones (the Galaxy S23 Ultra does not exist in both aspects). The Galaxy S23 Ultra is perfect for me (in the Android system). Although there are some shortcomings and ecological tearing problems I mentioned above, these are not the reasons. The main reason is that there are many excellent programmers and teams in the iOS ecosystem, creating many excellent apps. As an analogy to the recent popular ChatGPT, there are also many corresponding clients on Android, but none of the customers who downloaded it are satisfied or reassuring, regardless of their ratings and downloads. On the contrary, compared with iOS ecology, it has advantages in this respect.

In addition, this year's work has changed a way of working. The main working computer has also changed from Windows to Mac OS. Recently, a Mac mini M2 has been introduced, so But I still use the Galaxy S23 Ultra in other aspects besides work, especially when I go out to take photos. I still like its focus section. I hate that the call transfer function of China Mobile can't be opened and cancelled as SMS before, and it must be manually processed by 10086 background. As a result, when I go out, I must hold two phones. That weight, alas be it so.

If you are an Android phone user, I strongly recommend purchasing the Galaxy S23 Ultra. Last year, I didn't recommend you to buy it, but I bought it. This year, I recommended you to buy it, and I already have it. If you think the price is higher, you can wait until 618 or buy S23+. Thank you for reading this

Postscript: Less than 24 hours after the release of this article, my main machine was switched back to the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, because I couldn't stand the fact that WeChat often went round and round to receive information.

Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra is great, but it has replaced the iPhone 14 Pro 》21 ideas

  1. Eric

    Fortunately, I saw the end. I particularly agree with the quality of iOS apps. Generally, Android is not easy to use, and the iOS version of a somewhat famous app often has surprises. Although I always focus on Android, the tablet and the standby computer are Apple.

    The font is very nice.

  2. Leo

    At the beginning, I rushed to Samsung S8 for its appearance, and later updated it to OneUI, which is hard to use... I have never touched Samsung again, but I really like Samsung's flagship appearance of recent generations.

  3. Xiaohuo Travel

    My god! This font is very personalized
    I guess the iPhone will return soon. The iPhone feels very good. I bought a Google Pixel 6 some time ago. After one operation, I felt that it was not very good. In China, some apps need to be given permissions that you don't want them to obtain before they can be used. Otherwise, I will give you a flash back immediately. IOS will never do this. Even if it doesn't give permissions at all, the apps will still be obedient to you.
    Well, I'm still using the iPhone 8P. It has been used for sewing and patching for many years. I just replaced the original screen some time ago. Because the 8P screen is LED, even the iPhone 11 can't match it, and it has fingerprints, and it has 3Dtouch. When can the iPhone add another LED screen and 3Dtouch?

  4. Mr.Chou

    My last Samsung mobile phone still stays in the Geshi rabbit, and now it is still eating ashes at home
    Samsung mobile phones have nothing to say in all aspects, but they are used to domestic phones and compare Samsung prices

    1. Sasa Author

      The daily interaction between them is relatively rare, and sometimes it feels like a kind of harassment. Of course, it can interact, which is certainly good.


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