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Random thoughts on taking out the other day

One of the most important points in the delivery process is to standardize the delivery of food, so that each meal has the same size and taste, otherwise it will be very troublesome for repeat customers

The willingness to make another order proves that the customer generally approves of this store. However, when it comes to "whether this meal was less delivered to me" or "whether it was less delivered to me last time", the expectation of not being satisfied at the same price will create a greater sense of gap

Another point is that people will decide the number of orders this time according to the size of the last meal. It's better to say that if they can't eat enough, it is the most troublesome thing, which will greatly affect the mood of customers.

Why is it so simple that many shopkeepers just don't understand

(Looking at half of the fried rice in hand is very sad

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