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Do something fun: use Type-C USB to serial port


I don't know why, the USB to serial port on the market would rather lead out the rarely used RTS pin than lead out the DTR pin.

The CH340G/CH340C chip clearly has this pin. Connect a 0.1uF capacitor on the DTR pin to the RST pin of ATmegaX to realize the automatic download of the Arudino system (if a board like Pro Mini is connected directly to the DTR pin, the development board has its own required capacitor), but the serial port module on Taobao basically does not use this pin.

The most ridiculous thing is that they are basically USB A ports. I wonder whether their USB HUB has several meters of cable or something. Every time, I have to connect a long strip of DuPont cable to the development board. In order to meet my own needs, I simply make a USB serial port.

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Test using Emoji on Typecho

That's it, uh

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Install Windows Terminal using Windows package management software Chocolatey


Execute in PowerShell (Administrator)

 Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient). DownloadString(' ')) choco install microsoft-windows-terminal

 Windows Terminal for WSL

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Shub Niggurath Project


We can divide the game into easy to use game and fun game, but if you use the fun game, sometimes it will be very anxious. If you lie on the bed and press the keyboard with one hand, it is actually very laborious. Grasping a mouse is a good solution, but there are too few combination keys to solve complex operations such as fast forward and fast backward file reading at a high speed. Before that, I was used by Amway to use a PPT page turning pen. Page Up is the page turning pen I bought 20 times, Page Down, Tab and Enter functions, The laser can be used to tease cats, which also leads to my fast power consumption (fog) , which can basically meet the daily needs, but the feel is too soft, and it is not comfortable to use. I started to make this project under the influence of K.

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